Pic Related, It's how you skellys look when you try acting tough.
Jack Miller
Shouldn't you be counting macros or something user? 1 point off and you'll become obese since you have obese genetics
Benjamin Brown
Obese NEET detected.
Levi Gray
Caleb Cox
It's sad you needed to come up with that chart to justify your poor genetics
Connor Fisher
The chart is years old. Skele's complaining (while secretly feeling proud) about their super human metabolisms are honestly just as bad as fatties, if not worse, because they are proud of being retarded.
Wyatt Cruz
Did someone say Fat Hate Thread?
Liam Nelson
daily reminder that fast/slow metabolism is the biggest meme in existence these things have close to no influence on your weight(-loss/-gain) outside of the english language no one even mentions metabolism when it comes to diet
Xavier Taylor
Landon Carter
Both work. I remember one user mentioning that he wished there was a skelly hate thread since he started from skelly and never got to get the same motivation as fatanons.
There was a thread on lolcow where a nurse examined the corpse if an anorexic and it was gruesome. That might fit, but I'm on phone so I can't get it.
Caleb Perry
Well, not really as bad if you think about it. I saw studies saying being overweight reduces your lifespan by 1 year (being obese upgrade this to 3 years), but I've never seen anything about skellys losing lifespan. That is, if they're not having a shit ton of deficiency.
Jacob Cook
Caleb Green
Found the skelly. How's your superhuman metabolism going?
Isaiah Gutierrez
Complaining while feeling proud is called BRAGGING
Carter Russell
no it's not you fucking retard
Ryan Adams
Skellies are never counted as being truly alive. They are a skeleton and some gristle, nothing more.
Matthew Reed
Fatty detected, fuck off tumblr
Luis Brown
>That's an actual photo >There were additions to building regulation for hospitals (doors and corridors) because of people this wide.
Jack Ramirez
Guys I'm 6'1 161 lbs. How much would I have to gain to stop being skelly
Justin Butler
Kayden Mitchell
John Smith
Who hurt you m8
Adam Bennett
>Tfw fat chubby fucker >Tfw started from skinny fat/fat territory >Tfw the process is the same as a skelly, but with cuts added in
Skelly legitimately don't know how easy they have it. Half the time they could take their shitty diet, add in oats and some nuts and be lean bulking. The lucky fucks can even do a 1/4 GOMAD and not be disgusting after the first few months.
Plus, if a skellington starts bulking and makes some initial gains, it's pretty obvious they're gaining muscle. They look good. When I gain muscle, it's hidden under fat, and I just look fatter until I cut. To be fair, when I've built up enough muscle, it does hold the fat and doesn't look as gross as it could.
Anyway, bitter rant over. I'm just jelly that my shitty choices are less advantageous than their shitty choices. I'm still gonna make it.
Luis Taylor
Fat cunt detected.
Luis Wright
This is reverse appliccable for skellies, except with lower caloric intake. Like shows.
150 pounds 6'3" here, gonna start with going to the gym tonight, bought a year directly. I'm FUCKING DONE BEING SKELLY AS FUCK REEEEEEEEEEEE Fuck these skinny kiddie arms.
How much should I gain, and what foods are best to gain with and cheap?
Low weights and more reps at first to get the technique proper in the first 2 weeks, then go down to 5x5.
After 8 weeks the plan is to split the routine in an armday, legday and coreday. Or something like that.
Connor Richardson
I'd eat myself to death if I was surrounded by morons who can't tuck in a shirt or wear a tie properly for 2 hours of their white trash lives
Lucas Ross
Skeletons, obviously
Alexander Turner
Tip: Lift heavy
Eat everything. Then double that.
I'm serious. 2 eggs for breakfast? Make it 4. 1 scoop of whey? 2 scoops c'mon. I eat like a mad man and I'm still plateuing at 80kg. Eat till you're sick of eating and then eat some more. Just keep your macros balanced and lift heavy as possible and you'll see results.
Ayden Thompson
>I can eat whatever I want and never get fat, infact it is almost impossible for me to gain weight
Then you spend time with these people and you notice that they have a fucking hard time eating regular sized portions and basically go about their day with about 2 meals a day. I was in china with 2 of these kinds of motherfuckers a couple of years back and it was at that time I realized that all skeletons are just biased af and full of shit. Like you can't finish a portion of rice and beef desingned for a chinese person? Do you live with air and sunlight alone?
Anthony Torres
>Low weights and more reps at first to get the technique proper in the first 2 weeks >>should be >High weights and low reps at first to get the technique proper in the first 2 weeks
Too much volume for a beginner, you won't make any gains m8. Read the sticky, it recommends SS. Do SS for a month while clean bulking at 500+ or so then add accessories after you've got a strength base. Noobs generally don't know enough about hypertrophy to actually make gains.
Jason Murphy
If you get back to this, please post. I need anti-anorexic motivation.
Jaxson Gomez
I'm quite a skelly, thought i ate enough and when I actually counted I figured i eat about 1900kal a day on what is supposed to be a bulk (need 2700). So, what food do you eat when bulking ?
Isaiah Martin
>tfw I've struggled with an eating disorder for the past 8 years. >tfw I weighed myself today and I weigh 65.5kg
I know that's still fairly low for someone who's 180cm, but I finally have a BMI of over 20 and I've come a long way from when I weighed 50kg.
Am I going to make it?
Joseph Ortiz
I saw a skelly in town today wearing shorts and a t-shirt, couldn't have weighd more than 50kg/110 pounds, literally skin and bone. Made me feel ill looking at him
Benjamin Green
My main source of calories when bulking are
Main bulking foods.
>oats (my morning shakes are about 1200 calories worth of oats and kvarg) >milk + gainers (2 shakes, one right after gym and one right before bed, 600 calories each)
Meals: usually 3 or 4 times a day.
>rice >chicken breast >eggs >broccoli >fats
Accessory foods
Daniel Wright
I do whole milk gomad, and have 2 large fast food meals(1000cal each) and I can't get past 170lbs, I'm 6ft3 so still skelly, at a certain point I just start shitting out undigested fat.
Robert Long
Skellys r fucking disgusting
Owen Gomez
skellies are idiots with no motivation and eat batshit insane foods with no protein i imagine myself knocking out the first skelly i dont care if he dies frail shit man
Robert Reyes
Gaining keks en masse in here, all these butthurt skellies in here, golden!!
>look mum I've been working out for 2 weeks now and my abs are showing
I'd take a manlet gymbro over a disgusting skelly errday
Brayden Cox
Thanks, looks like i need to eat more oats, my breakfast is pretty much 700kal right now
Hunter Garcia
take probiotics to help digestion and eat yoghurt.
Ryan Kelly
You can do it. Calculate everything(macros too) and keep track for a week or 2 until it becomes habit. You will gain just like I did.
Xavier Scott
Well I realize I don't eat enough because I count my calories.
I'm just way to lazy to make food and eat all the time. If someone would cook me an amazing lunch right now and put it in front of me, sure I would eat it. But preparing that shit? nah rather grap a juice and continue shitposting. I could eat a toast in the morning and eat nothing all day, I just don't have a intensive feeling of being hungry
David Barnes
We are all going to make it except for OP he won't because he's a faggot.
Tyler Richardson
>Not making it >Eating
pick one or get off my Veeky Forums you lazy faggot.
Luis Morales
>lift heavy >too much volume for a beginner 5 sets of 5 reps at high weight sounds about right, right? I only want to do 3 sets of 12 at first to get the techniques properly at like 30% of my 1RM. It's only in the first 2 weeks! I don't wanna injure myself later on and having to rest, and lose gains in the end because of that. Better a slow start than to fuck up the entire year because of fucked up techniques. You can only gain with lifting if you do it properly
>eat everything, then double that I love to eat warm meals like pasta, rice and eggs. I could and would eat so much every meal if I could eat that.
I still live with my parents and they get mad as fuck even if I only fry an egg unless it's sunday. "hurr durr you're gonna clean the kitchen afterwards" and in my folks terms, clean means so clean you could operate on a guy in there. Not a single finger print on the counter (black granite) or the floor (black granite) or induction range (glass plate) Shit is fucking annoying. All they buy is disgusting rye bread, cheese, cold cuts and peanut butter for breakfast. after 19 years this breakfast makes me wanna kill myself in the morning.
I should mealprep lunch and breakfast the night before I guess.
Still gotta get into the whey/proteine powders. never had one before.
not butthurt at all, just trying to de-skelly myself. I'm new to Veeky Forums but what the fuck is going on with putting down people who try to improve themselves. I thought the whole point of this board was to educate newbs and exchange knowledge
Josiah Campbell
I do that bro, already gained 5kg
Gavin Perez
All of this is in the sticky.
>I only want to do 3 sets of 12 at first to get the techniques properly at like 30% of my 1RM. It's only in the first 2 weeks! The whole point of doing 5x5 or 3x5 is to build strength. You won't build strength on the squat/dead/bench/ohp if you do high reps, especially as a noob lifter. This is science and there is literally no better way to do it.
>I don't wanna injure myself later on and having to rest You won't compromise your form if you add weight in 5kg increments every workout, starting from the bar or whatever you can lift comfortably until you can't progress anymore. 5x5 with 3 working sets and 2 warm up sets is enough for this(you check form on the warm up sets). Find a job and buy your own food.
Jack Howard
Do you fat fucks still think we try to gain weight on clean food or something? We simply can't eat a lot of junk food, our bodies just can't process it. I can't sit and eat like 3 poptarts, that's fucking impossible.
Christopher Barnes
You can build strength with higher reps (~60% 1RM seems to be the cutoff), but 30% 1rm certainly isn't going to build strength or technique effectively. Form under load is not the same thing as form under light weight.
Of course, an absolute beginner doesn't have a steady 1RM anyway. By the time he starts training it won't even be 30%.
Luke Brooks
I guess I meant that he won't build strength as efficiently. Which is key when starting out, you want to see those results to motivate yourself.
Aaron Ward
Don't really care about making gains in the first 2 weeks. But then again as said, form under light weight is totally different than form under proper load. I guess you're right. So I just should start 5x5 from the beginning?
could you explain please what you mean with the '3 working sets and 2 warm up sets'
Got a job and I already buy a lot of food myself. Basically anything food related that's not part of the 3 meals a day (shitty bread breakfast, lunch which is same as breakfast, and an okayish dinner) I gotta buy myself.
I'm not even allowed to use the eggs in the fridge my mom buys unless it's for the sunday fried egg, on sunday.
Jezus christ no wonder I'm skelly af
Owen Nguyen
Guys skeleton here, HOW do you just shovel down the food? I feel guilty that I can't finish basic fucking meals, it's like the reverse fatty, instead of feeling sad from eating so much, I feel bad that I'm eating so little. What do?
Pic related its me
Easton Moore
Just keep on trying, you'll slowly be able to eat more. I used to be like you, 120 lbs and trying to eat alot of food made me feel sick. It's been 6 months and I'm at 155 lbs right now. Still struggling a little bit but I've gotten significantly better.
Thomas Lewis
My squat 1RM is 150kg(including bar) so 3x5 at 85% of my 1RM for strength gains.
10-12 reps with bar 8-10 reps with 50kg 5x3 reps at 130kg
So that's technically 3x5.
Joshua James
Just keep on training at some point your body snaps and you will start eating everything around you
Robert Cooper
>5x3 reps at 130kg I mean 3x5 lol
Oliver Williams
spoonpickups x failure
Christopher Sullivan
Thanks man.
Pretty gud thread so far
Jordan Foster
>skelebro >can't eat dairy or eggs >fit roommate takes me to the gym for the first time >feels really good >start eating more
I-I hope I make it Veeky Forums
Ryder Perez
Mmm fatass powerlifter tears
James Howard
Nice gyno fag
Dylan Robinson
I'm convinced no one on Veeky Forums actually knows what gyno is anymore
Robert Garcia
Pretty neat. Just back from telepathically beating down super-villains by sheer willpower.
Ayden Adams
gyno got memed into oblivion people just call mantitties gyno now
Robert Powell
>bearmode here
Isaac Brown
user I'm 6'2 200 lb after bulking for two months and i want to hit 220 for my bulk I need almost 3500 calories to make that with my work out schedule while eating 200g of protein
Joseph Cook
What are you trying to say??
Easton Carter
how do i put on 22 lbs in two hours?
Ethan Hill
>1.80cm >65kg >just woke up >had a cup of tea and like 5 cookies >then proceeded to have a glass of pepsi and a cigarette >breakfast of champions >hungarian skellington as fuarkkk >murder top pucci whenever i feel like it >literally have to pass on some because cba
>"b-but muh g-gains"
keksimus maximus
Jaxon Reyes
Eat 22 lbs of rocks
William Collins
Jason Bennett
Gtfo obese neet
Chase Hernandez
whole lotta butthurt itt
Logan Fisher
That IS a pretty fucking big hole
Chase Brooks
so many skelly pre teens ITT
Asher Morgan
It's sad how retarded both ends of the spectrum are.
I used to be a "hard gainer". I was down to 140 at 5'11(and a half!). Then I started eating and working. I shot up 20 pounds in 2 years just eating normal times a day and working.
Now I'm 190 plus. I dropped down to 180 a couple weeks ago but then I went hard into the bulk. 200 here we come.
If you can't gain weight you don't eat enough. If you gain too much weight you ate too much. If you think otherwise you're fucking ignorant.
Isaiah Green
If your BMI is less than 24 you are a manlet
If you weigh less than 200 pounds you are a manlet
> b-but I can bench 135!!
Chase Price
Just go through the whole day without being hungry. If you're just normal then go have a snack
Matthew Williams
I'm skinny and I'm still unattractive So literally evolution I won't ever have kids nobody will ever want to be with me
Chase Cox
Carson Robinson
I was a skelly and I started to rapidly put weight on when I hit 22.
That's what kickstarted lifting for me.
Angel Parker
I've become fucking ravenous for food over the last few weeks. It'll come.
Grayson Gray
Bentley Young
>all these butthurt skellies spewing "muh fast metabolism genetics" lies
Liam Martin
My BMI is 23, I weigh 160 and bench 175
a-am I a manlet
Jacob Thompson
Sadly yes. Feelsbadman
Jaxon James
Weight itself is a meme >people can be fat and attract people and get married >people can lift or be skinny and stay single forever >woman can be skinny but not have the genetics for womanly figure >man can get fit but have wide hips
A fucking meme Genetics is everything
Nolan Lopez
>>man can get fit but have wide hips
Tfw wide hips and makes my love handles even more exaggerated
Charles Morris
Are you one of those angry meathead dudes in the club me and my emo hair and skelly bones scoop girls out from under? Stay salty, friend. :^)
Wyatt Davis
Fuck off Edward Cullen, eat a fucken sandwich.
Jaxon Bell
>skelly >emo hair
What are you doing on /fit?
Austin Morgan
Good on you, brah, keep fighting the good fight, you're gonna make it. What's your end goal?
Leo Anderson
This is probably the most disgusting body i have ever been so unfortunate to lay my eyes upon