ITT: Face-to-face meetings between historical figures you wish happened. I'll start.
>Alexander the Great and Darius
>Peter the Great and Louis XIV
>Peter the Great and Charles XII
>Napoleon and Wellington
>Hitler and Churchill
>Hitler and Stalin
ITT: Face-to-face meetings between historical figures you wish happened. I'll start.
>Alexander the Great and Darius
>Peter the Great and Louis XIV
>Peter the Great and Charles XII
>Napoleon and Wellington
>Hitler and Churchill
>Hitler and Stalin
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stanislaw Poniatowski and a firing squad
King Arthur and Charlemagne
Suleiman and Charles V
>welsh king that wasn't that important vs european temujin
>conquers rome after an ambassador is rude to him
>not important
Inb4 "hur dur not real"
There's a reason Arthur is one of the nine worthies
>Peter the Great and Louis XIV
It happened, by the way. Probably noone met more guys than Peter.
No, it didn't happen, unfortunately. Peter deliberately avoided visiting Paris and Louis XIV on his first European trip because Peter was forming a crush on William of Orange, who was Louis's biggest enemy, and also visited the Holy Roman Emperor, who was also an enemy of Louis's (like basically everyone else in Europe, I guess).
Peter visited Versailles, and the scene in the picture did happen. He liked boy Louis too.
Yes. How did you know?
>Nathan Bedford Forrest and Robert E. Lee
I fully expect it to devolve in an explosive argument like it did in Guns of the South. Would still be fun to watch.
Washington and Napoleon
The scene depicted did happen; except nowhere in that scene is Louis XIV, who was dead at that point. Peter is holding Louis XV, the newly crowned king of France. Once Louis XIV - Europe's greatest enemy - was dead, Peter thought it was now appropriate to visit France.
>Martin Luther King and a lynch
A guy named Lynch?
The famous moviemaker.
>Berlin and a Nuclear Bomb
I thought that Veeky Forums hates Germans.
>>Alexander the Great and Darius
He met his corpse right?
>Hitler and Stalin
Probably happened they spent some time in the same sanatory didn't they?
Hitler and Churchil only saw each other from afar.
>Chinese and extinction
Could be also a thread for historical meetings that did take place.
Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong on the way to the North Pole.
Qin Shi Huangdi and Augustus
Zheng He and Vasco de Gama
Charles V of Austria and Suleiman the Maginficent and Ivan the Great (these guys were all alive and in power at the same time in 1550)
Buddha and Jesus
Luther and the Pope
Genghis and the Pope
Marx and Plato
It's weird how much older Armstrong looks when Hillary was older by a decade.
>pregnant Anne Frank and Richard Rowland Kirkland
And yes, that is a drawfag request
That's what I thought and then I checked again and it's actually Edmund Hillary's son Peter. What a fail. Here's the right photo. They were both old back then. Got a ride to the North Pole so that Hillary would be the first person on both Poles and Everest. A couple other explorers were there including Steve Fossett.
They were allies before stalin sided with winners.
>>Napoleon and Wellington
Would they have slept together overnight?
This, but with Nathan Bedford Forrest III instead
You don't have to tell me that. "Bloodland" countries don't deny history. But both didn't like travelling too much and never met in person when they were already leaders of their countries.
Ah, that's better. Sounds comfy.
>General Nathan Bedford Forrest and the infamous Veeky Forums tripfag Nathan Bedford Forrest
Jeff Magnum and Anne Frank
>Jeff Mangum
Charlie Chaplin, Picasso and Jimi Hendrix
Unfortunately one died before the other two
face it NMH is history