Does Kinobody offer good advice?

Does Kinobody offer good advice?
What is your opinion on him?
Is he natty?

Other urls found in this thread:

no and no


>caring about youtube celebreties
you're not gonna make it

greg pls go

>arrogant waste of space

What's wrong with his advice? I thought Veeky Forumsizens approved of IF.

>train 2x a week
>don't train legs other than on a resistance bike
Enough to discredit anything this man says.

>Is he natty?
i'm not a clueless teen, how dare you ask me this ?

Forget about this guy, literally garbage advice and shit personality

IF is a meme only steroidguys on youtube preach

Kinobody is one of them

3x a week actually
What's so garbage about his advice?
Scooby says IF can work

Someone post that vlog video shit where he's just laughing in his grandmas face like a sociopath

He advocates 2x a week in the cuban press video.

Starves himself like a barbie doll so he can he eat fries and chocolate, does extremely low volume.

>I only do weighted chin ups otherwise my back would get too big

The way he trains is unsafe, he's either injured or off cycle.

>jumps in place for 10 seconds
>woo my legs are fried, that's my leg work out for the month

constantly recycles the same bro science saying you can gain muscle in a calorie deficit, then goes back on his word with more bro science.

He sells noobs noob gains, that's why he's successful.

except IF isn't a meme
it's great for cutting

>What is your opinion on him?
I think after 100 daily threads about yourself you'd have the answer already....
>Is he natty?
Only you can truly tell us

Watched just one vid of this guy, he was walking shirtless in a big house talking nonsense.

Imagine if Martin Berkham was actually interested in helping people.

That's what Kinobody does.

That being said I can't stand his fucking richbabbys Chad face. His advices are all legit but he talk too much and skips leg day.

>Is he natty?

Just tell me what do you think he might be taking?


up his rectum

Just because he looks natty doesn't mean he is.

Plus beginner literally have no idea what to look out for and what is even possible.

Do I need to repeat my question?

I think some of his advice is pretty decent.

Shame he's so conceited.

I wasn't the person you asked you condescending imbecile.

Did you fail your latest PR attempt or are you on your period or why are you so pissy.

Please don't respond.

stop taking advice based on appearance and this won't happen

some of the best coaches in the world look like fucking garbage

>I wasn't the person you asked

So you just wanted to show how imbecile you are?

>I know you are but what am I?

scooby is a meme also

Hmm... A tricky one...

A mirror?


I've watched a few of his videos and I personally don't think his advice is the best. I believe in warming up before you lift your max because I don't want to tear my muscles open on the first rep.

I think he's a stuck up cunt with a breathtaking superiority complex. He's so full of himself I don't know how he has any room for gains.

Of course he's natty. Like I said, he's full of himself. He would never touch roids because the second he did, it would give people room to discredit everything he's ever achieved with his body. Besides, all the pictures people use to show he juices are cherry picked while he's flexing with a pump at just the right angle and lighting. In 99% of his pictures, he looks pretty deflated actually.

watch Jason Blahas video on it, the guy is a PED expert and said he was roiding.

idc if he is natty
his routines that he sells are dogshit. and he pretty much promotes getting INJURED because his form and warmups are snap tier


I'm surprised and impressed. Veeky Forums is actually growing. A few months ago most people were riding his cock. Now everyone shits on his bs overpriced routines. Way to go my niggers.

or pendlay or sheiko or virtually every successful coach

it seems like the roided lifters universally give shit advice just sayan

Can he just do gay porn already? Jesus christ.

If he was, he wouldn't look like a fake juicer.

it's no more great than keeping up protein consumption at a deficit.

read Martin Berkin's blogs most recent post on the subject. where, for the most part he admits the only true benefit is structured eating schedule for people who lack willpower.

>for people who lack willpower.

To do what?

Kinbody on roids???

LMFAO this guy looks like complete DYEl compare that shit to CBT daily threads.

Guy is major dickhead, doesnt train legs, instead does bw single leg squats...


"It's all about eating like a king every night... and eating at a caloric deficit effortlessly to shred off body fat." -Kinobody

although i cringe a lot watching his vids i actually like the guy and he has lots of useful stuff to say that comes from experience.

most people hating on him come across super jelly, maybe they also cant handle his simple and fu. approach to lifting because they are dogmatic so he must be a roiding heretic.