Is no fap actually a thing?

Is no fap actually a thing?
I can't get more than two days without fapping (I dont need porn to fap, my thing is with fapping not really porn).
Share no fap stories, good or bad.

>Does it make you more motivated?
>Is it worth it?
>Do you get more socially outgoing?
>Is it healthy?
>Is it just a meme?

Also, what should i do to get more days in abstinence?

If you fap but not cum, does it count?

Moderation. Once every week or two is best for your prostate and overall mental health. I keep to it because it makes faps better and that is its own reward. Also not having to scrape the callous off your dick.

You may want to look into tantra.

every time you want to fap do push ups, stretching /yoga shit or really anything productive

Ever since I learned of fapping in eleventh grade I couldnt stop. I've been fapping every day for the last 3 years.

Any tips on how to stop?

Good idea. Replace the bad with the good. Better than wallowing in temptation. Idle hands are the Devils workshop.

Fatty losing weight here

So i should i stop fapping completly or maybe do it a couple times a week?

Also why is bad to fap when trying to be Veeky Forums?

Castrate yourself 2beH

I tried that, it doesn't work for me, I think I have something down my mind that thinks that fapping is routine and i have to do it so I just can't stop thinking about it, and I mean about fap not really women I find attractive or anything just like 'i need to fap' just like someone thinks 'i need to eat' without being hungry.
Im also a little obsessive over routine

I'm on day 31 and I'm seriously considering breaking down today because I just found one of my holy grails of porn. I figure I'll just cut lose for a few days then solidify a nofap/porn thing by throwing on a filter to block access for good. Should I bite the bullet and soldier on or start again since this nofap streak wasnt a no porn one?

Im in a pretty busy phase of life and i spend the whole day out, whenever I have 1 or two hours for my own I can't do anything but fap

I can't judge you since I have no willpower for that, but(if you are finding the effects good) you should definitely continue it without seeing porn instead of starting from scratch

Lately I've been seriously on edge and angry though thats probably a mixture of my own problems exacerbated with a lack of fapping in the last month. I don't knw if I'm feeling the effects of nofap but I have gotten friendlier with some female coworkers of mine so the nofap might have played a part in that. Its just that I've found a video I've been hunting for months so I really want to fap but on the other hand I've made good progress so far. Shit sucks

it's the biggest fucking meme on the internet

Just hide your cellphone somewhere it's hard to get like a tall place in your house or something, if it's a PC, well I don't know.
Just don't do it, pal, if you can't I can't do it either. You lasted a whole month and now might screw it up, you might have forgotten how bad it feels to break a no fap,I have a whole hour, how could i stand a chance?

I've done a few nofaps that lasted a month in the past and my last one got me through ~41 days before I cracked. Its just that I've hunted this particular video for ass long as I can remember and I've finally found it. Its like I have an obligation to fap to it since its the fucking holy grail but on the other hand I am very familiar with the "was it worth it?" sense of regret that happens when you stop a nofap streak, since its so unsatisfying knowing that you've cracked.

This is actively stressing me out in a way

Yeah it should be fine. I mean really just take a break whenever you feel a weakness. I take a break everyday, but not counting that I've got a 3 year streak going.

Nofap ascends you to the next level


Yeah man, by not touching your dick you will have enormous benefits !
I started nofap and nopornz two weeks ago and already experienced
>thicker hair
>better skin
>more muscle
>lifts all 20lb up
>girls mirin
>more tinder matches
>better eyesight
>salary increased
>beard thicker
>less body fat
>ex gf called me
>startup got a $6M investment
I could go on, it's that easy man, just don't fap.

>Also not having to scrape the callous off your dick.

glad i wasn't mutilated at birth tbqh

I personally think that it's the biggest fucking meme/broscience bullshit ever. If you wanna jerk off just fucking do it. Just don't be a retard about it and learn to control yourself.

OP, nofap is a huge fucking meme. It's fucking ridiculous.

There is nothing wrong with masturbating unless it starts to negatively affect your life like everything else

Now noporn I think is good

That image is beyond fucked up, just wow.

Im not getting the thing in the bottom right, is that a shoe or something?

I think its razor stuck on with some sticky adhesive

>be me
>on amphetamines
>fap for 3 hours straight with a soft dick couldnt cum for shit.
>didn't even feel it when I came.

I don't do drugs anymore.