What if Anne Frank had actually become pregnant while in hiding?

What if Anne Frank had actually become pregnant while in hiding?

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I think Adolf would take responsibility

Operation Barbarossa would have been a success

It would not have made a shred of difference to her fate, and that of her plausible unborn child.

She is the most famous victim of the Holocaust, but the hypothetical you have posed OP was a realized fate of many many more than one.

shut fuck up

That is the type of argument that will get you into grad school, very thoughtful and completely substantiated.

A well backed up and objective response, I'm sure you'll go far. See higher-education scholarships heading your way shortly.

If her family had to arrange for her to taken somewhere else to give birth, that might mean all the difference (i.e. she’s not in the Annex on August 2nd, 1944).

That is the type of attitude that will get you friends, very lighthearted and you completely don't take yourself too seriously.

A laid-back and witty sense of humor, I'm sure you'll go far. See life long friendships heading your way shortly.

"if" statements do not hold much ground in the field of history without substantiation.

The worst part of the Holocaust is that it was largely short on records, that being of unaccounted victims.

Fully admit that estimates of those killed/imprisoned are far from perfect by design. Though I do believe that anyone that denies what likely happened is as delusional as the flat earth idiots on /x/.

Recommend that attitude at your next interview, will obviously build bridges.

All fine with banter, but Veeky Forums (at /pol/s behest) has been removed far beyond banter for sometime. Such "humor" distorts the past, especially for those who do not know better.

Served on the line as a Jew, in the US Army. Heard every Jew joke that existed in the day.

That banter was fine since every individual encountered more or less the same as others, depending on their immediate identity/sensitivities.

Hi OP, you forgot to add "historically" to your post, so unfortunately a lot of people will think that you're not taking this topic very seriously!


OIF, 06-07
Yeah, that is the only thing keeping this thread from being taken seriously.

Well his government's policy of murdering every Jew they could get their hands on led to her going into hiding and meeting Peter van Pels who presumably is the one that drowns her womb in his baby batter so I guess you're right. Hitler would be indirectly responsible for getting her pregnant.

You were there at the height of the insurgency? Fuck, that was a bad time.

My uncle was OIF '03-04 and he said it was the worst shit he had ever been through. And this was a guy who had been in Panama (missed out on Desert Storm because he was wounded), Somalia, and Bosnia.

He wound up resigning his commission because he got pissed about the rape and murder of that 14 year old in Mahmudiyah.

In all honestly it was not that bad for us, because we were secondary (even tertiary) targets.

Lost eleven friends in Iraq, but the biggest "losers" were the locals themselves.

They rarely attacked us since we constantly demonstrated an ability to defend ourselves, more than other local parties.

It is hard losing friends, but it was honestly harder seeing non-combatants lose family who had no skin in the game.

>My uncle was OIF '03-04
My platoon sergeant did the same tour, and he was the most wise and strong person I have ever known.

Give my best from a fellow vet to your Uncle, and take care yourself user.

Out for the night.

Meant to attach this picture, but I am thoroughly drunk.

>pic related is W. Mosul, around a decade ago.

>Lost eleven friends in Iraq

Holy shit man, how'd you managed get through it? I damn near had a breakdown when I lost one to a drug/alcohol overdose.

>It is hard losing friends, but it was honestly harder seeing non-combatants lose family who had no skin in the game.

Yeah, Uncle is pretty much the same way. He lost friends in Panama, Somalia, and Iraq but he said the worst thing was seeing the wounded kids. He nearly quit after Abu Ghraib came out and was pretty much bribed into staying on. He lost it when Steven Dale Green got a life sentence instead of death. And I mean he was fucking furious. Said Iraqis had it bad enough as it is, we could at least give them proper justice.

Is the timeline where the Confederates win the Civil War or the one where they don't?

Nine of those I knew, were killed during my tour. The other two (I knew from OSUT (basic)) were before I got into theater.

>how'd you managed get through it?
Sounds cliche, but did not have much further choice.

You rationalize, and find a way to get to the next patrol, and the next.

>he said the worst thing was seeing the wounded kids
That is a lot of it. Having been at more than a few mass-casualty events aftermaths, among the surviving families, the vocalized and physically enacted mourning haunts me to this day.

Really do hear you mate, and your uncle.

The Abu-Ghraib scandal was a shitshow, and the entire country erupted afterwards (not without reason).

good americans have to die until they realize they are not the world's police

hope you kill yourself soon and your wife fucked a nigger while you were in Iraq

WTF, keep trying to attach photos.

Pic related was a local national that we told to stay away from our stopped convoy, wanted to clean our windows.

We knew that kids close to our convoys made juicier targets than otherwise, and tried to keep them away when we could.

>Mosul '07

Stupid question, were you deployed wearing the Army Combat Uniform or the Desert Combat Uniform? Trying to figure out if you were in the same unit as a friend of mine.

Well hey, hey. That is the /pol/ I know.

Global community critiques our interventions in one state, but critiques and holds us responsible for not intervening quickly enough in other conflict zones.

>hate the world police until you need them
Fairly common among American LEOs as well.

You or your dead friends are not heroes you just did your job, nobody forced you to join.

God the american military worthship and propaganda is really disgusting.

She doesn't look too happy.

I wonder who taught her about flipping the bird... Was probably one of us judging from all the videos of Americans teaching Iraqi kids how to swear and shit.


ACUs user. Though I was one of the last units to have to deal with boot-shining, a reward in it self.

>You or your dead friends are not heroes you just did your job, nobody forced you to join.
Did I claim otherwise? I post this shit on Veeky Forums because I do not want (most of do not want) any sort of hero worship.

We yelled at her to get the fuck away, not for our own entertainment, but because she was more at risk approaching us than not.

My uncle started hating (American) liberals after they called for the US to invade Bosnia in the 90s to "save the children" but then were then turning out in droves to protest Iraq in the 2000s because US soldiers were "killing kids".

He hated the fact they thought American planes killing kids in the Balkans was acceptable because the media said so.

Okay, you weren't in the same unit as him. His unit still had DCUs for the most part. He really hated ACUs because he was a sharpshooter and it made him stick out like a sore thumb and was glad his unit was deployed before they could receive them.

I hear you user, and your Uncle.

People (especially anons here) think it some conscious choice to deliberately kill civilians, when that these days it could not be farther from the truth.

Much better chances of getting crucified these days than during the My Lai times.

Well what he hated as the fact they thought blowing up an Iraqi child with a missile was somehow worse than blowing up a Serbian one or that it even mattered whose missile it was. Doesn't matter to the kid because they're already dead.

You roll around in the sand and dirt or simply convoy enough, ACUs really weren't that bad.

Went from BDUs to ACUs, and the latter was much more comfortable and breathable in the desert than the former.

Was a DMR myself, though that (SKT missions) largely meant staring at a particular area to the point of insanity in the case that hajj might show up.

It is not any more inconsequential to do one over the other in my book, but there are a plethora of combatants that have their outlook.

It is all a shitshow, no matter how it turns out if the media gets ahold of it.

A dead kid is a dead kid, no matter who he or his family was in life. Dead children will stick in your head no matter their skin color, or nationality.

By no means am I stating your Uncle is wrong, you just find out that right and wrong is a subjective idea in warfare. Where wrong things are done with the right intentions.