Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread - old one is at it's end it would seem.
lets start it up with something about MFP: how accurate is it? I just made a profile and it tells me to eat around 3000 kcal (6,1", 150lbs, very active job) also I found that it doesnt calculate weightlifting into calories, does anyone else have that problem?
Been doing Stronglifts plus cardio and cutting for the past month, I'm 6'2", went from 230 to 220 pounds so far, and my cousin suggested that i work in some sort of hypertrophy exercises along with Stronglifts, what would that look like? completely new to the gym if you couldn't tell
Evan Bennett
I wouldnt add accessories to SL too soon, get your strength up first, then after a few months you can look into what goes well for your specific goals
Landon Bailey
I have either misaligned hips or uneven leg length (may be both) and because I'm a retard I'm only realizing it almost a fucking year into lifting. Explains why I was never able to develop good form on my squats or deads. My question is what do I do about this? Is there a specialist I should see to determine the problem? Should I just make adjustments to my stances in those lifts? Basically all of my gym motivation comes from progressing on my squats and diddys and I've basically had to stop doing them since I'm building imbalanced muscles in my legs and back so I would really like to work this out.
Robert Jenkins
Guys I have a setup similar to this in my house now. A bench and barbell with plates.
Can anyone recommend a good routine to do with this limited equipment?
Matthew Phillips
>>Can anyone recommend a good routine to do with this limited equipment?
sell that shit on craigslist and get a gym membership
Blake Taylor
>I wouldnt add accessories to SL too soon
i would
>what would that look like?
on your back/pull day - pull-ups, some kind of row, some variation of curls on your leg/push day - triceps pushdowns, lying triceps extensions, dips
Xavier Roberts
Given that I only want to workout to look good, would pic related be good?
Ian Edwards
What's with the Taylor Swift posters? Sell your weights for Arnie posters instead and gains will come.
Ryder Moore
who doesn't like tayswift
you gay or something?
James Diaz
When do I stop cutting? I've been able to see my abs for a while now (lost 7kgs). I read on leddit to stop cutting when you're able to see abs without flexing.
I can see the faintly see the outlines. Keep in mind I'm a 178cm 69kg skeleton
Levi Bailey
Could really use some constructive criticism on my routine.
Mon: 5/3/1 Squats 3x10 Squats 3xf Hanging Leg Raises
So I'm wondering whether I'm missing anything or whether the order of the lifts is correct, or any criticism is welcome really.
Liam Hill
How do you guys reach over 100g of protein a day without powder
Im on a cut and eat about 1000 cal a day
Im short
Anthony Diaz
As a beginner? No.
Samuel Phillips
yeah beginner. So I guess I should go wtih SS then. I'm being cautious with what type of workout I should run with as I'm only 5'7. A lot of people on here have conflicting opinions with what routine you should go with. I'm honestly fine with ottermode
Thomas Garcia
Is one 35-60 minute cardio session a week enough? I'm bulking and I want to keep my lungs working. Could I make any progress on my cardio, like fucking could I get better at running, I don't know how to type this eloquently, could I get faster at fucking running if I do it once a week
Jayden Cook
>trip >accusing others of homosexuality
Joshua Young
Jose Williams
You should do SS, SL or GSLP. You'll progress very quickly and efficiently. Make dat strength base, son.
Evan Smith
Do more exercise so you can eat more to get more protein.
Juan Clark
>deadlift 3x10 kek I'd like to see you trying that
Jason Russell
You do it around 50% of your max, still taxing but manageable.
Hunter Morris
Well the best part comes later
Austin Foster
Jason Mitchell
I'm talking about sore back
Ethan Allen
>bulking is a meme
Why are people starting to say this now? What's the alternative to bulking?
Nathan Long
becoming a weak bitch
Angel Foster
Not when you do it with correct form, initial soreness will go away just like any other DOMS
Andrew Garcia
Isn't pea stew better than oatmeal?
Cameron Ramirez
Do dumbell ex. for arms. Meddo claims that pull ups will be enough etc. But thats bs. Look at his arms in his pics, exactly the reason why you shouldnt follow him.
Benjamin Collins
Xavier Thompson
How doI fix my uneven cheeks my right cheek is fatter than my left one
Jeremiah Taylor
Andrew Gray
Wut? If I put 10 lbs bumper plates on the bar, my back ain't gonna be sore senfam.
Cooper Walker
Jose Long
Yeah but you're not really getting the benefits of the excercise.
Xavier Rogers
Unless your max is like 80 pounds, that's entirely pointless.
Evan Martinez
How much does a lifting program matter while I am cutting hard? Ive lost a little over 100lbs since last year but I'm still a fat manlet and would like to lose at least another 40.
I lifted last semester for 3 months then this summer couldnt because of work. Getting back into it, is SS my best option or would a PPL be better?
Charles Walker
How can I tell the difference between a torn rotator cuff and just general shoulder pain? everything online is insanely vague and attributes even mild discomfort to some life ending issue in the shoulder.
I was doing bench and after about three sets my shoulder started hurting, it wasn't a sudden pain it just started mild then became progressively painful as I walked home. When I got home it hurt to raise the arm (no pain at all when I raise it to my side only when I raise it in front of me). No pain to the touch either and no visible swelling. Hurts to apply weight to the arm but I've noticed no loss of strength.
Just ice and rest or is is the internet right and I've caused some horrific injury that only surgery can fix?
Luke Harris
ice is shit. it just numbs the area and prevents healing. heat + massage are best to accelerate healing.
But yeah don't panic. Rest, don't overdo your pressing exercises (lower volume and intensity), make sure your form is perfect and do some shoulder rehab exercises. If the pain feels like it's "inside" your shoulder, it's the rotator cuff, but it doesn't have to be a tear or some other grave injury. Could just be slight tendonitis or whatever. Take it slow for a week or two and don't sweat it.
Jordan Howard
Do SS.
Anthony Foster
Help, my butt cheeks are uneven. The right one being bigger than the left. I would like the right one to be as small as the one on the right, is the only way to do this is to cut? Because I've been seeing no difference after doing it for a week.
Joseph Foster
Did 3x8 unsupported dips on sunday for the first time. Had serious chest pain the day after when breathing in. Feels like a punch to the chest.
Chest is not sore anymore, but pain is stil there like day 1. Wat do?
William Edwards
>for a week keep going and come back in a month
Kayden Price
how do i get over the initial anxiety about going to the gym for the first time?
there is a good gym near my uni with everything that you would ever want in it. But im weapons grade autistic and fat to boot so im just nervous about it.
Jack Morris
Bentley Torres
Go with a friend.
Nathan Martin
i would if i had friends
Jaxon Nguyen
Nothing to be nervous about. It's just a workout. Put on some music and figure out if you like it. Cherry on top the workout will give you a nice adrenalin rush.
Owen Reyes
This is what I did, I went early in the morning. It probably won't be empty but it sure will be a lot less people. Find out when your gym opens.
Jaxon Robinson
Doing a full body routine, went to gym yesterday, should I go today too or rest my muscles?
Jonathan Davis
Rest is important, desu
Eli Ross
But I got the feels and need to lift doc.
Anthony Russell
I was in the same boat as you and after some time in a gym I realised that nobody really gives a shit about you or whatever you're doing, regulars see some new fatass everyday, so no one will really pay you any attention. But if you keep showing up people will recognise your effort and wont laugh at you anyway
Carson Brown
If you don't let your body rest you will make no gains.
Jacob Richardson
Ok doc
Aiden Cox
Rest, your supposed to have 48 hours rest for the group you train so youll have to wait untill tomorrow. IF you want to go more you should switch to a 4 day split wich trains each musclegroup 2 times a week or a 5 day split, but this would only train each muscle group once a week. Good for when you plateaued, but worthless for a rookie
Hunter Clark
Better for what?
>Chiropractor "Chiropractor" is never an answer.
Chest DOMS. work through it.
go tomorrow, not today. Recovery is where gains are made.
Landon Collins
Saw a new fat guy yesterday at the gym. I thought, good for him, gotta lose the weight. Though he was also a bit retarded and swung weights around. Even then, I thought at least he's not just sitting on his ass.
Caleb Perry
Dips work your chest and triceps. Lean a little back for the triceps and lean a little to the front for your chest.
Aaron Ross
I'm going to the gym today after a 6 month layoff. How should I ease myself back into it? I've lost some muscle mass and my strength has decreased. I was thinking of doing a moderate PPL routine today.
Cameron Stewart
D00d skellies should eat at maintenance. You'll still loose your skinnyfat, don't worry ;). Or youll have a hard time gettimg big. Gotta eat big to get big, son and ya gotta eat clean to get lean.
Daniel Moore
That's not chest doms you retarded swine. Worst case you can get Costochondritis and it sucks. Don't do any more dips until pain goes away and go easy on it when you're testing for pain.
Aiden Torres
Heres my routine. Its a 2 day split. I would do your routine when im 90 or somethimg, but why dont u just take SS if you dont want to do a lot of reps? Or a normal 4 day split and adjust it to your liking?
Joseph Reyes
I wanna do cardio to adapt my heart on stress, so when I am lifting heavy it doesn't get overclocked, but I don't have time/energy to do it on non lifting days. If I do it in the gym for like 20 mins after lifting is it contra productive (for said purpose) since I am already tired?
I got chronic high bp from lifting and I want to try to lower it somehow.
Andrew Young
Turn your lifting days to cardio. Don't fall for the cardio rids of gains fad.
Camden Ross
I lift 4 times a week, I can't turn a whole day to cardio, since 3 x week would be really low for an intermediate lifter (and I find this works best for me anyway).
Jose Kelly
Why no powder?
Chase Sullivan
Reposting because no answers in last thread.
1.53 MB 1.53 MB JPG What kind of diarrhea is this?
I'm going to provide probably more background than is necessary, but I want to make sure all info is available.
I'm 6'2" 175 and desperately trying to gain weight. This summer (and throughout life) I would have a lot of diarrhea. A lot of big meals would cause it.
But this is not that. Didn't burn my asshole, didn't rush to the toilet about to explode, didn't even notice it was diarrhea until finished, and you'll notice the water isn't brown. You may see the corn in there. I read about soluble vs. insoluble fiber a couple days ago. Did I just overload on the insoluble fiber in this case (you can see corn, and I also ate a smoothie with guava fruit in it today)?
Most fucking importantly: have I lost any calories from this shit as opposed to a 'normal' one? I ate this meal you're seeing here about 11 hours ago, and studies show normal full mouth-to-anus passage time is at least around 20 hours. I really need all the calories and also do not want to be wasting money. Also, it looks like I haven't really lost any liquids since the water isn't brown, but is that correct.
Any of you deal with lots of diarrhea while trying to gain weight? I'm going to try hard to up my soluble fiber intake.
William Gomez
Myfitnesspal is very accurate. Buy a Fitbit and wear it during the gym, it will tell you how many calories you burned. Typically u get 644-750 calories burned. Subtract that from calories burned
Isaac Howard
I'm not skinnyfat nor a beginner, just need to know when to end my first (serious) cut
Isaiah Peterson
what do normal people actually do? I've been on Veeky Forums for years and just recently got a circle of friends after lifting. How do normal people spend their time?
Noah Morales
How the fuck are we supposed to tell you that? Get as lean as you want, stay there, bulk up, whatever man. Do what you want.
Are you not supposed to goto the gym when you're bulking? Are you just suppose to eat healthy without working out? Please answer this, i'm so confused!
Anthony Bell
What's a god tier calorie counting app
Also any other fitness apps in general
Oliver Mitchell
Yes, you are pretty much supposed to workout/lift all the time, exept when injured. Bulk or cut determines how you train and how much you eat.
Connor Jackson
Finally an answer!
Thank you user
Adrian Ross
>weigh myself early in the morning, I'm 153 >by the end of the day, I'm 155-156ish >next morning, I'm back to 153 or less
Joshua Myers
Gains goblin brah Got to eat big to get big
Levi Watson
tuna, chicken, turkey, egg whites, quark, white fish types, lowfat cottage cheese are cutting friendly, protein rich, foods
Evan Sanders
Carson Baker
So I'm 5'9 and around 235lbs. I've been going to the gym on and off for the past year and I fucking hate myself. Mainly for looking like a fat fuck. Just recently I decided to be a bit more serious and now trying to go to the gym on a regular basis. I started from going there whenever I felt like it to 3 times a week. I now can bench 35lb on each side which I think is pretty good compared to when I started out with struggling to lift the fucking bar. Now the only problem is that I'm still a fat fuck and have no idea how to get rid of my small man tits and my gut. I heard that the only way to do it is to cut out the ass tier eating habits and git good with food but it's hard mang.. The only positive thing about me is that i stay away from all pops and shiet and only drink water. Can anyone recommend a good food plan/diets focused on losing fat so I can make it?
Daniel Kelly
I'm 5'11 150lbs
There are no gyms in my area.
I own 2 10lb dumbbells and the perfect push up bars.
Can i get Veeky Forums off this?
Cameron Flores
Ian Watson
>Can anyone recommend a good food plan/diets focused on losing fat so I can make it? read the fucking sticky. There are no good food plans or diets that you can just pick up and they'll work for you. They will for a week or two but you got fat because you have shit discipline and you would end up not sticking to them. Start off by counting your calories. Then work on eating better and focusing on your macros. After a while, once you have a solid routine and you're disciplined enough, then a good food plan will work for you, but by that point you've probably established one that works for you.
Thomas Russell
I also have some jump rope and a car tire. Does this improve my situation at all?
Jaxson Lewis
you know how throughout the day you eat food and drink water, and then at certain times you pee and poop? You also know how your body is a furnace constantly burning fuel to keep your warm blooded body at temp? All that affects your weight.
Jace Adams
Answer my fugging question blease
Chase James
none what so ever. I mean your cardio will be on point, I guess, and if you ever get a flat you're good to go.
Parker Richardson
I had read the sticky but again thanks for confirming it. I've now just started to count my calories and what I want to know is my TDEE is 3047, so basically I would have to count my calories and make sure that number is below that amount to lose weight?
Josiah Robinson
a. your tdee is probably around 2500 (let me guess, you put in that you workout 3 times a week? you don't, not how that calculator defines exercise) have to eat 500 calories less a day to lose a pound a week, a solid pace. You can even do 1000 calories less to lose 2 pounds a week, but you'll also struggle to maintain your strength. Pick your poison c. in terms of losing weight, yes, just eat under your tdee and you'll lose weight. Since strength seems to be a concern for you, you'll have to worry a bit about your macros so prioritize protein and make sure you're getting enough (easily done even with a calorie budget of 1500)
Mason Cooper
i'm looking for leg hyperthrophy, what kind of cardio is best for not killing my gains?
I need to do it on my rest days. Thinking about sprinting but I thought you guys can help me too, since im a little confused.
Brayden Foster
Alexander Phillips
i have like $22.43 to work with. is there something i can possibly order on amazon to help? maybe one of those fit ladders or something?