Anyone here have a receding hairline? I've been told there's "mature hairline" or male pattern baldness.

So far I'd thought I had the former, but after analyzing my hairline, it really looks like the corners near the temple are much thinner than the center. Can anyone offer advice on products or techniques to restore/prevent hairloss? Any help is appreciated!

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Stop being a pussy and deal with it

Being insecure should be more embarrassing than being bald

You should be more worried about that awful spiked hair you're rolling with.

once your crown starts to thin, just buzz all your hair off. don't be beta and complain or worry about things you can't change, where is that gonna get you? just own it and don't worry about it. it is what it is, so just accept it and move on.

Thank you for the reply, friend. I wouldn't mind being fearless, but that's not quite the advice I require... any knowledge on hairloss?

This isn't my style, I moved it up for the photo.
That's a nuclear last ditch option. I wanna fight it in any way I can. And yeah, I'll try not to stress too much.

Shave it and grow a beard

you can't defeat it, you can only delay the defeat

I'm in my early 20's... if I can delay it until late 30's-40's I'll be satisfied

Finasteride + monoxide in combination

But don't fret about your temples too much... As you get older your head grows, giving the appearance of a bigger forehead.

When your hair legit starts falling out clumps, then worry

Not monoxide.. MINOXIDIL. Fuckin gook shit auto correct garbage

anywhere to get fin without a scrip?

Yeah I'm personally leaning on it being a mature hairline more than anything... thanks for the advice brah

I just recently embraced my receding hairline. Short cut, dad glasses to really sell the effect. Works very well.

Luckily for me it's going in the same fashion as Davos, so at least once my beard gets thicker I'll still be fuckin handsome

is this what you think balding looks like you actual fucking retard

That is definite thinning

It's happening to me and I'm just going to shave it when it gets bad enough.

Not like I was ever Casanova anyway.

It stops after a bit, apparently it moves back significantly in your early 20s and stops. If it keeps going youre balding friendo.

My hair appears to be thinning, so yes, that would by definition be "male pattern baldness"

Care to prove me otherwise? Lol I would be very happy if you could, as I do not actually want to bald.

Until you see hairloss on your crown there's no reason to think recession at the temples, which happens to a majority of men, will lead to baldnsss.

This is pretty much what I've heard. After puberty you develop the "mature" line, and it holds until ~ late thirties.

Gonna look into the products the other anons were talking about to put it on hold as long as possible. If I'm a rich fuck when older I can also look into hair grafts.

receding is no big thing. Recession happnes in stages and doesn't mean anything.

Thinning, espeially atthe crown, is something to be concerned about if you're worried about balding.

My hairline receded slightly during puberty and went unchanged for ten years. I've started thinning rapidly at 28, though. THe past few months have been pretty ominous. The top of my head feels cold.

That's badass as fuck. I really want my beard to mature

Thanks for the reassurance
I'm rooting for natural ressesion. Does my highlighted area in OP look like it's thinner than the frontal area? And if you look into the products I'm sure you can hold back, and maybe even restore some of the thinning you've mentioned. Sry to hear about that

>Does my highlighted area in OP look like it's thinner than the frontal area

marginally. its barley noticeable and could easily be attributed to something else. It's not thinner in any practical way. You're just stressing yourself out by worrying about something tha tlikely isn't even a problem. Mind your thinking user.

Thanks for the response man, I can see how I'm potentially tripping myself the fuck out. On to working on mental improvement. Meditations, Marcus Aurelius order came in the mail a few days ago, gonna give it a read.

It will get worse. Hop on dat dere finasteride if you want to save it like I did. An ounce of prevention is worth 100 pounds of cure when it comes to hair loss.

Heard there are next level side effects like erectile dysfunction and libido loss

>hair has been receding and thinning for a while
>take pic of back of head today
>cowlick has increased in size and i can tell the crown is starting to go too
I'm only 20, do I kiss goodbye my chances with women my age?

Yeah I just did the same. Didn't realize how big/thin my cowlick looks.
It feels thick still but clearly not.

Grip suspected areas between your fingers firmly, but gently pull up. Run your hands through your hair and see how many hairs end up between your fingers. If you have more than five then after several pulls, that could be something. If you notice the root sheath (the white gooey bulb at the end of plucked strands) then that's something to be concerned with, that means your follicles are killing off your hair growth and just letting the hair out.

Also take a picture of your crown with your pinky covering the part. If your pinky completely covers it, you're probably fine. If it's wider then that, maybe not. But everyone's crown can look shitty in certain light. In movies, actors even request to have their scalps partially painted so it doesn't look like they're thinning.

I wouldn't worry too much. Hair restoration tech only gets better, and if you're young, just deal. In a few years you'll have more options.

You're fine shut up

Balding is high test. Be glad you aren't some sissy trap with a full head of hair

you get it from your mother's side, so if you've got pics of her dad then that's what you'll probably be like. I'm 19 and my hairline is a lot like Tom Hiddleston's, but will probs look like Daniel Day-lewis' by the time i'm 30. At first I was in denial but i'm kinda pretty confident with it now.

Use coconut oil. It doesn't grow back but it slows it down

They happen in less than three percent of the population. Read this FAQ on BB. It's the most in depth resource.srs

It actually just means you have a lot of AR receptors in the scalp or that you're extra sensitive to dihydrotestosterone. You have no more testosterone than little baby.

So much pseudoscience in this thread.


crown = definite balding
temporal recession = potential balding
corners of hairline = unlikely balding

in the vast majority of people, it's temporal recession which precedes crown recession. people with no temporal recession who bald in that way are pretty uncommon desu

I don't understand how balding works since it's never crossed my mind until I started getting skin issues on the upper back of my scalp. If you're losing hair in the back you have to shave it all off? A plain Number 1 would look silly? I love buzzcuts but if I have to become a qball I will look like a crack baby.

Didn't read the thread but

OP you're fine. Unless that spot is new, you probably just have that natural hairline. I have a similar one and i'm sure as fuck not balding.

Stop worrying about shit and go do something.

Apparently the mobility of your scalp over your skull plays a bit roll, a laxometer is a device for actually measuring it for hair transplants, so move your scalp around a bit each day? Might postpone it, might make you look like a paranoid retard.