What is a good 'powerbuilding' routine?

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What's a optimal number of sets/reps for hypertrophy? My rest days are supposed to be Tues/Thurs/Wkd but I was going to do hypertrophy / cardio and shit on the two weekdays and occasionally Saturday.
Would this just fuck up my lifts? I've currently been doing like 3x12 at 75% effort for incline bench / decline bench, skullcrushers etc. Basically anything not covered on my routine

Pic related is the one I use, though I've only been doing it for 3 months.
It's just a derivation of SL, which is itself derived from SS. Was going to just do SS but it has power cleans in it, which I can't do in my gym.

I'm doing SS 3 days a week at the moment.

BW: 138lb

1pl8 bench
1.7pl8 squat
2pl8+ dead
88lb OHP

I've been thinking about going over to a 4 day a week program, but is that overdoing it for a dyel like me? Or will I see improved/faster gains from a more frequent program?

as someone whos just started weight loss, what are some standard supplements i should be taking?

ive already started with cod liver oil and noticed it's helping my knees, but what other things should i be taking?

Does anyone have an ss/sl pic like pic related?

A PP or PPL or UL TM split (one intensity lift per day, the rest volume) plus accessories
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
BTW don't neglect your chunups
>weight loss supplements
Green veggies, green tea and water
>knee joint problem supplements
Ask your doctor
Google SS template, go to images

>optimal number of sets/reps for hypertrophy?

didn't bother reading the rest, but I assume you want a safe number reps and sets for every exercise and muscle group, that won't fuck you up... am I right? here it is...

legs - 3 sets x 12 reps for hamstrings + butt, 4 sets x 7-to-12 reps for thighs + butt.

calves - 4 sets, until failure

back (middle) - 4 sets x 8 reps

back (lower) - 4 sets, until failure on hyper extentions + 4 sets, until failure on deadlifts

lats - 3 sets, 12 reps

triceps - 3 sets x 12 reps rope pushdowns, 4 sets x 9 reps skullcrushers, 3 sets x 8 reps closegrip benchpress

biceps - anywhere from 3 sets x 5 reps, to 4 sets x 5 reps

forearms - 4 sets until failure (palms face up wrist curl over a bench + palms facing down wrist curl over a bench)

shoulders - 4 sets, 8 reps

traps - 4 sets x as many reps as possible, when doing trap/shoulder shrugs

What even

Squats 3x5
Weighted dips 3x8
Incline DB bench 3x8
Tricep cable 3x8
Core shit 3xF

DL 3x3
OHP 3x5
Weighted pullups 3x8
Cable row 3x8
DB curls 3x8

Weighted dips 3x8
Incl DB bench 3x8
Skullcrushers 3x8
Triceps cable 3x8
Ankle mobility work

OHP 3x5
Weighted pullups 3x8
Cable row 3x8
DB curls 3x8
Bicep cable 3x8


My shoulder is fucked so I can't bench and my legs are as big as I want them to be. Squatting once a week to maintaining 120kg 1RM, didn't put DL on friday in order to keep intensity/balanced for my CNS. My OHP is really weak so want to push it up


well, user wanted a safe number of sets and reps that won't fuck up his body, so I provided that for

In a push pull legs routine, what day would one power clean? I know it's a pull, but it seems to work everything

How long does it take to get visible changes, regardless of how small they're going to be in the shoulders? My changes have mostly been in my arms so far.

I've been doing bent-over rows, shrugs, side lateral raises, bent-over raises, floor and shoulder presses and squats.

Im following the TDEE - 500 thing but my family member said I have to eat dubble at 20:00 because calories go slower or something, can someone explain?


Are you following a routine?

>back (middle) - 4 sets x 8 reps
That sounds like a great exercise. Can't wait to try it out

I just do all of it on mon-wed-fri 3x how many reps I can do until I can't do any more

Find a plan suited for you and start n it lol

How bad is alcohol for gains? Is possibly to intake ~72 grams of ethanol per week and still see both strength and muscle mass gains?

Routine rate? Athlete here.


Workout A: Strength
Push Press: 5x5
OHP: 3x3
Bench: 3x3
Incline: 3x5

Workout B: Strength
Push Press: 5x5
OHP: 3x3
Incline Bench: 3x6
Dumbell bench: 3x10
Squat: 3x5
Calves: 3xF
Pull-ups: 3x10

Workout C: Power/explosiveness
Cleans: 3x6
Plate jump: 5x5
Shrugs: 5x15
Farmers walk: 2xF
Jump Squats: 5x15
Forearms: 3xF

Workout D: Beach Muscles
Tricep Pulldown: 3x12
Bicep Curls: 3x10
Hammer Curls: 3x10
Dumbell Bicep curl:3x10
Tricep Dumbell: 3x10
Dips: 5x15

it's called mom science and it's bullshit

Isn't what I have kind of a routine? Some guys suggested those when I made a thread about lifting with dumbbells. What am I missing among those?

so you're doing something like ABxCDxx?
what do you mean with athlete?
The routine is ok, maybe not enough squats, row and pullup movements and to much pushes. and you will probably overtrain once you hit intermediate

Guys, I'm new here and the sticky doesn't seem to be working?

I was just looking for some nice dumbbell exercises.

How long do you store uncooked chicken breast for in the fridge?

Do you buy bulk and freeze them?

I'm new to eating meat, shits confusing me

I'm already intermediate (1/2/3/4 for reps)
I don't care as much about looking good as I do being strong

how much beer is 72 g EtOH?

I'm into Veeky Forums and slim jeans, I think big calves look weird

Is it better to squat with a smith machine or without anything? I started recently with an empty bar

one day

smith machine has three disadvantages
>works less stabilizer

Yeah I dont like it either but isnt squatting with nothing to hold you the bar up is dangerous?

>safety bars

I wouldnt be asking this if my gym had anything other than smith machine or i had buddies, buddy.

Noob questions here. About to start Stronglifts 5x5 tomorrow, to alternate days with the C25K I'm already doing. I have two questions.

First, I'm a little worried about getting the form right for the barbell row. My posture isn't that great, so I really don't want to fuck up my back by accident. I was always told to lift with your legs and not your back, and barbell row looks to me like somebody intentionally doing the opposite. Should I just do Starting Strength instead? It looks a little more complicated than Stronglifts 5x5 but it doesn't have this exercise in it.

Second off, most of what I've read on the sticky and elsewhere stresses the importance of warming up before exercises with a few reps of an exercise with an lighter weight or an empty bar. If I plan on just lifting the bar my first couple of times, how should I warm up beforehand?

>Lifting with your legs on barbell rows

nigger what

Opinions on protein bars? My uncle has a bunch of them for free.

My point is that proper form is that you're NOT lifting with your legs, you're lifting with your arms, when everything I know about lifting heavy stuff has always said "don't lift stuff with your arms when you're bent over like that or it'll kill your back, use your legs instead."
I don't want to kill my back

user, pls

Just eat them if they fit in your macros, maybe they even taste good too.

How can I avoid this? youtube.com/watch?v=pZgxkE-2QAw

Rows suck. Start light and work on your form. Don't move up to a weight that compromises form.

Also wear a belt. Holy fuck does that help. I started wearing a belt and not only did my weight shoot up, but so did my reps.

Can I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time if I'm just starting out?

Don't bend your arms dling. Don't curl more weight than you can.

I'd say don't mix grip too but meh.

Have I been doing rows wrong the whole time?

I've always been tight on my back like when I'm doing low bar squats or rather the opposite of pic related when doing rows.

Do you mean a weight belt? That seems a little premature, I'm only starting out. Will rows improve my posture if I do them right?


Best to move rear delts to back day or keep it on shoulders?

Routine r8?
I follow a Power hypertrophy method for day 1 & 3, Days 2 and 4 are for power or overhead movements.

Day 1:
Front Squat: 3 x 6
Chest Dip: 4 x 6
DB row: 4 x 6
Hammer Curl: 3 x 8
Skullcrushers: 3 x 8

Day 2:
Power Cleans: 4 x 4
Push Press: 5 x 4
Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8
back Extension: 3 x 15

Day 3:
Back Squat: 5 x 10
Weighted Dip: 5 x 10
Chinup: 5 x 10
Incline DB curl: 4 x 12
CG bench: 4 x 12

Day 4:
Clean: 4 x 3
Overhead Press: 5 x 10
Snatch Grip High Pulls: 4 x 5
Leg Raises: 3 x 15

I keep stressing my shoulders whenever I go above 100 kg in the squat; today the bar nearly slid off my back and I hurt my shoulders keeping it on. Should I switch from Lowbar to Highbar? All I want is a 140kg squat and I've been floating around 100kg for ages because of this issue.

So if I just eat equal calories to my TDEE and 1g protein per bodyweight would that work fine?

Arnold was known to have very bad form when doing rows.

Looks pretty good, however I would personally move the back extensions to day 4 and add light facepulls to day 3.

What's more it fucks with the rest of my workout, when I hurt my shoulders it stops me from lifting the weight I should on bench press and overhead press. Please help me brahs.

It's your back, do whatever you want

Assistance to Bench Press

>incline DB press
>low-high cable flyes

Wear a pussy pad or switch to highbar.

It's better to not be injured wearing a pussy pad than injuring yourself because you're a pussy

I think it's hurting my shoulders because it's slowly sliding down my back and putting pressure on my arms, so a pussy pad wouldn't help.

What can I do with elbow pain on push day? Is it as simple as decreasing the weight?

What's his name?

>worrying about rows
nigga the thing you need to be worrying about are overhead presses those things fuck up your back big time nigga try gettin to 20 lbs then you cant lift that shit no more then you have to completely deload

You're clearly doing something wrong then. Do highbar or put the bar in the right place and hold it right.

My elbow was hurting today so I used a wider grip and got through without any issues. I hope that has been informative and I'll talk to you guys next time.


Maybe my posterior delts aren't big enough to rest the bar on? I looked in the mirror and they seem very small compared to my lateral delts.

Question about changing programs,

I've been doing Stronglifts for the past 5-6 months and I've made great gains, but i've been slowing failing/deloading more often.

Started as a manlet skelly (5'10") 125lbs and I am now 150lbs

Squats: 210lbs
Bench: 160lbs
OHP: 100lbs (weak, I know)
Barbell Row: 140lbs
Deadlift: 245lbs

So my question is, would it be better for me to switch to GreySkull at this point? I want both mass and aesthetics, but I don't know if I should switch so soon.

Smith machine isn't the worst. You can make gains with it

Sure, GSLP is a better program, especially for strengthetics

Been doing squats, but not deadlifts. I read they hit almost all the same muscles groups, but squats>deadlifts. Today my buddy told me that squats are for the back of the legs and deadlifts were for the front, and I should be doing both. Have I been fucking this up for months?

What i mean is that are you supposed to stay tight on your back or let shoulders and lats drop down like that when doing some rows?

Because when i was doing it, i didnt feel my back doing the lifting but felt it on my arms mostly. Felt that im doing something wrong

Guys just made myself a shake and put some spinach celery chia seeds some peanuts and this thing called nopal i got at a mexican store is basically cactus and whey.

I almost threw up because of the consistency it was all slimy

Wat do?

Your buddy knows shit about lifting
Do both and stop listening to him

Complete opposite

dump it out.

>leg-focused exercise

I feel sick af Veeky Forums. I'm gonna try to run today, but I haven't eaten anything. Will I be okay?

Starting with the bar means you won't need to warm up/your warm up sets are your work sets for the first couple weeks. Work on form and I had the same concerns about rows at first, but brace your core and you'll be fine. Bracing means taking a huge breath in to your belly and then pushing that down and contracting your abs like someone is gonna punch you in the gut. This keeps your core/lumbar spine tight and resistant to bending. Take the big breath while standing upright, then assume the row position and rest your inflated belly on your thighs.

You don't need to worry about a belt for a long time.

Which yogurt brand is the best? Or rather which brands are great?

were can i learn how to do a keto-diet?

Not that user, but if you're new, you can even start off at a deficit til your lifts stall, then increase kcals to TDEE, chasing noob gains while losing BF.

What are the effect differences between latter sets (1x1, 1x2, 1x3 ext. To failure then back down) and something like 5xAMAP?

When a routine says 3x8 or 3x5 does it mean 3 sets at max weight or do you increase it gradually so the last set is max weight

And its not just this movie. It's every movie ever.
The message seems to be "Harder and longer you work, the more gains you get."
And it makes sense. The more you do something, the better at it you become.

So why does Veeky Forums say you need rest days? Why can't you lift 6 hours a day every day?

Well are you consistently working out, are you getting the correct nutrition, are you also getting enough rest?

Doing 5 sets til failure is gonna take more out of you than doing like 8-10 sets where 1 is to failure and 4-5 are heavy. Also sets to failure are probably going to have a negative impact on your form in the lifts if you care about that.

Joints and shit can't grow as fast as muscles and aren't as endurable. You can work out 7 days per week you need to build up to it slowly, not go balls to the walls from day 1.

When I sit on the floor for long my lower back and knees start to hurt, how can I fix this?

you can with steroids

What weight do you guys use for t bar rows?


just requesting a form check, tried a 1rm with 330lbs and I've been getting shit that I didn't go low enough, even though I went below parallel

>dat pad

Just so you know
Deds work traps, lumbars and the whole back generally. In the legs they especially work glutes and hammies, the reason a good squat helps deds is quads, they come in play at "lift off", the first part of the movement
Squats work quads, hams, glutes and hip flexors in different ratios depending on the variation.
High bar is more quad centric, low bar is more posterior chain centric and front is even more quad centric also using the core and back to stabilize aka dont fall on your face

Can anyone help me making an SS-like program for a shitty gym? Still doing SS, but I had to switch gyms because I got a job somewhere else, but this new one is utter shit.

Basically what I have to work with is:
- a smith's machine
- a bench
- a cable rack
- a combined chinup/dips thingy, that falls over if you gain momentum
- dumbells and a single barbell

I can do all the barbell excercises except OHP (unless seated in the smith's machine), and squats in the smith's machine will have to do.

can anyone come up with a decent beginner's strength program with this?

pic unrelated

I got scared for a second. Good job on not using your back to lift it and pulling through.
It's a 1rm so I dont know what else there is to say.

extra note - the chinup/dips thingy is a death trap so I really want to avoid using it if possible

lifts to do along with squats to build my no ass?

Yes/mostly/yes. I'm getting some protein powder soon because I don't get enough from my normal diet.

I've only been at it regularly for a month, though. I know it takes time but I was just wondering because there's already a visible difference on my arms but little anywhere else.

fuccmyboipussy 3x5-8

repeat until failure

I'm on my second week of SS and my work/bjj/kickboxing schedule doesn't perrmit me to lift alternating days this week.

I don't wanna skip a workout. Should I just do my Saturday workout tomorrow since my weights haven't gotten too heavy yet?

do this pic related is fine too. I do a mixture of the two

>seated DB press instead of OHP
>do goblet squats, Barbell Hip Thrusts and lunges instead of sqwats
Try to avoid the smith machine as much as possible
Do chinups and dips, just be careful

Romanian or Stiff legged Deadlifts
Barbell Hip Thrusts
Bulgarian split squats

And what exactly is the purpose of your 'routine'?

Redpill me on baked potatoes