The memes are real

Before now I've been >homegym master race

I just moved to a city and had to join a gym because I can't fit my squat rack and weights in my house share.

I went to a gym for the first time today. I'm self employed so can go in quiet times which is really handy. I was surprised that so many memes are real though. I wasn't prepared Veeky Forums.

>Dyel indian wearing gloves and vest doing 5 curl variations
>lanklet (who wasn't too dyel) teaching manlet friend terrible form:
>>Used smith machine for these bizarro really upright squats
>>Doing lateral raises with acute elbow angle (about 15 degrees)
kg 'power' cleans
>PT making a qt do one arm 'rows' (more like tucked elbow lean backs) on the lat pulldown machine
>Jacked black guy doing seemingly random exercises. He was cool though and apologised for not putting his weights away when he finished benching
>Old man using every single machine in the gym in order
>A couple of people were doing SL I think. They seemed to be putting a decent amount of effort in which was cool to see
>That guy drinking water between sets

There was a guy with one leg who was pretty strong though, it was kind of inspiring.

What other memes will I see Veeky Forums?

"Squat girls"- doing a good morning with high bar sticking their ass out as far as possible.

>the ghetto friends who listen to their 1 ghetto friend who just got out of prison for lifting advice.

They're usually some of the least douchiest peeps at the gym tho.

>>That guy drinking water between sets
What's so wrong with this, reeee? There's nothing else to do while resting and it keeps you fresh and hydrated.

If you work out like a pussy. If you go hard and drink water between sets you'll vomit.

Look at boxers

>That guy drinking water between sets
yeah hydrating yourself is super lame

no, taking small sips won't make you nauseous

>>Dyel indian wearing gloves and vest doing 5 curl variations
Why doing curl variations is a bad thing?

if you're natty and you're doing 20 isolation sets for bicep, you are just wasting your time

curry muncher detected


Pick one

>the guy who doesn't tip the receptionist

>that English
>that naivety

Indian detected


I swear these threads are getting more and more elaborated

man, after warm up run and squats i'm dripping wet from sweat and if i don't drink any water i'll fucking collapse by the time i finish my workout, and you have to take little sips in between sets rather than drinking whole lot of all at once, thats when the puking starts

>The two 18yo guys with dorito chip bodies spending an hour on bicep / tricep curls, and
>The guy who walks across the weight room between sets for a mirror check

That's why I'm so surprised desu.

I was in the gym for just under 2 hours and saw all this. Pretty much everybody else in there was memeing in some form or other

I drink h2 izzle between sets, and I work hard

check & mate, anti-quenchers

If you get thirsty, you drink water. Seriously, it's not a meme some people actually need it but I personally drink water between exercises unless it's squats or diddlies

I have a 1.5 liter bottle of water I drink and refill about 6 times a day and cut off water an hours before I work out and have to only take 2 sips at most when I workout. Ill put water in my mouth to spit more than anything. And I box so I'm doing nothing but intense cardio. If you are hydrated throughput the day you won't have to sip water as much.

>anti quenchers

>top shelf keke

Right? I didn't know staying hydrated was a meme now. Goddamn Veeky Forums

Underrated post
Fucking Indian cow worshipping swine. I busted in krishnas eye ball. Enjoy your sewage water Punjabi nigger

You fucking smelly cow worshipping swine. I hope you fall down a flight of stairs. I ejaculated on krishnas eye Punjabi nigger
Top kek. Underrated post

op do u live in toronto?

Explain this picture