>Albanians have no roots in Europe, they claim to be Illyrian but the Albanians have NO similarity's to Illyrian culture, alphabet or language. Albanians have muslim names, use the Turkish alphabet
>Albania was the number 1 export of fighters to ISIS in Syria, not immigrants from Albania going to fight like the case in Germany or England, but native Albanians which sympathies with Islamic-State terrorists. Albanians, due to their backward culture are also known for inbreeding, the evidence is obvious and overwhelming.
>Some examples are: *Repetition of the same pair of surnames in marriages. *Increased numbers of disabled offspring. *Lower life spans. *physical deformities *Intellectual & emotional problems, abundantly clear to a casual observer even here on the forum.
Facts about albania
Other urls found in this thread:
Inbreeding can increase the chances of offspring being affected by recessive or deleterious traits.
This generally leads to decreased fitness and limits genetic diversity of a population, which is called inbreeding depression. This is one of the reasons why Albanians have far more genetic defects than any other group of people in Europe, the number of disabled, invalid, psychotic and criminal family members exponentially higher than in any other European nation or ethnicity.
It is clear that Albanians tend to do poorly in the intellectual and sporting field of the world, generally producing the least inteligent and athletic types. Unfortunately, the defective genes have been passed down through the generations.
In every Albanian family there is at least some inbreeding within a span of several generations, normally cousins, but also amongst siblings with the same parents or parent.
Also, there are too many instances of missing records of a grandparent or great grandparent in the Albanian family tree, this attests to the frightening occurrence of where a father and grandfather are one and the same.
This creation of what is essentially a nation of circus freaks is one of the most frightening phenomena of the modern world, perhaps one of the best examples of human entropy on a large scale, made shockingly manifest by the degenerate Albanian.
For those of you interested in further information there is much more on the subject of Albanian inbreeding via the internet search, but it is an ugly truth on an ugly people.
Great thread. Do you think all Albanians should be sterilized?
they should be pushed to the sea
t. Butthurt serb
[spoiler]kosovo is albanian[\spoiler]
That would ruin the Adriatic
Mrzim šiptare.
t. Hrvat
Illyrian identity was politically forced on Albanians. Nobody there gives two shits about it.
I have a friend that's Albanian. She's white but a Muslim. Her name is Aisha, so I can't help but think of that creep Muhammad forcing himself on a nine year old girl every time I hear or say her name.
The struggle is real.
It's a sign. You need to force herself on her now. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.
Don't need to tell me twice, brah. She's hot.
Show me on the doll where the Albanian touched you, user
Still had Skandeberg
Albania wins history for that
>Is there any hope in redeeming Albanians?
>implying they weren't always subhuman
Which type of Balkan subhuman are you, Memeadonian?
Balkan shit flinging is the best
Someone made a serb miffed, we're gonna have to flush out the board with gas.
Why are Albanians so proud of being from that piss hole?
sauce on OP
why are balkan women dark beauties
serbbeta thread's belong to /pol/
Do you have the original image?
Why do serbitches always make images like this? Is it becaues in reality you're always one that gets raped?
Why are Serbs so butthurt about a place they deem a piss hole?
found it along with some others
Thanks mate
At least we are not Slavs
Kenya was a better trip than Albania desu
t. Non-serb
Jesus Christ are serbs really this autistic?
This is the most cringey shit I ever saw
I'm not lying tho. At least in Africa I was expecting to get hoarded by poor people. In your shithole's fucking "tourist areas" in saranda and butrint I got attacked by a bunch of wigger albo kids that wouldn't fuck off unless I emptied my pockets.
These are cringey as fuck
Blerim you do realise he didn't make those and someone asked him for the sauce. Keep that IQ flying.
amerifag that found the comics here
i dunno if he's serb, wouldnt the comics not be written in english?
he seems like an /int/ waifu fag
>replying to Toniblers
How long to you plan on extending this charade Clinton
then give him sauce and don't spam this cringey nonsense you dumbshit
serbs always make such images, make's them seem relevant
I don't give a fuck who made it and asked for it. I just know that these cringey monstrosities exist and that's why I commented on them. That's all, Mirko
BTW, it's actually 2 people you're replying to (see pic)
That wasn't me you retarded mujahedeen
>BTW, it's actually 2 people you're replying to (see pic)
[spoiler]I actually don't think they're so bad,
at least in concept[/spoiler]
I think they're qt
You're in the majority, there's just 2 very loud albos in the thread.
I gather from this image (minus the derogatory edit) that albania is being portrayed as a lesbian. Is there any reason for this?
Is the intention to be insulting to the people of that country? I understand that they might find it philosophically detestable to be portrayed this way.
Bahaha from all the insults true to them "lesbian" would hardly be derogatory.
I’m not sure, I’m not Balkan.
the descendents of illyrians are southern bosnians and southern croats, some parts of albania too but few
>Skanderbeg always signed himself asLord of Albania(Latin:Dominus Albaniae), and claimed no other titles but that in official documents.
>Skanderbeg's rebellionwas not a generaluprisingof Albanians, because he did not gain support in the Ottoman-controlled south orVenetian-controlled north. His followers included, apart fromAlbanians, alsoSlavs,Vlachs, andGreeks.[3]For 25 years, from 1443 to 1468, Skanderbeg's 10,000 man army marched through Ottoman territory winning against consistently larger and better supplied Ottoman forces,[4]for which he was admired.[5]
Faking resdart
Serbian motto
Don't you have a family feud to settle over who fucked your mule
Also I’m kind of impressed of Serb legend creation, making some unknown Albanian one of their greatest legends it takes a lot
Bahahaha WE
Does that mean Machiavelli was a serb?
Not a Serv for sure
Being in the Balkans is tough enough, I can't imagine what it's like to be the mexico of the Balkans
Albania lives on while Serbia is now 1 million gypsy strong and growing.
I don’t look down on anyone, but the rest of balkans is not exactly Switzerland
whoever draws these should draw porn instead of nationalist crap
girls are qt
Serbfags claim Skenderbeu isn't Albanian but how do they explain the Arberesh people in Italy?
>Balkanshits discussing who is more subhuman
its like dogshit complaining about the smell of horseshit
Are these the peoples that had a tradition of kidnapping their prospective wifes?
that's tajikistan
kek, it is the mentality of balkan people and it can never be changed
Average Balkan thread