(Olympic) Weightlifting General
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The Chinese soon to strike back edition.
(Olympic) Weightlifting General
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The Chinese soon to strike back edition.
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Next comp Oct 1 :). National totals were raised 20kgs though :(
Where's the competition?
Calgary senpai
rahimov will get banned in 2 weeks
all these Lu cock suckers asking for Rahimov to be banned lol. Nerves and adrenaline are a drug more potent than PEDs in the moment.
He will though. Drugs cheat from a major doping nation comes back from his ban bests a long standing wr by several kg with a 12kg jump
Not even a China fanboy but it's farcical to think he won't get popped.
lu is also on drugs
That's completely irrelevant to everything I just said. All I'm saying is he will get popped not wether or not you agree with it.
Multiple Russians have passed their tests and retests so far, and Russia had the biggest state-sponsored doping program. The same could happen to Rahimov. I doubt every Kazakh will get popped at this olympics.
yeah canadas national totals got rekt this year
where are the totals posted?
dan stop browsing Veeky Forums and go to bed
they seem low
Qualifying standards usually are in sports where there's just not that many athletes.
USA weightlifting used to have incredibly small qualifying totals as well until they got a flood of crossfitters coming in and basically tripling the number of American Open competitors in the space of a year.
the romanian who got c&j 202 in europeans and 217 in rio got banned too
if you get progress like that you will get banned 100%
I always tought this was the best form of weightlifting. Much better than powerlifting.
I want to start, but i do not know how. Do i just go to a specific weightlifting gym and ask to start a program? Should I ask for a trainer? I'm 19yo, and I see all those monsters, all of them started at a really young age. Is it too late for me?
It looked like she was going to fall flat on her face for a moment.
>is it too late for me?
Too late for what exactly? If you wanna train weightlifting then learn good technique first and start with the bar. It will be worth it to get a coach, but they'll be costly.
>Too late for what exactly?
To compete. Anyways, how much does a trainer cost?
Depends largely on your area, prices can vary a lot. If you wanna compete locally then you could probably do it. I don't know about competing at a world level or olympic level, but there have been a couple of late starters into world weightlifting. Just lift and see how it goes.
I can catch a snatch balance at a good depth now, finally
I still struggle to transition from pull to catch in the full snatch tho. When I extend as hard as I need to I jump up not under, and if I try to go under I short my pull
Will this just take time? I've been lifting for a while now but only just trying to solve my mobility issues and not power and ride everything. Pls help
is this the midget class?
alright, thanks man :)
I had five months off lifting and then went into an oly program after one weed of a hyper trophy routine to ease my muscles back into it
After about two months I began to get a shooting in pain in both knees when coming up from any daisy movement.
Last for about 8 months even when going up stairs I would get it.
Physio said tendinitis but this was inside the joint.
Hasn't hurt for a while now, is easing myself back into squatting again the best idea, although it does sometimes I play up
I'm so confused, all I want to do is squat again at the least
what do you mean by a daisy movement
anyway i go to three different physio's when ever i have a problem that lasts a long time as well as a massage therapist and a dry needler and both are sports myotherapists so they know what they are doing so getting a second or third opinion is always great
also just general googling and reading of mobility articles helps a lot
48 kg
meant for
>tfw owg is ded
105 went up 20kgs.
That's a chibi version of tama and she is NOT a loli
Fucking weabs
He hit 211 at Kazakh nationals 2 months before the olympics. 3 kilos over that when you're having an adrenaline rush isn't inconceivable. Miraculous things happen in sports sometimes, you shouldn't be so pessimistic that you chalk everything in the sport up to PEDs.
And do you honestly think his coaches are so retarded that they loaded him up with steroids between Kazakh nationals and the olympics?
that 211 looked nothing compared to the 214
damn. I bet the (((FHQ))) is behind this.
Pls help any advice... Is it just a case of mobility and time?
do lots of hip snatches to get comfortable with the third pull and dropping instead of riding things down.