Primarily for the discussion of powerlifting, but discussion of general barbell training is also welcome.
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Threadly Reminders
>You could use more bench volume - no your bench is not impressive >Don't neglect biceps and calves (maybe) >If you're under 105, you are a certified twink >Try Harder >This is the worst /plg/ ever
If you have any administrative concerns, please contact Fat Retard !!ypBEXJGAhOa. We hope you had a great day, and that tomorrow is also great.
Yeah, you do a top set of 5 at say 100kg, then on Friday you do top for of 102.5kg for 3, and the following Monday you do that 102.5kg top set for 5.
I've never ran a program with easier squat progression. The rop set of 3 was always a walk in the park for me. My bench started strong but I quickly plateud so watch out for that.
>tfw pause deadlifts felt like shit today >tfw 95% rack pulls felt great afterwards I don't know what to feel anymore
Aaron Lee
Thanks man, I think my form is better when I don't wear a belt too.
William Cook
i'm really triggered when bros call beltless lifting 'raw'
to answer your question from the last thread, i'm doing weekly periodization for a while, and when i'm up to ~400/325/450 i'll do more DUP work
ESME 365/315/425 current maxes
Jose Foster
What's your bodyweight? Mirin' that bench
Julian Bell
But it is raw, I didn't use any lifting equipment whatsoever not even chalk.
Why am I a bro?
Nolan Rivera
You raise your legs much faster than you engage your back. You practically turn your diddly into a lower back movement. It may be possible you have a strength imbalance comparing your back/posterior chain to your quads. I suggest deficit diddlys focusing on engaging quads and maybe front squats if you already aren't.
Alexander Johnson
So go for 82.5 for 3 on third session?
Dominic Rogers
Trip on homosexual Alex from plg
Sebastian Morales
Yea, it's really easy. You're nowhere near as fatigued as you were on SS. You'll be surprised at how easy the weight moves up.
Like I said, best squat program I've ever run, for me. Granted I am a short armed, short femured abomination from what I can tell.
Dylan Ramirez
I hope so, I'll get eating and push for it. Bulking season is upon us.
Oliver Martinez
Nice lad, how much in kg?
Ryder Walker
Eating pizza tonight lads, does this make me chad?
Michael Parker
raw was a reactionary term against the increasing use of lifting suits in the sport. 'powerlifting' implied the use of single or multi-ply suits a la westside, while 'raw' implied only a belt and wrist wraps.
'beltless' means you don't have a belt. so while it technically is raw, when bros say beltess is 'raw' they're implying belted lifting ISN'T 'raw' and that triggers me
those numbers were 193 but i'm at 204 right now kek, idk what happened to my bench it just kept going up for six months from 275 to 315. probably all the assistance work though
Parker Reyes
Only if you do it while we're at the gym. Lifting at 7:30 est tonight. Make sure you time it well.
>204 Congrats on barely not being a twink. I'll get there one day. Were you gaining lots of weight when your bench shot up like that?
Camden Rivera
I don't even think you need to eat that big to progress on a program like madcow honestly, maybe partially above maintenance, by like 200 calories perhaps? I do know for certain that whether you're cutting or bulking it shouldn't effect preformance when lifting, as long as you eat heartedly beforehand.
I'll link you the RTS video if you want it and if I can find it.
Thomas Adams
What is this program
Jason Rogers
Whats a good 12 week program focusing mainly on squats?
Christian Phillips
Mad cow 5x5
I need to say this is assuming you calculated your TDEE taking into account energy expended through lifting and cardio, otherwise your basic TDEE may out you in a deficit in reality.
Christian Murphy
I guess it matters a lot because of my fatigue. I have to be well rested and well fed every time otherwise I'm just shit.
That'll pass though. Yeah post the vid if you find it
Juan Lopez
>knee pain back in full force, exacerbated when I do the rehab shit with people at work >fucked up my shoulder benching today on babbyweight
God dammit. Why is it that when something good happens to me something terrible has to happen at the same time?
Jordan Cox
Candito 6 week is really good for squats. It is at a really high rpe though, so make sure you don't have much form breakdown before running it.
Jaxson Morris
Just take some time off to recover. There is no harm in taking a break for your health. What exactly did you do to your shoulder?
Christian Jenkins
>for your health Quality post
Sorry to hear that.. How is the rehab exacerbating your knee pain?
Robert Lopez
I've definitely been under eating. I'm sticking to relatively healthy but eating loads
Angel King
I just took two weeks off two weeks ago and have just been fucking around with fairly easy workouts since I came back. Idk I was benching and it felt a little tight on the eccentric, which moved to actual pain on the concentric. Stretched it out and did some rear delt stuff then came back after knocking the weight down about 20lbs and it felt even worse. Icing it now.
Jacob Mitchell
It's weird, I used to be the same way, good sessions were rare and I'd feel shit a LOT. I chalked it down to sleep but it actually turned out I had an iron deficiency because I only really ate fish and no other meat for many months. I did occasionally have other meats and I ate iron rich beans daily but the beans weren't enough.
Since eating chicken breast each / every other day I no longer have this issue at all. I feel good most sessions unless I'm ill or slept 1 hour or soemthing.
I know you're vegan or vegetarian or something along those lines, take that into consideration.
My issue lasted almost 8 months or something before I realised.
Samuel Williams
>Ogden myklebust got popped for steroids
Not fucking surprised t b h senpai
Now we just wait for Bryce Lewis to pop
Ryan Murphy
I'll look into slamming a green smoothie on a morning and get some supps. Good shout
Aiden Hernandez
Shit in the movement screen makes my knees feel wonky every time I do them and I've been screening like 7-8 people a day so far. The overhead squat and the in-line lunge particularly make them sore. Even when actual loaded squats usually were fine. But once my knees start getting this pain any kind of squatting starts hurting them.
Christopher Perry
why cant i deadlift lads
Connor Jenkins
it was just trt
Connor Wright
>I do know for certain that whether you're cutting or bulking it shouldn't effect preformance when lifting, as long as you eat heartedly beforehand.
It may not affect that session, but it will invariably slow your recovery rate.
Ethan Hernandez
may have been iron deficiency amongst other deficiencies such as lack of b12, which is a real bitch.
Everything in moderation, doesn't matter if you under ear one day, over eat the next, no damage done.
Gl with eating more though, I'm in a very similar situation currently.
Nathan Thomas
That's steroids lol
Carter Taylor
When I find the video from Mike T I'll link you and let you set your opinion based of what he says and not what I parrot.
Supplements aren't a fix for a poor diet, taking a range of supplements won't really do much, you really should only bother with supplements if it's something you're really deficient in like iron. Supplementing a variety of vitamins and menial and not very effective.
I'd sort your diet before your supplement staked personally.
Xavier Harris
>when your friend nikolai is sad about his deadlift I think you're a good deadlifter, probably just messed up your peak.
Wear your knee sleeves at work, kek
Isaiah Young
whyy are all the jobs available "we take anyone who hasn't killed anyone in the the past two years" or "yeah you've got to be from oxford or it's a no"
where are my middle of the road qualifications jobbs ree I want more than minimum wage
Gabriel Evans
Not the video I wanted to originally link but related He basically says proper nutrition helps you not feel shit for training
Unless your issue isn't diet related, I not sure if it is, if it's meds, could be anything.
Christian Cox
Many minerals in plants are phythate bound and wont be absorbed by the human digestive system, "green smoothie" wont help.
James Thomas
dont say my name wtf
Aiden Brooks
Poor Nicole
Noah Flores
Does /plg/ take any supplements? Which ones would you recommend?
not much weight gain. maybe 5lbs. a lot of fat for sure, cause my dieting is complete shit
Christian Russell
Fish oil, vitamin d and HMB-FA ONLY
Kevin Roberts
look into just eating chicken you hippy
Grayson Allen
Fuck off this is a natty general.
Nathan Kelly
Iron (low dose). Fish oil (when I remember to). Magnesium.
Das eet.
Logan Hughes
I'll get some eggs from local farm. The chickens there are chilling so it's all good. I've fed them, they're so funny. I'm sure the farmer would appreciate the cash too
Adrian Wilson
125test 600eq 400deca 40var 100mk677
Austin Martinez
What fish oil do you take? Fish oil capsules give me acne, do you recon I should drink the oil like a savage?
Jace Mitchell
I hear those test supplements are real great for you
David Taylor
Sorry Mr. Tesla.
5 lbs gained for 40 on bench is pretty solid regardless.
Tyler Edwards
why don't you want to eat meat? Just curious,
Ryder Roberts
>166/143/193 >143/193 Can you reach your dick or do you have to bend over when you masturbate?
Hudson Kelly
>HMB-FA Is this legit in any way? Looks like a cash grab.
Anthony Collins
;-;. Feel better friend
Lmao no
Taking a bunch my dad recommended for a week and a half now. DHA, L-Tryptophan, Fish oil concentrate (EPA + DHA), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and 5-HTP. Only one I've seen recommended here is the fish oil.
Gabriel Sanders
Phils semen , 500cc/day
Connor King
trip on ssb
Brayden Evans
Whatever is cheap. Sorry they cause issues for you. I don't get acne, so you should talk to a dermatologist.
Christopher Gonzalez
If you can get HMB-FA I will buy it from you for whatever price you want
Gabriel Perez
Is the muscle tech product not any good?
Luis Johnson
It sucks, I wanna take them but I break out, as soon as I stop I'm acne free. I heard it was the capsules that give you acne, and not the fish oil itself.
Don't know if I can see myself drinking fish oil...
Noah Jenkins
You can only buy HMB, HMB-FA is not on the market. All the amazing results you see in the studies are from HMB-FA, not commercially available HMB.
Nolan Gomez
It's only a tablespoon. Just gotta do it quick. Watch your vitamin A levels though.
Chase James
it's funny cause for deadlifts it's usually the other way around where i'll gain deadlift strength as i lose bodyweight. which makes sense cause belly fat is just dead weight anyway
lol what? my gut isn't unreasonably large yet
fish oil seems to be the general consensus. also, i notice you've mentioned your dad in regards to lifting at least twice now. what does he do?
Ian Torres
I might do it, maybe take it once every other day for the sake of not ODing accidentally
Lucas Ward
Nathan Martinez
Because I've always loved animals and I don't like the idea of something suffering so much its whole life just for me to eat it. If I could just hunt game and I was a good shot then I'd rather just get my own meat. But I can't so I'm not going to. But yeah that's enough about that.
Levi Evans
Is HMB not worth it instead? Seems like good reviews and considering its only $20CAD for 90 caps of it... Is it just placebo?
David Nguyen
I know that feel. I pulled 408 in meet at 163.
Now after bulking to 181 or so I'm only at a max of around 440, maybe 450.
Joseph Ward
He's saying you have manlet arms.
Eli Cook
You have to take 3 caps a day, so it's a months work for $20cad. I wish it was that cheap round here, it's like £30 for tablets.
Not a lot of evidence to support HMB being worthwhile, but a fair amount to support HMB-FA. Don't waste your money IMO
Joseph Martin
He used to lift, stopped a few years ago due to work getting out of hand. Been getting him back into it. His PRs were 500/345/505 @6', 235. Now he's a literal skeleton, 6', 135. He's a doctor too, so I trust his opinion with a lot of things.
Kevin Cox
Guys, I've started doing 6 reps and 3 reps after spending a year doing only doing a max of 3x3 and i dont think i can hack the cardio. After the 3rd rep I'm out of breath and cant catch my breath. What do? I don't want to resort to having to step on a treadmill...
Oliver Clark
for 58usd you can be on 125mg test and 200mg deca for 20 weeks, you most likely won't need an ai or any caber at that dose unless you are fat.
Chase Butler
I'm not ready to be a /fraud/ yet. I'm only 21
Jason Garcia
What exactly constitutes"fat"?
Over 15% or over 20%?
Adrian Morgan
Same desu. Happens to me every cycle.
I like to do """cardio""" by taking 65-70% for triples with one minute rest until I am dying. I think it helps.
Gavin Barnes
It's a shame but if that's how you feel you need to understand some sacrifices to your quality of life will have to be made. You could always eat meat in moderation and feel moderately guilty lol.
But its your choice, find a work around that you can get behind, there's always another way out of a bad situation.
I believe this was it? I can't remember it was months ago. I first mentioned the video on April 9th and it was uploaded on April 1st >inb4 it was an April fools video all along
Alexander Wilson
there are no studies that show permanent shutdown from steroids and you can always get legal trt when you get older if you want to.
somewhere between
Oliver Nguyen
well i'm 5'6" so
H Y P E did he compete or what? what's his structure like for his squat to be so close to deadlift lol
what's your height?
Jackson Roberts
Do some 5x10s for a bit, should get you sorted out. Start really light.
Actually, think his deadlift was 510, and everything was done beltless, wrapless, etc. Oh well, doesn't really matter all that much.
Kayden Fisher
I can get eggs, plus they'll be really decent ones so that should keep me well. Plus I have my protein shakes and black beans.
Cheers for the vid
Thomas Ortiz
To be fair when I pulled 408 at 163 I really weighed 170 and just water cut to 163 for the meet. Still feels nice to say I got 2.5x bw deadlift.
Cameron Morris
I wish he competed, lmao. They're gym maxes. He didn't squat to depth, so accounting for depth, he's probably good for 450ish.
William Scott
theoatmeal . com /comics/unhappy
Hunter Clark
Between my fucking asscheeks its an a or b question.
Over 15% is fat then?
Ryder Foster
Maybe do a little research as to what you're deficient in. My guess is iron and B12. Try supplementing these 2 things for a while and see if your feels improve. If not consult your GP because (s)he's smart and I'm not.
Ethan Carter
yes but you should still have an ai and caber and nolva/letro on hand just incase. the initial cost is "high" but after that is it cheap
Christopher Thompson
>tfw will never meet my perquisites to sit on my giant pile of happiness What do I neeeeed? Is it a 500lbs bench or a qt3.14 gf?
Josiah Cox
I only take fish oil and triple magnesium (contains iron and other goodstuffs), but should probably take C-vit as well for lack of veggies. Maybe you need to not want it.
Jeremiah Ross
Definition of caber : pole; especially : a young tree trunk used for tossing as a trial of strength in a Scottish sport