Historical figures you would take great pleasure in torturing
The things I would do to this man.
Aand... Another thread that goes like
>Here is my personal blog, where I explain my personal political beliefs in edgy and unapologetic manner for LARP value
He makes me like the Praetorian Guard
I'm sorry I had to post it
Not even memeing.
You shouldn't be. You can never go wrong with posting Anne Frank anywhere, for any occasion.
First step is shoving that pipe up his arrogant bone headed ass.
same autist
This. Maybe I'm a sick fuck though.
that pipe looks very uncomfortably heavy t. toothlet
I'm split between them and all the major leaders of World War II (minus Churchill) locked in a room together.
It's a dried corn cob. They're pretty light
I'd love to torture her taut skin with a belly swollen to the point of exploding with my child
What I would give to torture the poor nipples on Anne's Khazar Milkers with my mouth while feeling her pregnant belly rub up against my chin and throat
Explain yourselves.
Caligula's excesses were greatly exaggerated by his detractors. As far as modern scholars can tell, it was only a relatively narrow section of the Roman aristocracy that despised him. The senate had been ruling virtually by themselves after Tiberius retired to Capri fifteen years before Caligula's accession, and they resented having to deal with an Emperor again. On top of that, many of the most prominent senators had got their positions by collaborating during Tiberius' purges - when Caligula decided to clean up the senate, and crack down on official corruption in the process, he naturally made himself a lot of enemies in the senatorial class. All the stuff about him raping his sisters and making his horse consul was probably invented in order to justify the coup. At the very least, he was popular enough among the ordinary citizens that public opinion demanded the execution of Caligula's assassins.
Nero was the real cunt.
>wondering why a tripfag named after the Confederate general who massacred a hundred prisoners at Fort Pillow would want to torture Union generals and leaders
Any royal family would be fine too.
I get killing Nicolas and his wife, but leave the kids alone.
I will make sure he begs for death but will not find it
>tfw will never be the newborn son of Anne Frank
>tfw will never make mommy a MILF by coming out of her vagina
>tfw will never be fed by mommy's Khazar Milkers
>tfw will never annoy mommy by biting down on her nipple like a wad of chewing tobacco but have her discomfort instantly vanish after I make a milky smile
>tfw will never be held tightly by mommy as she carries me down the streets of the newly-liberated Amsterdam, and Allied soldiers march down the street, cheering so loudly that she has to cover my ears to keep me from waking
>tfw will never listen to mommy softly sing me lullabies in Dutch and Hebrew as she tucks me into bed
>tfw will never inadvertently render mommy's diary unpublishable by peeing all over it because she left it too close to the changing table
Karl Pilkington?
t. FDR
Truman hated him too. Or is it just a conspiracy that two wildly different US Presidents found him difficult?
hello schlomo
your mom
Glasses pleb detected