Discuss the worst gym crimes you have witnessed or commited


I did ohp in the squat rack once

i squatted in the curl rack once

i was thrown out of the gym forcibly and they didnt give me a refund

None because i am not a tard

>gym charges $3.99 per set at the curl station
>squat rack rentals are an even $10 for an hour, plus a 1.99 apice for plates
It's cheaper just to curl there. I get a lot of dirty looks, but I tip the receptionist extra on curl days and she looks the other way

Can you imagine if a pay by exercise gym plan existed?

Holy shit, did Dr. Eggman really go bald?

>implying jeans are increasing his chance for injury or hindering his upper body motions
Fashion police fag.

kek, I always do that
There's very few people in my gym who squat so it's not like anybody minds

Oh my god, how dare a weak person have the nerve to start lifting! He shouldn't get to improve himself!

>one of the gimp benches is open (basically padded bench seat with a hole in it where the regular bench padding should be, you're supposed to put a bucket the receptionist gives you under it so literal retards can piss and shit while benching, one is on each side all the way back in the two corners of the freeweight area so they don't bother people)
>load up on snacks with my EBT card; cliff bars, whey, BCAAs, preworkout, oatmeal, eggwhites, whole milk, the works
>claim my comfy gimp bench
>"in with the new, out with the old" non-stop for the entire duration of my chest day, have half a mind to think I'm pissing and shitting beverages and food I ate earlier in the session
>workout over, get up to leave
>I forgot to get a bucket
>big mucousy turds running down an aisle turned into a slip-'n'-slide of piss and spilled protein shake (and a tiny little bit of blood, I don't get enough fiber)
>big bowl of plain oatmeal I didn't eat (because it wasnt strawberry flavor on the top) falls out of my lap and spills all over the place
>try to catch it and accidentally knock the rest of my shake over
I'd hate to be the one who had to clean that up, they probably closed that gym for the rest of the day and lost thousands of dollars due to canceled memberships for "unliftable conditions".

redditdyels pls go

You're an absolute subhuman, reprehensible piece of filth. Nothing is lower than putting down disadvantaged people who are trying their best to improve themselves. People like you should be skinned alive.

if eggman were to ever fall in a volcano, i would start a gofundme for his vader suit

What do you mean >imagine

Your gym doesn't do this? How do they regulate your gains taxes and licensing?

Kek I strike a nerve dyel? Didn't mean to trigger you. Maybe reddit might shelter you more from meanies like me :^)

Seriously if you're that skelly or fat just do bodyweight at home until you get to at least 0.5/1/1.5/2 pl8 before you walk into a gym and embarrass yourself. It's cringy af.

It's the only place you can reasonably ohp without having to clean the bar up unless you're willing to do seated ohp

rudeposter pls go

I imagine that you're baiting but even if you are I don't see how someone starting off is cringy, nobody starts off benching 2pl8 and the kid's form is pretty good so I don't get what you're so upset about with him benching just the bar.

Maybe it's just because when I started I never really cared what people at the gym thought of me but I don't feel any kind of cringe when I see beginners unless their form is shit. The only real gym cringe is shit form and weird made-up exercises imo

Is it possible to get up to 1 plate bench equivalence as a skinny guy doing pushups? I kind of doubt it. A guy who can only bench the bar could train pushups until he can do hundreds of them and his bench 1rm will barely get higher because the pushups are basically just cardio.

Do weighted ones dyel. I could bench 1pl8 when I first tried to max out at 190. Based high school football.

some asshole didn't leave the bar on right and when I went to go put weight on it up it went. I'm Still afraid of the bench press.

>didn't leave the bar on right
Elucidate pls.

Guy murdered kid by slamming a 20 pound plate on the kid's head

Jesus, you do realize that most people don't have the genetics to be anywhere near 190 without lifting, right?

>9pm on a Monday night, peak hour at my gym, never been at this time before
>Group of 3 huge guys standing next to the smith machine with a bench under the bar
>lifting belts on, huge thighs and calfs, very probably roided
>theres about 80kg on the bar
>I sit down in the weight area and do my first set, in all this time they haven't moved
>All of a sudden one jumps on to the bench and starts bench pressing
>Bench pressing like he's pumping a bike tyre
>completes about 40 reps in 30 seconds
>they all literally run out the gym
>leave all the weights on the machine and the bench under the smith machine

I'm honestly still confused about this

you get to a point where you don't need to lift heavy weights at all just pump the muscles up and get the hell out

Maybe where you live. We're not genetically inferior here. Sorry to hear you're dyel though.

What the fuck is your point? How is it relevant if (and I'll entertain your retardation for the purposes of this argument) everyone who lives near you happens to have great genetics? You are still criticizing people who do not live near you. Your claim that someone should be able to reach a certain strength level with bodyweight exercises applies to everyone in every location, not just to the people who live near you, so the way that genetics are distributed with regards to location means nothing.

mad dyel up in the mug

everyone would be dyel and leg day would not exist.

i'm cool with it everyone starts at 0... i root for these people.

>one free pass back to rebbit has just been entered in your account



Girl takes the squat rack, spends most of her time with her face in her phone, squats for 3 reps then goes back to her phone for 5 minutes between sets

>Hi top chucks

U say wat son of basterd bich

The gym would die, fast.

I'm more concerned with the blue jeans

I'm gonna do this tomorrow

Is he an alcoholic or something? Usually when people look like that, they drink a ton.

rounded lower back on deadlifts. Shit skeeves me out and makes me feel like i should say something

>guy doing shrugs in the only squat rack


I can forgive his very poor choice of attire. However I can't forgive him sweating all over the place then going from machine to machine remaining shirtless and never wiping anything down

OPs pic reminds me of yesterday when I was struggling doing OHP with 15 kg and some faggot on a bench besides took a pic of me with the flash on

>"I'll pleasure myself to this photo tonight. No homo."

>old lady trainer showing people to use the assisted pullup/dip as an improvised leg press
>skellington somalis egolifting less than 1pl8, getting stuck under the bar
>young dude squatting 1pl8 with a pussy pad and backsnappening form
>a couple of crossfit retards hogging two barbells and 10 ft of open gym space to do shitty circuit routines


I thought he was just warming up and it was about his attire. Oh well.

Is this Richmond Hill, GA?

>paying to exercise
>not going to an illegal mafia gym
>not living on the edge of right and wrong, life and death

They'll make a movie out of my illegal gains

I forgot my gym shorts at my house so I just wore my jeans. For my deadlift.

At least a qt told me I had a nice ass.

the worst part about this is that its true

I really need to stop going to r9k

>Heh... nothing personnel kid

Not so bad, I've done this for bench. Jeans were literally designed for workmen lifting heavy. Terrible for squats but you can salvage it otherwise.

some guy probably giving himself an enema in the gym shower, stinking up the entire looker room with the foul smell of protein diarrhea

Sometimes I go to my gym to bench or to do pull ups in what ever clothing.

I love benching all day everyday. I have had much more significant gains compared to the time when I did SS aka benching 1.5 times a week. That's way too little.

At least for smaller muscles I think it's better to work out a lot. I wouldn't squat or deadlift several times a day though, they are much more exhaustive and need a proper rest period in between.

I chose crosstrainer on what was on the TV's in front of them the other day

A few days ago i had a transparent shirt and a bra that can't hold my breasts properly. I think i was walking around the gym with a tit out (under the shirt tho) for like 10 mins
Do you think i should care?

>Used to go to an upperclass gym
>almost every time an old manlet used to be there
>we're talking 5'4", pretty fat, some 55 years old and always in an 80's track suit
>he'd enter, head directly to the pullup bars, arange the steps so he could reach the highest one, start hanging from it and kicking away the steps so he couldn't reach them with his feet
>then he'd just hang there for a solid 2 minutes
>then he'd leave

I imagined it was some kind of growth exercise he'd read about on the internet or something. He would just be hanging there, looking really bothered.

There's a door in the free weight section clearly marked "not an exit"

I once saw a kid pick up a dumbbell, look around, and quickly walk out the door. Never saw him return.

I was too beta to chase him or tell anyone.

Still haunts me to this day.

>DYEL old man with jewellery, shades and a beer belly laying in a bench and leg pressing in the smith machine
>different old man quarter squatting 2pl8 OUTSIDE the power rack blocking the way to get past, was setting up to squat and heard "fuck help me help me!!", looked over and his plates were sliding. Dumb cunt didn't put any clips on
>people who don't powerlift squatting low bar, this shit really grinds my gears
>girl who has been going to the gym for a couple of months and makes a youtube channel giving advice

>those people who takes all of the curl bars and lay them out next to the benches to do skullcrushers but realistically they sit there for 30 minutes before being abandoned

He's wearing jeans you spastic

>go to do calf raises in the smith machine
>someone has left 3pl8 on there that i have to unrack

>go to bench
>someone has put clips on the bar when it only has 2.5kg each side

A guy dropping weights like they were the heaviest thing in the world (doing 1 pl8 bench and 2pl8 deadlift) and just generally making a lot of noise.

Pissed me off desu, if you can't control the weight you're lifting (unless it's above 1/2/3/4 pl8) you should be lifting lighter.

Top kok

Guys just openly pissing naked and in their shorts in the locker room. I know it's a wet room with drains but come on man, that's not how it works.

At my uni gym groups of girls come in and lift never change weight between people, they all do the same weight... Why, also only do 1 set each

>people who don't powerlift squatting low bar, this shit really grinds my gears
Well excuuuse me princess. I have shit ankle mobility so high bar and front squats feel shit and I can't reach depth.

One time I was really really tired and ended up forgetting to put spring clamps on the bar

When I finished my last curl rep half the weights just slid off and made a huge noise and everybody looked at me

grip excersize for time

Yo mees, ma kain ka revalis !

You should. If someone didn't say something to me, I'd have moved to snap city years ago.

I'm generally against offering unsolicited advice in the gym, but this is my one exception.

I wanna help the guy in OP's picture get fit, he's for me feelin' some feels. ;-;

Being in one community gym in uk
personal trainer is black watches from the camera and comes to each person to tell him to rerack his weights then he starts working taking 3 machines at same time and after he finishes leave all unrack


You his bitch.

You all his bitches.

There are guys who BB row in the fucking squat rack at my gym. Shit.

Where else would you do ohp? I guess the Olympic lift area, but we have less of those than racks.

>he can't clean his The Press

I'm that young dude

>In gym today (commercial one with shitloads cardio, range of machine weights and small free weight area)
>I use machine weights btw
>~40 year old landwhale goes to every station, carrying around the cleaning spray and paper towels
>spends 2 minutes doing exercises on each and 8 minutes on her phone
>leaves paper towels on the fucking floor when she's done
Fucking disgusting

I sometimes lift in jeans when I'm lifting before work and it's an upper day. Like to see some faggot tell me off for it when i'm OHPing bodyweight/80kg.


the worst part is he wasn't THAT ugly looking to begin with.

148 5'7 here. Just started ss after bodyweight shit. I have no problem with one plate, pushups will work to a certain level

It works your grip and is an excellent spinal decompression technique. If you struggle with grip on deadlifts, or suffer from back pain, hanging for two minutes every now and then is one of the best things you can do.

you are the reason this planet is dying

if you dont realize the rule he broke was doing his warm up set with an empty bar.you should never do this as it isn't enough weight to even begin to warmup your muscles.

>I use machine weights
The true cringe of this post

ah so you are a fatass

>implying that you have 20lb plates

I'm not a lifter. I do weight training for sport.
But yes, I will now kill myself.

nice gyno

/r9k/ should be quarantined, that board is toxic and makes me instantly depressed

Nah, dyels like you are more detrimental to the planet.

Nope. West coast

how is this bad?

you're supposed to take a long break between sets when doing heavy compounds. low reps mean shes building weight.

she's actually doing everything right. but your beta ass who was too shy to ask to work in will despise her from afar and then go bitch about it on an inuit igloo shaving forum.

Why does everyone get so butthurt about everything? This is why I home gym. I obnoxiously slam my weights and grunt and noone can say sheeeit.