Can someone tell me how significant this thing (antikythera mechanism) is?
How the FUCK did astrological gear-filled mechanisms exist over 2,000 years ago?
Historically, this type of tech doesn’t come about until the 1600s...
Can someone tell me how significant this thing (antikythera mechanism) is?
How the FUCK did astrological gear-filled mechanisms exist over 2,000 years ago?
Historically, this type of tech doesn’t come about until the 1600s...
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For anyone interested
Gee, thanks OP, it's not like we heard that one 100 times over...
someone asked how to make a computer to a priest and the priest asked God.
Well user, some VERY smart men observed the movements of several selestial objects for a VERY long time. They then used their observation and did some VERY complicated and VERY hard calculations to figure out what kind of gears and how many of them they needed to represent the movements of the objects that they had observed.
Clear enough for you?
>they made a work of engineering through empicial evidence
Veeky Forums should stop crossposting their fedoracore retardation is getting unbearble
empirical evidence and scientific calculations sounds more legit than praying computers into existence.
>sounds more legit
and the world looks flat
Its as if the general intelligence of Veeky Forums has significantly dropped these few months.
But it doesn't look flat. The same people who built the antikythera mechanism calculated the circumference of the earth pretty accurately
Yes, because mathematics, geometry and astronomy totally wasn't a thing back then.
Its not a computer. Why are you calling it a computer? Do you write for Buzzfeed or something?
Protip: astrolabes existed before the 1600s
You are now aware that our knowledge of ancient history should be considered highly questionable, especially considering it can change drastically with the discovery of single stone tablets.
>Historically, this type of tech doesn’t come about until the 1600s...
You're absolutely retarded
Everybody tells you that you're and idiot and should fuck off. Take the hint.
I'm just an user passing and telling you that you're all cancer.
If you have no interest in this thread don't reply, and if you want to tell idiots to fuck off then first look at yourselves and then at the meme crowd before turning against curious (even if uneducated) anons.
back to plebbit with you soyboy.
It's my favorite "what if" scenario
It talks volumes about the curiosity and adaptability of their times, had they found some other places/needs to adapt this kind of mentality, we would be living in some kind if steam-punk fuckfest
I'll agree, I would rather have this instead of RL/pol/ threads
Daily reminder that time travelers do exist
Proof that this is the worse timeline
the chinese invented similar celestial calenders during the same period. Is as simple as making a few calculations and counting how many teeth in the gear you want, as well as trial and error for the right sizes. Simpler geared mechanisms existed long before this antikythera and it just used a more complicated set up. Its isn't that remarkable.
Its not their fault that OP started the thread with a retarded level of discourse and absolutely no knowledge of the use of machinery in ancient times.
>Its isn't that remarkable.
weird. Changs are copying everything the west ever made, even in this post you tried to say changs made it first when they never even found out how to make sculptures
Your evolutionary worldview that knowledge accumulates is false.
Let it go.
Your autism is not mean't for Veeky Forums
go suck on that catholic priest who invented the method over there.
The Ancient Greeks were very advanced in certain ways. For example, they knew that certain geometric ratios were irrational (for example, the ratio between a square's diagonal and its side). They actually managed to get almost all the way to calculus in their mathematics, but not quite there.
Made by Nords
The post has nothing to do with Changs, it has everthing to do with geared mechanisms not being unique or special. The Antikythera mechanism was discovered before many realized the use of gears was common in Ancient Rome and earlier in Greece and it is simply more complicated device than earlier geared mechanisms. The fact that the Chinese (and the Koreans) had similar technology for calendars and distance measurements is just further evidence.
It was invented by the only virgin in ancient Greece, LOL, But no seriously some one took a shit ton of time to design it and a shit ton more time casting thin metal plates then sanding and grinning them to shape. It is not impossible to have been made in Greece at the time, but is a work of pure genius and unwavering dedication.
A honest question is already a high level of discourse, for this board.
fair enough
There were no computers in China. Calling it a calendar is wrong, its not a calendar. IT is a computer that doesn't have a hard-drive so its impossible to know what it was used for.
>hhhgggnnnn the thread
Because it is the defintion of a computer that was made using computer engineering. You can even find the RAM, processor, mainframe etc. on it.
Wait what. This thread is really pissing me off
I hope you're a 12 year old /g/-tard, otherwise you're the most autistic person I've ever seen on Veeky Forums
did you think it was called a computer because it looked funny? There are giant astrologer chamber and they were never computers because they were just glorified clocks. And Almanacs that had to be resigned every year because things like easter couldn't be calculated.
It's just bait guys. Don't bite.
Not bait. Was just genuinly curious about the historical implications of discovering this device...
God damn fuck you nigger you better be baiting me
>this whole thread