Has anyone here focused on self improvement and lifting weights just to hook up with hot girls ?

Has anyone here focused on self improvement and lifting weights just to hook up with hot girls ?

What piece of advice would you give to any guy who's doing this ?

Get rich too.

>What piece of advice would you give to any guy who's doing this ?

kill yourself

have other things going on in your life

So many people on Veeky Forums seem to think girls care more about your muscles than your money. They don't.

Hannah Ferguson > Samantha Hoopes

actually they do the better you look the better chances you are of getting laid especially on tinder

the richer you are the more she wants to steal your money and some occasionally sex while she cheats on the side

if you're both good for you

They actually don't care about money, and instead only care about the ostentatious presentation of money (e.g. you're famous, drive a nice car, wear fancy clothes, eat at expensive places, etc). Actual financial acumen, frugality, discipline, and foresight needed to amass great wealth is relevant when it comes to your run of the mill basic bitch.

I strongly suggest killing yourself

Do some shit that makes you seem interesting. Read some books. Have a passion on the side besides lifting.