>free weights
>gym banned me for trying to take them home
What the fuck.
>free weights
>gym banned me for trying to take them home
What the fuck.
>eat fats
>doesnt get fat
Good thread
>decline bench
>do it anyway
>power cleans
>generates no electricity
>turkish get ups
>implying roaches can stand
>dad still hasn't come back
>hit a Mexican in the head with a pan
>gets kicked out of the gym for living there for 3 years in the air vents and people complaining of protein farts.
made me smirk
>spiderman pushups
>dont help getting up a wall
This is the kind of awful joke you'd hear at an amateur stand up show
>doesnt move
also tfw that isnt me
Fuck off
>use suicide grip on every lift
>the nightmare hasn't ended
>one rep max
>he only weighs 140 pounds
>become co-owner of gym
>Still calm
>Get sent to jail for wearing Nazi insignia
>do chin ups
>chin muscles are unaffected
>Gym blows up
>living in Germany
>Start doing heavy duty
>gym staff still cleaning it up
It's really neat European freedom literally doesn't exist.
We take a lot of things for granted in America
Back to /pol/
This is hardly /pol/
He didn't say cuck ONCE and put an almost positive spin on the post
Back to /reddit/
>encompassing that shit like it was a board
You have to go back.
>Lets go do squats at the gym
>That gym closed down just a while back
>I know. I'm gonna own the shit in a few years.
>Curls for Girls
>Benches for the wenches
>Galutes for the sloots
>Abs for the slags
>Dips for the chicks
>Inclines for the dimes
>Proteins to get seen
>Push-ups? You mean Earth downs?
>Sky Pug reporting in
The police in Europe can give you a ticket if they hear you say fuck. Because it is "antisocial". It's like the populace is living in the halls of a school, only detentions last for years and visits to the headmaster cost you hundreds of euros.
>chin ups
>still sad
>power snatch
>she doesn't do Kegels
What the fuck is this bullshit I'm so sick of it
>being this new
I've been here all Summer.
>not getting arrested for committing thought crimes is /pol/
The Jew really has won.
>naming the jew
GO BACK TO /pol/
That oneshot is pretty good though.
>not being a mobile poster
>being a casual PC posting shitlord
>implying I don't mobile post
>implying I don't have my shitposting reaction image folder on a homeserver for access at all times anywhere in the world
Shaking my head head to be quite honest family.
>smith machine
>can't forge a broadsword on it
Have a good weekend everyone
That's a very specific filename user. You sure you don't have autism?
>Barbell Complex
>I don't know it seems pretty simple to me...
>reading filenames
user, I think we're both autistic.
I should continue watching non non biyori
he's right you know. I don't even live in germany which is the worst but even here we have "free speech" that has exceptions to it. real free speech can't have exceptions to it. americans get that.
>Does mountain climbers for 15 minutes
>Still at sea level
It's kinda hard to miss is all.
>military press
>no experience in journalism
>using a phone for things other than text messages
>being a millenial
just kys
How's the retirement home, grandpa?
>hack squats
>get banned
Wtf i hate noobs now
yeah, it's kinda like the "he made it: the Veeky Forums-story"
it's pretty good I have a $180 mechanical keyboard, a mousepad the size of an average suitcase and three 24" monitors in front of me not to mention a high quality sound system hooked up to it.
how's typing on a 5" touch screen and listening to music on crappy earbuds?
>$180 keyboard
>i stacked a dozen pl8s in the gyms toilet starting from 2.5 pounds at the bottom and up to 1pl8 just ontop of the toilet seat
feels good man. also I've had it for 5 years and it's still like brand new, I plan on using it at least for another decade. it's a tool I use every day for hours so why the fuck would I not invest in it?
>turkish getups
>it's just track pants and a wife beater
envision a confused anime
>do Ice Cream Fitness
>gain 120lbs of fat and look like Jason Blaha
i hate you
I smell a nigger
> Recently achieved a bodyweight snatch
> Haven't even transitioned yet
> Only do isolation movements cause NEET status
> exhausted from calf raises
> fell asleep while herd got rustled
>gorilla grip
>I'm a white male
>Cut for 3 months for summer
>Forcefully placed in pychatric ward
>calf raises
>calfs have the same wage
>calf raises
>cattle rustlers steal my gains
>mechanical keyboard
>high quality sound system
you need that sound system to drown out the sound of your keys
Is that Louis CK?
The one and only Cuck King.
But why? Saw a couple of his stand up show, didn't notice anything like that.
>sill sweat on the floor
>good mornings
>my mornings never get any better
Ya got me
>American freedom
>literally anyone can be fired for saying the n-word
The government isn't throwing you in jail or fining you for saying the n word. Learn to think before you cry your racecuck tears
Are these tracings of real fotos?
>the police in europe
>implying there is any kind of unification between any police in europe
Thats how i know you dont know shit.
my country doesn't throw you in jail for being a nazi top kek
btw your country has the single largest incarceration rate in the whole world.
not even DPRK incarcerates that much people.
pretty interesting that you talk about freedom lol
too smart
>ids bregfadst
Neither does the US?
I didn't say the US does, you're the one saying Europe does
I live in a European country where we have openly fascist parties, as well as my neighbours.
sauce please
>you'll give off a bad impression if you sleep during class
In high school a ton of chicks thought I was rebellious (and as a product of, cool) because I slept in my study class (the class you do nothing in if you already study at home)
practically every european country has "hate speech" laws to some degree. it's the truth user, no need to lie to make your country seem better than it is on the internet
seriously why are you still replying? I destroyed your weak arguments like 2 posts ago
your country's authorities are the craziest shit on earth, don't talk about our civilized nations until you can go to the street without being shot.
that was my first post in this thread. I'm european too