Pre set rituals

>Take swig of water
>look at myself in the mirror
>in my head say "You're a worthless piece of shit and no-one will ever care about you"
>Internally cry
>begin set

What are yourss
kept me going for 3 years now former obese user here

> obligatory swig of water
> drop bottle on ground
> shake shoulders to loosen up
> give weights death stare
> couple of deep breaths
> clear my mind
> lift the heavy thing

Sometimes also think of how zyzz made it

>stand before the barbell
>look at myself in the mirror
>try to motivate myself to be able to lift it
>fail to do that
>leave it to luck

>walk up to deadlift
>close eyes
>think of how i could be out at the exact same time watching home movies with my dad over a couple of beers
>then remember that He's been gone for 5 years already
>the last thing he told me was "just do your shit, son"
>consistent gains
Thanks dad

Whenever I see pics like that I am filled with disgust.

How can anyone like girls like this?

>"You're a worthless piece of shit and no-one will ever care about you"

I say shit like this to myself so often that it doesn't affect me anymore

(n-no homo)

>clear throat
>pull glasses up my nose

Im not gay I love women.

But girls like this, posing with their ass and tits pushed out with a face caked with make up and fake blonde straightened hair.

How can you like this fake shell of a woman?

>wipe off sweat
>swig of water
>wait for my 90 seconds to pass
>get under the barbell
>reposition grip by extending and contracting fingers until it feels good
>usually 3 or 4 times

Fuck man, the feels.
I know where you are coming from, dads are cool like that.


You think of steroids?

it's pretty easy for me actually desu
you sure you're not a homo?

sure, don't you?
Thinking about the existing shortcut motivates me knowing I don't need/want it

I enjoy a good male physique as much as your average fitizin but ive never been with a guy and im not planning to.

>get into proper grip/stance
>stare into nothingness
>unrack/get into starting position
>clear my mind (only time of the day I'm able to do so)
>breathe in and hold it

@OP: stop saying degrading stuff to yourself (I did aswell)
think of something positive you'd like to hear someone say to you and say that instead, even if you feel to know it's a lie and you don't mean it
over time you will forget about that and start to believe it, and it will have a positive effect on your psyche
you've come too far after 3 years to make that mistake any longer, brah

I guess nearly no man actually "likes" these kind of girls personality wise
but they're nice to look at if you don't care about their character and you're that kind of guy that likes "well groomed lies"

alright mayne.
I've realized they're all fake and shitty on the inside anyhow, so I might as well enjoy their aesthetics. I honestly think her face is really nice with the bucket of paint on it. Why should we care about what they put on their face? Its only the end result I'm interested in desu

I guess i cant look past the make up for some reason, it just feels like a lie.

Also dont say that, there are decent women out there. You just have to find them.

>sip of water
>make sure phone, towel and bottle are out of the way
>quick semi-autistic look around the gym
>get in position, and squeeze it like Op's mom squeezes my dick
>fucking shred that shit

Nah man, some are just better at hiding their indecency. Give it time and they'll all prove me right.

I don't even feel cheated when I wake up and they've removed their makeup.


Works every time. Benched 100 pounds yesterday with this trick

decline bench
bench anyway

Am I the only one who doesn't get lazy when it comes to gym? I might be lazy about studying or anything but if I've decided I must go to the gym I go always. Doesn't matter if it's raining or shit
Hers my ritual for last set
>Sip of water
>Stare into the void
>Think how heavy it might be
>Look at the time and think I shouldve been done 10 mins ago
>Grip the bar and readjust grip 2-3 times
>Jai bajrangbali

>stand up
>stare at the bar for about 20-40 seconds
>go to grab it
>back off because I don't know if it'll be too heavy
>go in again
>set up
>keep setting up until everything is perfect
>stay there for a second
>back off again
>set up again
>manually breath for a few seconds
>deep breath in
>start lifting


>Warm up
>Check previous lifting stats
>Quiver me timbers
>Load weights
>Put on belt, wraps or whatever is needed
>kiss good luck charm
>Internally try to make eye contact

>Zone out
>Imagine it's just me and the weights in the room
>"You can do this user"(and other compliments)

If im feel like im failing i shout at myself that i can be the best

I pretty much just focus my chi and let the flow take me through it

Self hatred is the best fuel

>just lift
>maybe one day someone will care about you

125 pushups
100 bench dips.

My dad told me to.

Can I try this one ?

>stare at mirror
>smirk at myself and move into position
>Fuel repressed anger into my muscles
>Lift the son of bitch.

Decent gains this year despite all the set backs at the beginning. Squats are stalling cause of my tight hip flexor.

>100 lbs
Waste of trips tee bee H

I used to do shit like OP in my first 2 years of lifting.

Now before a heavy lift I'm calm and just focus on my cues.

>tfw I miss thinking about my ex cheating on me with two guys to get me savage

>put my hands on the bar
>grip and release the bar a couple of times
>take a deep breath of air and brace
>lift off the bar and do 2-3 reps before I take another breath of air
Feels fucking awesome. The best moment was when an old dubstep song, I didn't even know I still had on my phone came up and the drop came right as I started lifting. That hype is incomparable. Probably what metal fags feel like when they lift to their music.

>dextrose, water
>hulk hogan entrance music
>chalk hands in slow mo and imagine myself starring in an epic motivational compilation video
>Visualize myself succeeding the lift
>enter animal mode, breathe heavy, get a little pissed, make pissed of predatory animal noises
>walk around and enjoy the temporarily brighter colors and sharper vision

>Spend 2-5 minutes sitting down psyching myself up
>Put belt on, chalk up hands
>Kneel before the bar
>Spend 1-2 minutes just breathing heavily, eyes closed
>stand up
>"You're a fucking animal. Don't be a little fucking bitch. You're a monster"
>Get ready to pick up the weight
>*Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the
>Lift that shit up

I fucking love deadlifts

Fucking epic man

Confirmed making it

Dad guaranteed to be proud in spirit

May he rest in peace between bench sets in heaven

>drink some water
>stare into the distance while mentally prepping myself for the lift
>go at it with sick intensity

Fuck off reddit.

I usually say something like:
and sometimes

One time I said:
Works well.



>stand in front of bar or be laying on bench
>shake arms a little
>say to myself "I won't die."
>grab bar
>do set

>Imagine how set is going to be
>Adjust my hands 2-3 times
>Lift the bar
>Set went has expected
>Make small bow to the bar

>mouthful of water
>think about how much better of a life my brother has than me
>know that i have more potential for strength than him
>think about how shitty my fat fuck parents are
>think about how this is a step for me to achieve my goal
>sometimes think about i wont be able to brag about my lifts on Veeky Forums if i dont do this
>realize none of this matters
>mind goes blank
>lift weight

>look at wheights
>grip wheights
>tell myself "if I died right now, what would they remember me for?"
>smash that shit

>read the sticky
>pray to rippetitts to watch over me
>put hands on bar and imagine rich grand piano watching me considering if I can join the 5% yet
>if I feel I'm failing the lift, I close my eyes and in a short burst shout "right babe!!!!"

You're me

>stare in the mirror
> Thinking " soon she will mire you"
>star shrugging from dead position

>Pre bench ritual
>Take a few deep breathes then lay back
>Grip bar and press upper back onto bench and create my arch
>"You're either going to move this shit or this barbell will come down and kill you"

>looks at too heavy wheight
>"do it for harambe"
>whips out dick
>lifts the heavy wheight

>stare in the mirror
>try to hype myself
>feel nothing
>try to get angry
>feel nothing
>cant psyche myself
>just lift heavy anyway

>tfw i hate myself so much and think about suicide constantly so self loath doesnt even work as a motivator anymore

i need something new ;-;

Dad here

user, keep going you faggot

>lift the weight
>put it down
>drink water

this is the one for squats
>have weight ont he bar
>go to corner of room
>put chalk on hands so bar doesn't feel like it's gonna fall back
>put on belt
>hold the lever before tightening it
>pace back and forth for about 5 seconds
>clasp lever
>hit it with palm of hand three times for good luck
>approach bar and unrack

only ritual I do is before I do a set that I dont feel like I can finish, or trying out a PR, I scream LIGHTWEIGHT in my head and go for it.

Whenever I run and feel like pushing myself at the end until I feel like falling down and passing out, I turn on some jam band's live concert with the fastest song and just shut out the world around me. Then I just go and get lost in the guitar solos and forget that I'm running until I reach the end and feel like I'm at the point of death. I always smile for some reason too.
As for weights, I don't motivate myself. I just do it.

I think about all the big fat dicks I can get on grindr the more aesthetic I get. Also, I look at other guys and see that the being around 20% is just being plain old fat.

>wait until the best part of the song comes on
>think about how much i fucking hate myself
>think about how horrible of a person I am
>Remind myself I will always be alone
>for heavy shit (bench, squat, deadlift) bless myself
>fuck spotters, god give me strength
>chalk my hands up
>set my grip
>close eyes
>say in my head "For God, for glory, for , for "
>3 deep breaths and i crush that shit until my muscles cry
>slam the rerack
>I feel nothing, I am nothing


I usually take some caffeine, beta alanine, and creatine. Then I do my best to think about something awkward that I did back in Jr high, and then I start beating the shit out of my jaw while starring into the mirror all read face from the anger and awkwardness, say ''I'm better now'' and then fuck off to the gym and lift while listening to death metal until my body collapses. I lift as a way to escape my autism, not to build muscle.

Squats and the press, when I can see myself:
>deep breath
>Set hands in position
>stare into my own eyes, think of all the shit I have to be ashamed of
>feel that deep hatred in my stomach and heart
>Get under the bar

Find a mantra or something to repeat as you set up. Autistic as it might sound, I mentally repeat the poem Invictus as I set up and wrap my wrists, get my breathing and grip set, etc. Poems done, I lift.

>start timer
>slavsquat and exercise my diaphragm with breathing exercises until I have 10 seconds left
>stand in front of the bar
>intensely grab it and check my grip for the remaining 10 seconds

Helps me focus somehow, and the breathing exercises really help controlling your body during the lifts.

>become human again at the finish line

>Fire up Pornhub mobile app
>Turn the volume all the way up on my phone
>Begin to edge myself
>Usually try to find a female to lock eyes with as a rub the outline of my erection through my shorts
>Deep breathing
>Scream "lightweight baby"