>Won't let me sleep enough to recover normally(they go to sleep at like 11 pm and are up by 6 being loud AF, so even if I sleep at the same time as them it's not enough)
>Keep nagging me about getting a job and moving out and doing chores which further lowers my testosterone via cortisol
>Won't buy feed me decent food so I can't bulk nor cut properly
>Can't get gf because of their bullshit
Fuck man I know I'm a NEET but why do they have to be like this? I'm so jeally of other neets.
What do I do? I'm considering just taking what money I have and moving by myself to le big city and starting a new life but I have no job, no gf and no real skills.
How did Veeky Forumsbros deal with their gains goblins of a family?
Ethan Davis
>>Get a job. >>Help your parents out with chores. >>Learn to cook. >>Buy your own food. >>Go to sleep earlier. >>Go socialize. >>Learn to be a functioning adult.
Nolan Davis
>>>Get a job. no jobs >>>Help your parents out with chores. they want me to take out the trash and vacuum >>>Learn to cook. i can;'t, they won't let me >>>Buy your own food. no money >>>Go to sleep earlier. can';t i have to study for my accounting exams >>>Go socialize. can't, no money for good clothes and i look bad because i can't afford roids or food
Nathaniel Perry
>can't, no, can't, no, can't
Keep making excuses. That just shows how much you really want to make it you shitlord.
Brandon Watson
Fuck this pasta.
Justin Wright
nice explanation normalfag
there is no jobs here and i can't do any of this shit due to it.
your advice is fucking worthless.
give me good advice and i will actually follow it. But not this worthless shitposting
Jonathan Jenkins
There is nothing you can do. You're a little bitch who will make endless excuses. If you can't get a job you can't do anything, so just kill yourself.
Alexander Ward
you only need to fix one thing m80 and its your attitude
Henry Edwards
Jonathan White
Get a job you broke ass nigga
Carter Lewis
give me some fucking advice faggots
ACTUAL ADVICE. not cliche one-word answers you fags
Jayden Gonzalez
I advise you to kill yourself.
Jaxon Edwards
Will Veeky Forums stop being full of newfags who reply to pasta?
Joshua Evans
wow good advice normie
when backed into a corner he can't even come up with anything
Adam Adams
I'm sure there are enough hours in the day for you to study that you don't need to stay up late to study. Plenty of other people manage it. Also, how are taking out the trash and vacuuming in any way arduous or stressful? Fuck me, you must have had a sheltered upbringing.
Lincoln Anderson
there are literally no jobs here
Ethan Green
Kys with ur copy pasta, phaggot!
Carson Hughes
I just want some good advice for once.
Leo Kelly
Where is here? I'll give you a job.
Samuel Gutierrez
Austin Murphy
>college boy >all I wanna do is lift and study >that's not gonna work for dad >have class at 12 next day, so having a workout at 11am(homegym master race) >dad makes me go to sleep because he wants me to take me to work >wake up at 7, work all the way till 12 in plumbing >absolute shittiest job >going from door to door in these sketchy appartments for inspections >no one opens up because everyone there is either an illegal or a druggie >4 hours of this >go to school for 8 more hours after with smelly clothes(didn't have time for shower) >didn't eat until I got home because want to save money >mum asks me how work and college were >"good haha it was fun" it keeps happening over and over again. My dad tells me to do something and I cant refuse. I have no time to rest from workouts or eat anymore.
Angel Foster
>Being upset you have a job that works with your school schedule Literally kill yourself.
Cameron Hill
I don't understand this woman's appeal. She looks like a meth head and her ptosis bothers me.
Camden Allen
I do not want to work. I never go out. I never eat anything but store bought food. Most of my school needs are paid for and I have plenty of money on my bank account. Why would i work if I can use that energy on working out and education?
Aaron Sanchez
Then stop asking for advice dumbass.
Thomas Robinson
meth heads are hot
Eli Harris
Not this one
Joseph Green
I wasn't aware i'm on /adv/ I was only sharing my situation with having gain goblin parents.
Leo Rodriguez
No one cares about your copy pasta.
Wyatt Sanchez
>copy pasta Why would you post to this thread and complain about people sharing experiences about the topic?
Adam Hernandez
I'm complaining about your shit copy pasta.
Connor Cruz
I didn't copy or paste that. I just wrote it and it happened yesterday.
Easton Hill
Not those anons. But why no jobs? Where abouts do you live, user?
Please tell me you're not one of those faggots who refuses to get jobs that are "beneath" them.