Did R*mans invent anything by themselves?

Did R*mans invent anything by themselves?

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>Ancient Sumer is pretty much every civilization afterwards and nothing existed before

This is what redditors actually believe.

Books with bindings
The modern military system
Public Health
Many laws that we use today, such as being innocent until proven guilty

Probably more than this but this is off the top of my head



did da romas do?

Also the foundation for most of the languages in Western Europe.

The language you just typed.

Aqueducts, coleseums

The law system, giant sewers

Romans invented modern English? Wow, yuo so smart!

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

It triggers me that we forgot how to invent Roman Concrete. Now we're just stuck with it's retarded cousin.

>The modern military system

>No Central Military Commission/Department of Defense/Ministry of War.
>Random senators become generals.
>Logistics arm? Where it at XDDDD.
>Cult loyalty to Generals.
Very modern.

Underrated post.. loved that skit

(You)'ve made this thread before (you) fucking autistic asshole. Even (you) admitted that the hand-crank was a Roman innovation. Sage.


Be triggered no more


>a high degree of discourse

wine was first discovered in the Levant and the Caucasus region, not very far from Jerusalem, roads were improved and so were aqueducts but they already existed, same with irrigation

>public order
>in Roman Judead


>public health



Roman medicine and Egyptian/Near Eastern medicine were both bullshit


possibly improved by Rome but already existent in the ancient N.E before rome even existed

Well you are using their exact alphabet.

>being this autistic

lmao even the people of northern britain had roads
and no I'm not talking about mere paths or trackways

>lmao even the people of northern britain had roads
>and no I'm not talking about mere paths or trackways

They did, but not the extent of the Romans, the Romans build highways and they built them smart, and good, the Romans didn't invent anything military wise, at least in the start, the Shields, helmets and mail armor were borrowed from the Gauls, the sword and the use of javelins from the Spaniards i think, the maniple legions from the Samnites e.t.c. but they were great in organization, discipline and they were very thorough, from that they built literally the great civilization known to man