>ITT we post any tricks of the trade you might have about buying food, lifting weights or resting
I'll start: it's actually cheaper to buy a whole chicken for ten dollars than to buy two chicken breasts for the same price
>ITT we post any tricks of the trade you might have about buying food, lifting weights or resting
I'll start: it's actually cheaper to buy a whole chicken for ten dollars than to buy two chicken breasts for the same price
Eat the peel of a banana or you miss out on nutrients
Fuck off is this a thing?
Ye, don't eat them raw tho. You can find recipes online, recommend using green peels.
Chinese food is great with lunch specials for getting a fuck load of protein, also TBell works well too
Bupropion will make you feel no hungry at all. Almost as powerful as amphetamines.
Eggs are from chickens (well, some eggs).
Chickens are modern dinosaurs.
Omelettes are fried dinosaur abortions.
If you are dirt ass poor and/or a fucking scumbag, do this:
Go to your nearest WinCo, preferably late at night. Go to the bulk section and load up a bag full of their unflavored whey protein. Grab a label and write the number for some other, cheaper powdered substance (don't be an idiot and use sugar or flour, I usually label mine as powdered milk.)
You just scored some bomb ass protein for $1/lb
If the cashier catches you, just say you're dyslexic and read the numbers wrong, then own up and pay full price (at around $5-7 per pound, it's still a great deal.)
I'm not poor but I eat like when I use to be poor
•giant thing of Quaker oats
•bananas (cheaper than apples on a weight to price ratio)
•cinnamon, pumpkin spice
•cooked cabbage/tomatoes and eggs, seasoned
•chicken and beans (soak beans for a day, dump into a crockpot with whole chicken the night before) add garlic, boullion, and onion
•giant bulk pack of whole carrots (hate veggies but it's good for shits) and homemade hummus (hummus is heavy in nutrients and calories)
•bag of spinach (more nutrients than romaine, iceberg, and green leaf lettuce), eat raw for maximum nutrients
I hate spinach. It tastes like shit but I live in America with unaffordable healthcare and want to prevent hospital visits as much as possible.
>winco that opened up recently near me has self checkout
>grab a shit ton of almond butter
>ring it up as peanut butter
>less than half the price
Fucking retards, everyone in this thread including me.
>cheaper to buy x than to buy y for the same price
For it to be an abortion, it would have to be fertilized
>current poor
Chicken breast or ground turkey
Brown rice
Frozen veg
A bit of peanut butter and protein powder to round out the day.
Serious? You get other meat from the whole chicken
>mfw when this is my exact diet but I'm trying to bulk
A lot of people here act like chicken breasts are the only meat, but pork tenderloin and pork loin are also fantastic options with a high amount of protein for the calories. It could also be cheaper than chicken in some places. Where I live, pork loin can sometimes be $1.69 per pound.
3 oz pork tenderloin - 122 calories, 22g protein
3 oz pork loin - 200 calories, 26g protein
Pork also freezes very well, so you can cut a huge pork loin, throw those steaks on the grill and then freeze them for fast, easy meals.
well you see my autistic brother-in-arms, sometimes the "normals" have somewhat fluid definitions of words. In this case, cheaper refers to the spending rate, not the total spending. Because the whole chicken has more mass, the amount of food you get is greater, thus the unit cost is reduced. Allahu akbar
For lifting, do pyramid blocks
Weeks 1-4
Reps @ 15+
3s 2s and 1s
Then work back down. Some study showed in mice that hypertrophic gains were created in all stages but during heavier work loads new muscle fibers had a chance to create. More fibers = more room for hypertrophy and strength. You'll slowly get stronger and make mass. If on gear like myself, I worked up much more volume trying to break one PR a day. Ex: did 405 x 7 for straight leg deadlift. Its an odd and new lift for me so always fun doing something new.
Same guy (adding name for dumping info)
Taking a few weeks to work with bands and chains has helped my bench increase to just under 3 plates with overloading at the bottom / on lockout giving a huge confidence boost when handling heavy weights raw. Most of my secondary barbell work is done with chains (primarily dead lift) adding 100#~ in 6 months. 5x3 deficit pulls from 1plate and heavy triples/moderate 5-8 front squats. GHR and reverse hypers after all squat and dead days.
Warm the fuck up. Band pulls, pulldowns, curls. Warm up with an empty bar each time, going in 50lb jumps with high reps. Stay at 135 until it feels good and secure before jumping again. After main sets I found 3x15 then 3x15 close grip to be wonderful. Rolling triceps extensions all done slow, hammer curls, and strict ohp for a few triples and 5s. Lat pulldowns are a must along felt work to make sure all working muscles are not lagging.
I do this. Also with the candy and coffee
Drink water. Now drink more
Eat how you can. If you're in a pinch with cash, make soups and stews. You can put ANYTHING in a decent rice/slow cooker. Rice, beans, meat, veggies. Season to taste and some bouillon powder you have a few days worth of decent food for only a few bucks. You don't need to be extreme on your diet unless you're going/are a pro BB or athlete. Eat flexible and on days you feel you need a boost or a sweet, go for it. I've had a better physique from eating how I want then only chicken and rice. Less cravings, happier disposition
I wouldn't be at all surprised if those peels aren't soaked in pesticide/chemicals since they aren't expecting people to eat them.
Just a thought
You have to
a good way of eating big would be an intake of whey protein and/or mutant mass, which means taking a decent amount of portions of the product of your choice, which is why I urge anyone to take
Get some shit with double steak and no cheese or sour cream or guacamole. Just steak n' tomatos n' lettuce
>29% fat
>51% carbs
>20% protein
>1814 calories
>only 95g protein
>peanut butter
>all that saturated fat
enjoy your heart disease
Mark, you already have man-tits. This needs to stop.
You're bringing shame to the Rippetoe family name.
>20 teaspoons of preanut batter
The fuck? That's got to be over 2000 calories.
>He doesn't know saturated fat is required for testosterone synthesis in humans.
Please tell me more about how squats destroy knees please.
Okay, serious question.
How the fuck do you guys eat this much food?
Yesterday I had two scoops protein powder, a chicken thigh, a baked potato, and a cup or so of mixed vegetables (Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower).
I legitimately can't see eating that much. 6 bananas, every day? I can BARELY eat two bananas in a day, and I wouldn't be able to eat anything else.
>he actually thinks dietary saturated fat is required for testosterone synthesis
Do you have to eat the 6 bananas or can you ingest them anally?
Just I don't like bananas is all.
>Protein is the lowest macro
>More fat than fucking protein
You been here like one month and think you're in position to give advice??
Eat more faggot
Most I can eat in one day is if I get a family size papa murphy's pizza, I can eat like 5-6 slices of that which is something like 1800 calories by itself.
Usually I end up under 1200 calories (With the 300 from protein powder included) without making myself eat something that's really calorie dense just to not become Auschwitz mode.
You don't have to eat them, they just have to be inside your body.
Keep eating 2 grams of protein for bodyweight fucking nigger
>100% natural peanut butter
>20 tablespoons
pimple galore
Drink them faggot, also just keep pushing them Inside, it Will cost you less with time
What a fucking retard, Peanut butter mostly have good fat or whatever ever the fuck you wanna call it
>gluten-eater and future alzheimer guy, friend of the wheat industy: the post
keep eating bread for energy, pal, and wondering why the headaches are so constant
If you find bulk whey you can mark it as flour and pay like nothing
>25% protein
Some people lift while cutting too, retard.
No,no I asked you to tell me about the knee killing squat. It's almost like you aren't listening.
2162 Calories
almost exactly
33% protein
33% carbs
33% fat
176g proteins
193g carbs
86g fat
how the fuck did they get mice to work out
>Good fat
I don't eat bread and I don't eat meme butter,eggs and olive oil are superior fats.
Chef here.
Skellys do this:
>Buy muesli/granola instead of oats
>Blend 1 cup(or your seving size) into a powder (not all of it will blend, thats fine)
>Buy Vanilla bean paste (the real shit, no fake stuff) and mix that into greek or full cream yogurt
>Mix in 200g of suger to 200ml of water, bring to a boil
>Add in 750g of mixed berries and bring to a boil again
>once bubbling take of the heat and let cool
And what you want to do is mix in 1 cup of blended muesli/granola with 1 cup of yogurt and add the berries (berry compote) on top.
That's a meal you don't even have to chew, can get it down in like 2 minutes.
>Mix high quality drinking chocolate/cocoa in with protein powders to mask shitty taste, then you can do 3 scoops like your supposed to.
>Peanut butter satay sauce for chicken.
A cheap mans satay:
>Blend peanutbutter, sweet chilli sauce and a little bit of fish oil until smooth.
Also know heaps of recipes if anyone wants.
>has you eating 6 tablespoons of PB a day and a bunch of bananas
>no rice/black beans
>no multivit
Definite a guide for retards.
That image is pure genius desu. Are there any downsides of eating this? Not every day obviously but a couple times a week?
Aside from it tasting like shit and losing all motivation to eat after 1-2 days? And it lacking many micronutrients, including an absence of any vegetables?
If y'all are going for easy cheap calories do GOMAD. There will never be easier/cheaper.
Dump some m8
> Benching
Don't warm up. It fatigues you and makes you unable to lift heavy. If I'm doing 275x1 I'll do 225x3 then 245x2 then go for it
>tfw when people post your OC
Now that I tried it myself, I'd recommend adding more chicken breasts. Eat like 4 of them and drop one or two bananas. Didn't take any multis or anything and did a blood test a couple of weeks after finishing my cut and eating at maintenance my cholesterol levels were down to 76mg/dl (pretty much heart disease proof) and triglycerides were down to 52mg/dl (diabetes proof). This diet is god tier.
Like what ones m8o? What's a meal that you eat regularly?
Macerated fruit:
This one needs a food vacuum/sealer (Just buy a $50 one) but the girls go fucking nuts for it.
You need:
>Mangos, strawberries and/or watermelon (you dont need all 3 just 1 if you like)
>About 1L apple juice
>Fresh rosemary
>Fresh ginger
>cut up fruit (mangos into 1-2cm cubes, strawberryies in half, watermelon into 1-2cm cubes)
>Portion fruit (either together or seperatly. i do seperatly.) into the vacuum bags
>Slice ginger
>you only need a pinch of rosemary
>bring apple juice to a boil
>Throw in ginger and rosemary once boiling
>Take of heat
>let cool a little bit
>Add juice into the bags with fruit
>Vacuum sealed tight. You want to juice to infuse into the fruit
Serve with nuts and wipped coconut cream.
Don't mean to intrude with socialist views here but as a Central European I just have to ask: how do the poor and middle class in America justify NOT wanting healthcare?
Forgot to add refrigerate. don't eat it warm.
It's not. A table spoon is around 170
That satay recipe is helpful and easy to remember. Props to you, chefbro. Would definitely appreciate more.
Because up until recently the poor were a small percentage of the population that while still destitute could theoretically afford some semblance of healthcare. The vast majority of Americans were wealthy by most standards and could afford healthcare through their employers. That changed as jobs went over seas and immigrants came and made up a later portion of our population, mainly from socialist countries where they had the expectation of socialized medicine but with Americas bleeding edge technological advances (something that came about through the fact that healthcare wasn't a right but a luxury).
Next recipe is Michelin star bacon and eggs.
Atleast 1 hour ahead of time take all ingredients out of the fridge.
>8 thin slices Canadian bacon
>4tbsp (60g) butter
>8 eggs
>salt and pepper
>However many slices of toast
>brown the bacon in a nonstick frypan
>melt 1tbsp butter into a porcelain dish/s
>Place and even amount of bacon in each (or if using just 1 big 1 spread bacon evenly)
>The bacon doesn't have to be flattened out it can curl up and shit, even hang over the edge it wont matter
>Break the eggs into a bowl, 2 at a time, then carefully slide them into the porcelain dish/s
>salt and pepper lightly
>Cook on very low under a grill (oven will work if you dont have a grill) until the whites have cooked
>Raise heat and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes
>serve with toast and your choice of sauce (Hollandaise is the best)
Potato and bacon omelet Or Creamy scrambled eggs with salmon next?
I fertilized your mum's eggs last night
While I appreciate the recipe, I don't have porcelain dishes, or really any fancy cooking equipment. I live in a co-op at uni, which means we have a full open kitchen and are always stocked with the basics, but luxury cooking stuff would break too fast.
This is probably a really niche request, but I'll give it a go anyway. I cook for the entire house once a week, on a team of four cooking for 70. We generally try and make pretty healthy and relatively easy meals, because we have to make a lot of food in about three hours. If you've got any recommendations, I'd love to try em out.
Generally, because none of us are trained chefs, we make a leafy green salad, quinoa/rice/lentil dish, veggie stir fry, and some meat. On good days, we'll do themed dinner (last week was Indian; I made dank chicken tikka masala), but more often than not we make due with whatever our kitchen managers ordered. We have every spice known to man, tons of veggies and bulk dry goods.
So yeah. Whaddaya think?
Where the hell does OP live that 2 chicken breasts are $10??
Boston fag here, chicken breast are 3.99/lb
Just my 2 cents, I warm up to ensure I don't tear my pec/shoulder or cramp my lats up. Works well for me, ensures I get more volume in my sessions.
Nice facebook-tier post
How do you ring it up as something else?
Self checkout
I get that part, but don't you have to put the bar code on the thingy so it recognizes what it is? Might be different where I'm at.
>eat spinach raw for maximum nutrients
No. Spinach contains oxalic acid which interferes with the absorption of many essential nutrients. If you steam your spinach the oxalic acid is broken down, allowing your body to absorb the nutrients previously affected.
>200g sugar
At the shop I go to you weigh the bag and get a label printed out. Just tell the machine you're weighing a cheaper item.
I don't think he realized you were talking about a bulk section
Yeah, because bulking is just the same as stuffing your face with shit like 400g of sugar.
What the fuck is this? What is the purpose of bulking when you just eat shit all day? That will make you fat and nothing but fat, it won't even make you energized or support your muscle / strength growth as much as it could do.
Just a pure waste.
>hummus is heavy in nutrients and calories
It also tastes like shit and is for shitskins and hipsters
>Having shitty genetics
Not my problem