Anyone realize that china is like asia's rome and india is asia's greece? Now here me out, just like rome, china has made technological advancements e.g. gunpowder, paper, etc.. and just like Rome, the chinese empire was also very militaristic. Just like greece, india has made advancements in philosophy, religion, and maths (the number 0). Now imagine just like the Romans, the Chinese imported Hinduism, India's philosphy, and their mathematics, and maybe even Sanskrit as well. Considering this scenario, do you think China would become even more powerful in history?
Anyone realize that china is like asia's rome and india is asia's greece? Now here me out, just like rome...
No. China and India were for the most part autonomous from each other. Both were the cradles of civilisation itself and went their own way.
Even with technology: India created Scythe chariot, China created heavy all-terrain chariot.
>the chinese empire was also very militaristic.
A saying from the Song Dynasty: Good metal should not be beaten into nails, good men should not be soldiers.
I forgot that china could also bring along some Indian philosophers and Mathematicians from India. Not from as an invasion of course, maybe as a peaceful cultural exchange.
I mean the chinese had a large empire like the romans, Sorry I shouldn't have used the term 'militaristic'
I typed that wrong it was "好铁不打钉,好汉不当兵。”
I mean nobody see the parallels?
In the Roman Empire, the military and politics were basically the same thing while in ancient China the bureaucrats distanced themselves as much as possible from military affairs and civilian officials were ranked higher than military ones.
>the Chinese imported Hinduism, India's philosphy,
Hinduism did have a large impact on Chinese mythology which is basically Daosim, ancestor worship, Buddhism, and Hindu gods mixed together in some convoluted but very interest ways. But it was far from just copying the gods which was what the Romans did with the Greeks.
Regarding Buddhism, it actually reached China from Indian indirectly through the Greco Bactria kingdom and Chinese Buddhism would grow to be highly different from Indian Buddhism and is much more influenced by Tibet rather than India itself.
But what they did not do is import Indian Sanskrit, how is that even being suggested?
Greece is basically the progenitor of Rome. While Chinese civilization is wholly different.
>Chinese imported Hinduism
What about india's maths? Why haven't the chinese imported it? Why was there no cultural exchange between countries in history? I mean two seperate civilizations next to each other could learn a lot from each other and become greater than they were before.
It's a what-if scenario
They imported many Hindu deities.
For example the Chinese underworld (地狱) was ruled by the king Yanwang (阎王) basically a copy paste of the Hindu Yamma.
I mean like yeah at times but not really cause there was this thing called the Tibetan Empire in the way.
Ancient China relied on other countries coming to them which the Indians didn't do cause they were fighting each other. China didn't care about India cause they were barbarians.
babarians? They created yoga, meditation, chakras, and sanskrit. How can you call a civilization like that barbarians?
India's maths didn't have any technological value. Chinese themselves developed Numbers theory extensively, and their theorems are studied in modern universities.
Indian mathematics were purely theoretical, like, there is nothing except Brahmagupta theorem, and it is insignificant too.
What made Indian stuff valuable in Arabic Caliphate, is that they had access to everything at once: Greek, Indian, Oriental stuff.
For ancient Chinese everyone is barbarian. Just like Romans really. Oh that's a parallel.
The irony because western countries are calling china barbarians for poor human rights and eating dogs. How times have changed
Just like how Northern Europeans look down on Southern Europeans sometimes. Maybe they are parallels.
But no longer, because China manipulated western financial interests, which control both government and mass media.
Also the Roman Empire was very culturally and ethnically diverse. China is more ethnically diverse than one would think, for example "Han" people in southern China are more genetically related to local minorities than to other Han people (although the y chromosome linage is basically the same but I digress), but it was always culturally homogeneous.
Barbarians as in difference in ideologies. Just because somebody is physically stronger to you does not make them morally superior to you.
>Bbut... Muh morals! *Gets stabbed through the throat*
This is what weak, dumb and disorganised people always say to their superiors right before they subjugate them into oblivion.
Well, just like Greece, India got cucked pretty hard by muslims, Ill give you that
These concepts are derived from Buddhism, not from Hinduism directly.
"Tibetan Empire" was only a thing during 8th~ 9th century, before and after that, they're only a bunch of separated small states and chiefdoms on Tibetan plateau, not really a hindrance. What really caused problem was more related to geographical(the plateau itself) rather than political.
Also ancient Chinese didn't really consider ancient Indians as barbarians, they saw them almost as equal as themselves culturally.
Western countries are still barbarians for spreading sexual degeneracy and eating cows(sacred Hinduism animal), times doesn't really change that.
They came along with buddhism. Hinduism wasnt defined then as it is today.
Chinese didnt call Indians barbarians. One of the three legendary Chinese stories, The Journey to the West, has a guy travelling to India to attain knowledge.
You dont really know much about Indian mathematics if thats all you know.
Bait, the english sentence is too long to be condensed in so few characters.
Greece-Rome = China
Britain = Japan
India = middle east
India is too different to east Asia, their most significant contribution to them is Buddhism, which has died out in India to Hinduism similar to Christianity which thrive in Europe but replaced by Islam in middle east
t. Weeaboo
>romans copied greek gods
Neck yourself you historical illiterate. I know jack shit about China and India but everything you say is now suspect.
I copy-pasted that wong*
>What even is reading comprehension
>The chinese empire was also very militaristic.
The Chinese empire wasn't a militaristic culture. In fact they resemble Modern countries' obsession with civil command over military authority.
That said.
The Song Dynasty =/= All of Chinese history in its paranoia towards the military. Song disdain for the military is grounded on the events on the previous Tang dynasty, which gave the military tremendous power, particularly the frontier garrisons in which generals were granted the office of "Jiedushi" (Military Comissioner), and they were handed both civil/military authority, the authority to raise their own personal troops, collect taxes, and launch campaigns as they see fit to defend the Empire.
This setup granted the military much autonomy and freedom to defend the Empire as they saw fit, but it was eventually abused and led to
1) An Lushan Rebellion. In which the Sogdian-born Chinese Jiedushi, An Lushan, started a bid to become Emperor
2) Collapse of the Tang Empire into 5 Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms during the whole 10th Century.
3) The independence of Vietnam when the Jiedushi who governed it rebelled.
When the Zhao Clan of the Song managed to reunify China into the Song Dynasty, they pretty much endeavored to not repeat the mistakes of the Tang and hobble the military, to the point that it hampered the defense of China.
If anything china resemble UK
Japan are basically france
India are america
>gun crimes are high
>hate mussies
>hardcore religous people
>democracy with lots of corruption
>have lots of ethnic groups but one culture dominate
>both degenerate
>one shits in the street the other shits in the mart
Japan is Island nation with severe superiority complex like UK
China is continental empire mother civilisation like Greece and Rome but turned Soviet Russia
India is turban wearing brown smelly dirty rapey distant civilisation which contributes to religion, so its middle east
>India's maths didn't have any technological value.
look and laugh at this pleb.
What the Chinese have to say about India.
>gun crimes are high
t. Chang
If I were to compare the two OP, I would look at Confucianism vs. Buddhist doctrines. Where Confucianism promoted a meritocracy system, intended to promote a strong state akin to the Roman political system. And Buddhist belief focuses more on self, where the Greeks were culturally more liberal and focused on the individual than Latins.
But he's literally right
Japan is the UK
China is more of a france-like entity
>>gun crimes are high
>>one culture dominant
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
The government of India regularly shies away from overtly doing anything that can impinge on other regions' language or cultural norms you nigger. Some of the biggest political parties in india have lost their entire voterbase when they tried imposing other languages forcibly upon different states.
>it always some chinks created trash-tier threads about muh rome and chink empire
Pajeets got bullied off after POO and the few ones that remain just stick to their hobbies.
Modern China has nothing in common with the China you are talking about.
Yes, they have.
No I actually did type it. If you don't know how Chinese typing works you basically type out the character's pronunciation in Pinyin, which opens a window with all the possible characters 字 or character groups 词, and then select the character out of all the near to actual homophones. The program usually has algorithms that prioritize common characters and those you use more often as well as common character groupings to make this system more efficient. In addition you can also use "abbreviations" for lack of a better word. For example if you wanted to type 大家好 (hello everyone) you could type the pinyin for the individual characters, type dajiahao and the characters should show up in the front of the list and you could press space, or you could type djh and the characters should be prioritized. Due to the amount of homophones this can lead to mistakes when typing.
钉 ding1 and 定 ding4 are not homophones but you don't type in the tone marks so I made a mistake selecting the character. Also how would I have copy pasted it wrong if all i had to do was ctrl c and v?
好 (good)铁(iron)不 (not)打 (beat)钉 (nails);好(good)汉 (Han ethnic group but used to mean men in general)不 (not)当 (be)兵 (soldier implied plural)
not bait.
Like I said eearlier, it was a mistake. I was only meant to say that china had a big army like rome. Sorry if I caused any offence or confusion.
Chinese have always been soyboys.
Jokes aside, there a strong parrelells there though.
No I was talking about China in history
>although the y chromosome linage is basically the same but I digress
these are terrible analogies. China is much more like Egypt or Persia, with a very strong central monarchy that imposes cultural uniformity over its territory, while India is more like Mesopotamia, a hotbed of creativity and wealth that is fatally divided against itself and so easily (ish) conquered by outsiders.
This a chinkshill thread
So? They should get their analogies straight if they want to shill their shitty """country""".
Rome sounds more catchy than Egypt, it will attract romaboos.
>implying you need to trick dummies into responding to trollbait
OP could have just posted "KEKEKEKE sup niqqas i am her to troll u, china >>> rome, prove me wrong, faggets!" and gotten the same responses.
I didn't say china was greater than rome lmao
The comparison was obviously intended by your use of them in your analogy, don't be so obtuse.
Did you really waste your time explaining that to him.
Chinese sentences are commonly more condense than English and most phonogram languages
I don't see OP is shilling or implying China was greater than Rome, only weird analogy. But I think some western numales'(like you) inferior complex and sinophobic syndrome are busting out again.
I just said could china have had become more powerful if it learned more from india, a culture-rich civilization right at its doorsteps, just like how the romans learned from greek architecture, philosophy, mathmetics, etc
China is already much more powerful than India
Learn too much from India and you turned to brown chink southeast Asian shits
Well...You could learn from them how to shit on the streets. And they will learn how to cook dogs from you guys.
I'm talking about historical context lol
Why am I getting /pol/-like comments in /hist/?
>implying they did not practice that for thousand years
China reached its natural borders, which did not include India.
China DID import Hinduism, Buddhism, Sanskrit from India you dumb fuck...
>hinduism, sanskrit, buddhism
1. Buddhism is from Nepal
2. Sanskrit???? When?
3. Dinduism never was “imported”
Apparently Nepal offered to join India but that fag Nehru said no because he thought it would look aggressive.
Nepal is Indian kind of like how Austria is German
Nah not really, there is only a few ethnic groups such as the Madhesi's that identify with mainland Indian culture. The rest absolutely hate India.
>buddhism is from nepal
>this is what nepalis tell themselves.
kek. Siddharta was from nepal. The buddha was born in india.
Is that why they have open borders with India?
Are you retarded?
Can Hinduism really be considered Indian when it's derived from Vedic religion which came from Indo-Aryans?
are you forgetting the fucking himalayas, one of the most inhospitable and treacherous terrains that lines the border of these 2 countries
Source that isn’t an Indian poorag?
>the buddha was born in India
Non-Indian sources for that?
No. I am clearly not. I may be incorrect yet I definitely have an argument supported by numerous peer-reviewed sources.
I don’t know.... maybe the 10,000 m mountains in the way? Or the 1200km separating Han China from “India”.