More like AcCRUMBulate
Cuz that's all you shitcoin niggers are getting
God, there's two different women at work who are nursing and I can't stop thinking about milky boobs.
There he goes again with that stupid fucking logo and single word thread. Your coins dead arkie, its literally a corpse for these whales to fuck upwards and downwards making money on each swing off of dumbasses like you. Keep trying to buy those ”dips” until it gets to the point where it can’t dip any more, it’ll hit one sat and you’ll still post this fucking retard thread and single fucking slogan. its a death note son, you’ve bought into a shit project. It’s over, face it. your team can’t take criticism, its run by a bunch of fairies that believe in ”trying their best”. You’ve become the whales krill and you don’t even acknowledge it, fucking deluded shitheads.
To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand ARK.
And no, I won't show you my ark tattoo
This is true
do you guys still think we will see 10 dollars by end of the year?
Youll see $.10 by the end of the year
Fudders also hold ark, otherwise they wouldn't even be in these threads
If I wanted to be rich and made a McDonalds salary I'd want the highest potential crypto to be as cheap as possible for as long as possible.
Expect 120k sats by December
I used to hold ark
Why do you keep shilling this shitcoin so much? Are your bags that heavy? This thing isn't going anywhere even though we're back in a bullmarket.
Get out while you still can.
Planning on buying back in?
>bull market
Fucking retard. The only thing that's going up rn is BTC. Every ALT is taking a giant deuce
Ark is a long term hold. There's no use fudding and shaking out weak hands.
The problem is: how much long term? ACES with more coins? ArkVM? And how much will it be worth? The project seems good though
Albeit -- dilution is not inherently a negative trait.
I just reached 2000 Ark. I know it's not shit compared to some of you cunts, but is it enough to make it?
It's a good start, I'm sitting at 2.7k and wishing I could buy more.
I'm reaching 5k. Hope this gets to 10$ by EOY. 25$ q1 2018 would be amazing.
Not 10$ but def. 6-8 $ by the end of the year.
>do you guys still think we will see 10 dollars by end of the year?
Its been nice having good recoveries after the BTC moons. Kept this coin looking sane compared to the others. I'm hoping that this will cause more NoARKies to board the ark.
ACES is shit, ARKVM and deployable blockchains is where it's at
Since Bittrex is shutting down where else can I get Ark?
>website has updated
About time
Try coss.io
2500 Arkie reporting in. Tempted to buy in more.
Do it, next $30 coin. Sold 5 btc today @ 5776 and bought in
Nice, I've been burned too hard trying to daytrade so i'm just hoarding it away and staking.
It's certainly possible, but I think $7 is more realistic.
>Bittrex is shutting down
What? Is this true?
5.2k ark. 3k staked with biz classic and the rest I use to trade and accumulate. These whales need to die.
We're staying as long at $7 as btc stayed @5k today. No meme, once ark begins to rise it won't stop. Could take a couple weeks, but btc already going down and people don't jump into eth @$340 but into the coins who can make them rich
120 Arklet reporting. I'm not gonna make it but I hope it's a nice ride.
You'll make it user. If anything, after it hits the top and tips, sell for bitcoin, wait and when we hit the bottom again, your 120 will be more.
t. 160 ARK fag
you'll still be invited to the $100 and $200 party don't worry user