Hey Veeky Forums I took creatine and now I can't do as many pull-ups and pushups as I used to be able to...

Hey Veeky Forums I took creatine and now I can't do as many pull-ups and pushups as I used to be able to. What the hell do I do now???

Take more

But then won't I just get weaker at bodyweight exercise? Creatine seriously made me go through being able to do 60 pushups to only being able to do 20... shit


>tfw no reply

There should be no reason for creatine to have decreased your ability to be weaker at any exercise. It isn't even a drug. Have you eaten red meat before? Then you have eaten creatine.
It is also something that takes a decent amount of time to actually have any effect on your muscles. Unless by "I took creatine" you mean you have been taking it regularly for well over a week then it probably hasn't had an effect yet.

Creatine doesn't work like that

i been taking this shit for 1 month and it decrease my bodyweight exercises by alot! explain bruh

how do you know

Look this up since I can't remember this 100%, but I think creatine adds pretty low quality muscle mass that mostly holds water. You weigh more but you're not stronger. If you got off of creatine, you'd drop some water weight and be able to do more pullups and pushup but also shrink a little.

yes! this exactly what i been thinking. and also i black so maybe creatine effects me differently. i mean i wonder what if people do study on creatine for black people like me? hmm

How bored do you have to be to make a shitty thread like this?

This is a bad thread and you should feel bad. It isn't the creatine but one of many variable factors, like increased water consumption, increased muscle mass weighing you down, increase in caloric consumption weighing you down. If you want to quit creatine, fucking quit creatine then but keep this generic shit question to qtddtot retard.

why you bitches crying like this? you bitch niggas serious with this baby cryin? come back when you can deadlift 600 like me niggas all i ask is a question and u jump on me like this what the fuck wrong with you

>I think creatine adds pretty low quality muscle mass that mostly holds water

LMAO no, creatine basically makes muscles hold more water. If you don't drink enough water though creatine will make you feel weaker

OP here bruh. i drink enough water. i get 1.5gallons of liqlids thru me a day so what the hell bruh??


I never noticed a difference with creatine. Shit is bull

this desu creatine is just for fat powerlifters

It's not even bait at this point

Bummer dude.
>Look rugged as fuck
>Should take leaner muscle gainer and less mass gainer.

OP here i think you are correct friendo

i have a military PT test in a few days and the creatine ive been taking is going to make me fail this shit.

fucking powerlifting fucks I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS
