>People consider drinking a gallon of water a day a challenge
>Have to have Pintrest Pins and Motivational Notes for something they hould be doing
>Acting like this is a new diet fat
Why are people so retarded?
>People consider drinking a gallon of water a day a challenge
>Have to have Pintrest Pins and Motivational Notes for something they hould be doing
>Acting like this is a new diet fat
Why are people so retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
because it takes zero effort and makes them '''feeeeel''' like they accomplished something
Great recipe for water intoxication.
I drink a gallon of a water day without even thinking about it.
>One gallon of water a day
>Water intoxication
Nigga even when i did no exercise I drank like 1.5gals a day. As long as you dont take the entire gallon to the head in 20s it'll be fine.
You should be drinking X number of oz of water a day where X = 67% of your weight
So 200lbs means you should drink 200*.67 = 134oz a day
>Fill up two 1L water bottles from my Brita before work (I have shitty shitty tap water)
>Drink those, fill one up at the gym and finish it after workout
>Drink at least a 4th bottle between gym and bed.
Because these leeches don't work
I work manual labour I bet I drink at least 2 of that gallon tank everyday. Fucking sugar twinks can't stop complaining after they're out of soda for 2 hours
Those gay little motivational notes on the jug make me cringe
I work a desk job and I still get through at least a gallon
Fuck man, I can drink a gallon of milk in a day and not realize it
Fucking gross
I'd bet any money the "more energy" these chicks feel is just them not being dehydrated
Drinking half a gallon won't be much different than drinking a gallon for you biologically. Maybe it's a mentality thing.
What can I say? I'm from Pennsylvania. We drink milk and beer
Because there are people in the world that don't drink water. They literally think if they just drink juice or some other sugary shit like Gatorade, that's healthy enough and they can lose weight instead of drinking their regular 2 litre of coca cola. These people are doomed, but you have to give them the good advice to drink lots of water anyways, in hopes they'll one day wake up. But deep down everyone knows they wont, because they lack the fucking willpower to drink more water instead of having another can of pop or shoving a snack in their face
Exactly. It's like the idiots that count steps and are so proud of themselves for the mere act of walking every day.
To paraphrase a Chris Rock skit, you shouldn't pat yourself on the back for shit you're just supposed to do.
>You should be drinking X number of oz of water a day where X = 67% of your weight
>So 200lbs means you should drink 200*.67 = 134oz a day
Where does that number come from? It sounds reasonable and is a lot better than the idiots that say you should drink exactly x ounces of water a day, even though they give no qualifiers, as if a 6'7" marathon runner requires magically exactly as much as a 4'10" couch potato.
My brother
>I work a desk job and I still get through at least a gallon
I find it's kind of easy with an office job, because of the water cooler breaks.
I'm actually more hydrated working in my current office than when I worked from home. When I worked from home I had a problem of totally tunnel-vision working where I would crunch shit out for hours without break. Great for productivity, bad for health and possibly sanity.
Really? The way I did it is if your pee is yellow, you need to drink some water.
It's true, there are many people I've talked to who literally find water to be "boring" and can't drink anything unless it's sweet. Even purified or bottled water. It's mindboggling.
Usually I just brew teabags
No Sugar or cream, just water and camomile or mint
me too
this is totally normal right?
Normal people constantly post shit from this crazy fuck. They believe he has secrets to healthy living. This fucking guy. People are fucking retarded.
The type of person that write those cutesy little notes:
>120lb numale cucks
>thicc borderline obese women who waste their time at the gym
[Citation needed]
>He has a watercooler
Pretty jelly. I just have a bottle with a filter on it and I fill it from the kitchen sink
How could you just drink one little sip at all those intervals? wtf I'd drink a 4th of that jug at 7am
dont want to be mad at people who are replacing soda with this but if you cant drink more than a sip of water per hour something inside of you is broken
I'm sorry, CHALLENGE? Fuck me I drink two fucking gallons per day for half a week when I'm water loading for a weight cut.
>tfw drink a GOWAD easily
>feel thirsty all the time now and cant go 15 minutes without a drink of water
The fact that people can survive drinking no water and chugging diuretics all day proves there is no need to drink a gallon of water a day for people who arent expending a lot of energy.
Why is a gallon even necessary? Surely 2 litres/half a gal should be enough
I think so, i do it too lol.
electrolytes my dude
>name unironically includes Avocado
I drink GOWAD with ease but I wake up every hour at night to piss... wut do
it just depends on exertion, temperature etc. in winter i'll probably drink 2L of water a day. in summer i'll drink closer to 6L a day.
>have 22oz water bottle at work
>usually refill it 5-7 times in my eight hour shift alone
>110-154oz of water while I'm at work
>usually have a glass next to me at all times when I'm at home and have plenty at the gym too
>probably drink close to two gallons a day
Fucking normies I swear to god.
GUZZLE it down!
I've had 4 gallons of water in one day before, wasn't even trying for it. Just a long day of classes, lifting, and Muay Thai
I drink these bitches because they keep me off alcohol
gonna start making my own
I used those to help quit soda.
Whenever I got the craving for soda I'd buy one of those fuckers and it worked as a good replacement.
I used to be like that as a kid. But what won me over was when I'd be really active, running around and shit, and come home to drink ice cold water. That's some good shit.
u have diabetes
Active duty debbil dog here I average between 2 and 2.5 gallons a day easy. Normies are just faggots
>TFW had a step counter active last year.
>did 14-15k steps just at work.
>people consider 10k steps to be a challange
>there are news blurbs that actually recommend even less
The levels of degeneration that people allow their bodies to undergo is sad.
If I drink only 2l of water, my piss gets almost orange.
Anything less than 5l lowers my stregth levels and endurance.
I have had my blood sugar tested multiple times in the last year, no diabetes for me flam
It isnt easy if you aren't used to drive Ming copious amounts of water
I've never been able to drink lots of water
Even when I was running 35 miles a week with two rest days I still didn't drink but maybe half a gallon a day.
If you haven't forced yourself to do it on a regular basis so that your body gets adjusted to it it'll always be hard.
Friend mine has been doing cross country since he was 9 and is 24 now, he's been able to drink two gallons a day since he was 11 and he's done so regularly ever since.
Anyone can do it but normies can't because they've never forced themselves to
I drank more than a gallon a day for a while, only difference is drink more, piss all the time. Now I just drink coffee and tea and the occasional glass of water. As for it being a challenge even drinking a gallon in an hour would be pretty easy for a normal sized person.
Why do you need motivation to drink water
Because believe it or not there are people out there that actually avoid drinking water unless they can dump some flavored sweetener into it.
The human race is full of people that shouldn't be alive.
It would be challenging to find the motivation to do so, i drink about a litre and feel fine.
This OPs pic stinks mental illness.
15 hours to drink a gallon of water? Seriously?
Why the fuck do you people drink 1 galon a day?
if i'm drinking a gallon of milk how much water do i need on top of that?
Why don't you?
>find water to be "boring"
This is like saying that breathing air is boring.
It is if you vape.
>image of people vaping ben&jerrys because "regulary breathing is so boring" flashes before me.
So you don't know then.
you only need to drink when you're thirsty you uneducated shills.
i need to try this. i usually have a can of soda with dinner.
beat me to it.
this is how I've been doing it for the past 10 years or something
I don't know if it's a direct consequense but I NEVER get headaches. the only times I feel like one coming on I realize I've forgotten to drink water and down like a litre at once and it goes away
its great for your body and takes very little effort.
I work from home and what I do is always have a 0.5L glass next to me on the table and about every hour or so I finish it and go refill it.
When I was 15 it was soda but I switched to water at age 18 or so when I realized I just wanted anything to sip on.
>The fact that people can smoke a pack a day and live till 70 proves there's no need to not smoke
>This truly is the state of "the leader of the developed world"
What the fuck? I drink like a liter of water a day at most.
If i were to drink a gallon, i would be pissing every hour.
>pissing often is a bad thing
>Calling people shills over water
>The thing that is free
Thats literally not what a shill does. Everyone knows only idiots pay for water
you also get water from your food you know
I know, thats why drinking water is a waste
I get what you're trying to say but you do realize tap water isn't free, right?
>weigh 67kg
>drink 44kg(l) of water
you americans are retard
Why do girl always have the same Comic Sans handwriting style?
1 liquid ounce is 30ml. he's saying a 67kg person should drink 3 litres of water which sounds low to me tbqh
i drink some water and like 3-4 cans of seltzer a day. is seltzer a good replacement? i dont see any major downside
>Needing tricks to tell yourself when and how to drink
Literally less intelligent than a rat
if it's just carbonated water then sure but 3 cans doesn't sound like a lot
I've had a gallon of fluids by 8 am almost every day. Half gallon at the gym, quart after then another quart waiting for class to start.
lol that guy cant be real, right? americans cant be THIS stupid, right?
>00:43 mushrooms are trying to get to the center of the sun
>Normal people constantly post shit from this crazy fuck.
I don't use social media myself but I don't want to and choose not to believe this
Average human can drink ~3 liters every hour and be totally fine as long as the take a piss and don't hold it in the whole time
I can get high from water?
now that I think about it same here (all figures rounded down)
wake up at 5
3dl of milk with breakfast
5dl of water with pwo
1.5l of water MINIMUM at the gym
5dl of water with shake
5dl of water on the way home
5dl of milk with food
that's a gallon and it doesn't even include that I realistically drink at least a glass of water right after getting out of bed and after I get home from the gym. never even thought that I was "keeping up my water intake" or anything like that.
before i was diagnosed (type 1) i was pissing the bed some nights. pretty embarrassing
How do these people walk around all day with water bloat like that? I only drink water at home when i know ill be alone and no one will have to see my gross bloat.
>what is reading comprehension
67 kg = 147.7 lbs (round to 150)
0.67*150 = 100.5 oz water per day
it's literally pennies. And lets say you have bad tap water, a gallon at filtered water places is like 25-50 cents
It's a drop in the bucket compared to drinking anything else...
What's the point of carbonated water?
you're the only dumbest European I've seen.
since your a amerifat you dislike it because its not sweet
people drink it because of its flavour and fizz
Pellegrino master race reporting in.