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99,99% of the world population knows by now that dynoma isnt a magician, but that its just 100% fake staged bullshit.

manlet detected

Being or not being a manlet has literally nothing to do with this thread or that reaction. I can allready image some super socially awkward person sitting behing his pc thinking "kek, im on this board and im going to make an inside board joke :DD"


Magicians must be the most beta people out there. Why can't they just use their stupid magic to get a real job instead? Anyone can stage shit.

lol literally btfo

that guy at the start is fucking horrible at acting, his triceps or chest fibers weren't even trembling when he was pushing the weight up, didn't even look like he exerted a god damn ounce worth of effort, try harder


no way that scrawny ass nigga benching 150. so fake

its real. hes done it before

his ass is off the bench,it doesnt count

If the bar aint bendin, youre just pretendin

wtf I hate physics now

the black guy didn't do a proper rep. he stopped at the hardest part wtf

>that gif

Is fucking brilliant, does he use magic to so fluidly return to his original position?

It's fucking crossfit meme plates not actually 140kg.

TIL I am a magician

>yfw this guy makes 315lbs look like fake plates

and heres me struggling with 110lbs


you are gonna need to become a magician user

That's about what I'd expect from the guy in ops' video.

Look at his pussy ass legs shaking.
