*steals your history and heritage*
What other examples of this are there?
*steals your history and heritage*
What other examples of this are there?
Other urls found in this thread:
Black wewuzzing in general.
Greeks cosplaying as Ancients.
Bulgarians larping as Slavs.
Serbs larping as Slavs.
Germans claiming every single relevant Germanic tribe.
Italians LARPing as Romans?
>What other examples of this are there?
99% of history.
>Bulgarians larping as Slavs.
>Serbs larping as Slavs.
They don't. The former LARP as Iranic BulgARYANS for Bactria(Balkhara), while the latter LARP as either Illyrians or also Iranians.
Current Lithuania larping as historical Lithuania (current Belarus)
>Having a history and heritage
ukraine is the champion of stealing history
Pretty much all of Latin America has some form of "we wuz-isms".
See "Indigenismo"
>ITT: Butthurt B*glarshits and Gayreeks
Where are the butthurt Greeks?
t. Subhumanović Işlamöğlų
t.Asen BulgarovSKI
portuguese larping as suebi
poles larping as sarmatians
germans, serbs, turks
why would anyone larp as some shitty germanic tribe is beyond me
Ask France
Greeks are the same as the ancients, the ancients just weren't as great as you think they were.
>Romanians larping as Dacians
Whose, Ottofag.
Qing larping as Ming?
>tfw getae here and y'all niggers cab suck my dick
If you browse Ukrainian nationalist websites, you can read all kinds of things about how Ukraine is the world's oldest language, and how Noah's Ark came to a stop in Ukraine, which is also where Atlantis was. Buddha is Ukrainian, Attila the Hun, a whole list of people.
Name any nation that doesn't have retards like that.
Based China spent 3 billion US dollars on a claim that will never be relevant again