Got any appetite suppressants that aren't stimulants that will wire me out? Trying to lose weight but I'm horrible about snacking et .
Got any appetite suppressants that aren't stimulants that will wire me out...
Willpower senpai
It'd be easier if I wasn't NEET right now
Diet soda of course. No it's not healthy for you but it helps. The key is to not drink it for decades straight.
>Diet soda
Just shut the fuck up. Yeah the caffeine helps but the artificial sweeteners nullify that a bit.
Please help bimp
Carrots and celery
The crunchiness wakes me up, dunno why
You could always eat packing peanuts until you're full.
just microdose "stimulants", for a couple of weeks until your body gets used to eating less, they ain't gonna "wire you out"
Lemon water. I use 1/2 a squeezed lemon for about 1-2 litres of water.
Other than that, fasting for about 24 hours helps too. The following days you won't be able to eat a lot.
If you can't help but snack, you can still choose a healthy alternative, like pumpkin seeds or a fresh coconut. Young coconuts are the best, also very satiating, very cost-intensive where I'm from though.