Havent been in gym for 2 months even though i have a year membership

havent been in gym for 2 months even though i have a year membership
due to anxiety and paranoia
what do?

Realise no one gives a shit about you, even if you fuck up, you will be in their minds for maybe 5 seconds before they focus on their own shit again.

Why focus on how you look to others when first you need to be able to impress yourself user?

>self diagnosed
srsly kys

I hate you STEM faggots who think you need a fucking 10 page list of journal articles and 15 different opinions to figure out a simple fucking obvious problem.


heh, u mad fuccboi? did i just trigger your fuccboiness?

>Go doctor
>Tell them you have anxiety
>Alright let me see, what are your problems?
>Hmm Okay
>Let me take this check-list out!
>Tick, tick tick, yep well look you have ANXIETY!!!

Litrelly wow, you don't need a doctor to tick off a check-list for you to magically suddenly get anxiety you retarded nigger.

Everyone's too busy doing their workout to really give a shit that you even exist. Go in, it'll just be as if you're working alone. If you wanna make friends then talk to people during their rest periods, but not while they're working out, that shit is just annoying.

telling people to kill themselves when youre the one with "anxiety"
lmao what a sad life

Chad probably isn't going to tell anyone to kill himself because Chad knows that's just wrong to say to anyone.

can you check this lump and see if it is cancer? what's that check list look like?

are you OCD and bipolar too? you cuck



drink bleach for anxiety, paranoia, ocd, bipolar disorder, wweight lose, muscle gainz

Fit is filled with underage faggots OP.
Grab your balls and go to workout, after 1 week,you will realize there is nothing to worry about.

have you considered suicide?

wow literally no one will remember who you are the next day because you're so fucking DYEL

Kill yourself, obviously

if you an hero you won't be anxious any more

This lol.

I took such a test once because I had concentration problems.

Every question it was so obvious what diagnosis you would get.

All questions lead to one of these:

And the treatment is mostly just some bullshit placebo pill and 'therapy'.

Psychiatry is a scam and a disgrace to modern medicine.

Is there anything at the gym that you would be comfortable doing? Maybe cardio?
Go to the gym a few times and do that.
Before, and after your workout, take a stroll through the gym and casually check everything out.
Do this maybe every day for a week.
Then hopefully you'll be comfortable enough to do something different, like going to the Smith machine, or do leg presses.
And eventually you can try moving on to free weights.

It's how I did it because I had anxiety at the gym too, but the more time you spend there, the more comfortable you feel.

>anxiety AT THE GYM
>not claiming to have anxiety
>not self diagnosing
>not a fuccboi
>should NOT kill self
