is there a gayer "sport"?
Is there a gayer "sport"?
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Any sport that involves direct contact with other males. Like rugby and wrestling, the only thing gayer is watching those sports and literal full blown gay sex
Maybe that butt fuck wrestling what they do in olympics may be gayer but its hard to say desu
jiu jitsu is pretty gay
>butt fuck wrestling
Yes, but only because that's not a sport
men's physique competitors are not bodybuilders user they're physique competitors
It's not a sport, it's a pageantry.
Same thing pretty much just the contestants aren't mutants.
Is that Jeff on the right?
It's a contest of who has better quality stuff
Turkish oil wrestling is by far the gayest sport
whats going on here wtf
just a couple of blokes having some fun
wtf did I just watch xD
just a friendly reacharound whilst waiting for the ref.
Came here to post this.
You can't do that and make claims of no-homo.
All turkroaches must die.
It's basically Massage Your Bro's Prostate: The No Homo Sport
Truly the greatest sport, no doubt
Just two men celebrating each other's strength.
>(3) Since a wrestler is not restricted from placing his hands inside his opponent’s kispet (he may also grab his testicles or invade his rectum), he can also use the waistband to hold the other man in place. Occasionally the kispet is yanked so far below his hips that the fighter being held cannot rise without exposing himself. Having lost his trunks he also loses the match.
some people are just wrong
>(he may also grab his testicles or invade his rectum)
Just a friendly prostate massage man is all
how do you score points?
so do you have to lather yourself with olive oil every time you practice? sounds like an expensive hobby
nothing gay about wrestling. its mans sport
A bit of homo erotically charged wrestling is about as hetero as it gets.
Men are supposed to have this level of physical contact with each other regularly.
Women are for breeding and looking after kiddies primarily. Proper blokes get their kicks pinning each other's oiled, muscular bodies to the ground.
Anyone who doesn't understand the completely natural and evolutionary purpose behind this kind of activity is a raging faggot in denial.
This t.b.h.
>Women are for breeding and looking after kiddies primarily
You should let them know because they fail both of these miserably right now
>"Gays are an abomination and must be executed"
>National sport is literally shoving your hand up another man's oiled up ass
Muslims are pretty bad at literally everything including properly aligning their ideology with putting it into practice
it's just a prank bro
>guy on the right is tippy toeing
>Go to Saudi
>Men holding hands with each other at the mall
>Men greet each other by kissing
>Literally a casino outside the Kaaba.
no shame in admitting how erotic that picture is. any more gay wrestling pictures in your private collection you want to share?
i am confuse. why did he leap forward like a frog?
its better to lie down then to be in that position
>Women are for breeding and looking after kiddies primarily
It's bullshit like this that let women get away with being gold diggers and gains goblins. Instead of seeing them as house pets, let them make half the money so they don't spend yours.
any and all team sports
That's because no gays exist in Saudi, therefore you can do intimate things with your bros knowing it won't be gay.
>oh my god he just checked his oil!
Is that you BAP
You think he roids?
Thank you for showing me this user. I'm truly greatful to you
Pick one
wrestling of any kind, but yeah that's pretty gay too.
Who came up with the idea that they should wear fucking boardshorts? Those pants are like an XXL shirt, they make you look like a dyel
The other guy forgot to say no homo.
I'm happy with that. I didn't make this webm, but if I ever talk again with the user who did it I'll tell him some user liked it.
Also, this webm and some others were originally posted on mascgen at /lgbt/, if you're curious
To be fair, Islam only explicitly bans being a bottom, not fucking dudes.
The body must be covered from the navel to the knees, infidel.
Wasn't men's physique introduced because younger guys thought wearing posing briefs was too gay?
Is that Evola?
dont fuk wit steve cook m8
Why do they wear these extra large pamts, you literally dont have to do legs except calves wtf
Men's physique is the closest thing we have to old-school bodybuilding. All they need to do is get rid of those lame long trunks and actually work their legs
Current body building is just about becoming the biggest meat monster you can, looks be damned
Joff looks better than Steve desu.
Turkish oil wrestling
If they stop the single digit bodyfat thing they'll be in better shape.
And let's be honest, this is for the average club going jack offs who want to do gear and get swole or the natty genetic freaks who want to fully exploit their onw mass.
I still dont get the whole shorts faggotry, what a bullshit "sport"
They have that now, it's called "classic physique". Instead of board shorts or pantsu you wear black boxer briefs for some reason.
The North American Championship is this weekend - this guy won the overall.
This isnt even a sport, its just gay.
Why does everyone seem to do some forced faggy smile when they pose in these comps? Do you get bonus points for smiling while you pose?
>If they stop the single digit bodyfat thing they'll be in better shape.
So they base it all on presentation? Why don't they just go out and do a handstand or a backflip or something to stand out?
I can understand wrestling.
The goal is to pin another man to the ground. Reminds me of a prison rape scene but rugby is probably fucking manly.
Two things
1.10% and below bodyfat is HORRIBLY unhealthy. There is a reason that all male hell all athletes period fatten up during their training and in the offseason.
2.Single digit and really low bodyfat ensures that the average guy doesn't want to go to the gym. Them having an achievable bodyfat level = more guys look at them and think "shit nigga I can do that."
Plus women like it.
They stopped putting feats of strength in the bodybuilding thing a long time ago.
LOOKING like you're fit is more important then being fit.
That would be BB tier posing where looking and being outrageous is expected. This guy explains it a little better that the last guy:
Like someone posted earlier the division is for chads that want to look hot at the beach and the bar but aren't interested in being freaks. It's the same thing as the women's bikini division - they're supposed to look fit and attractive.
That pic is fucking hotttt
This thread is gay
WBFF Men's physique is still superior
>This board is gay
I've always been saying this no homo
>everyone looks the same
>we just give the trophy to the one who smiles biggest
and this is a guy actually endorsing this competition?
>that subtle stroke of the core
Came in to post this
I wonder what significance that played in his wrestling strategy
I've had gay sex that was more heterosexual than this sport.
The first one to "finish" loses.
I'm sure they could use vegetable. I bet it's not that expensive if you buy it buy the drum.
it's the pageant part, yeah
the guys still have to lift and diet and roid
to be fair that does happen in other "wrestling" contests
what are you talking about jeff seid wins these competitions and he's fully natural
underrated kek
Holy shit! Close call...
This is an AMAZING picture for displaying the anatomy of the back.
Some people's back musculature can look so confusing, it is hard to tell where the teres ends and the rear delts begin.
But this guy is like an anatomy poster covered in skin
Shut the fuck up fatass
shame about the tattoo
>AMAZING picture for displaying the anatomy of the back
>shame about that small bicep tattoo tho