Why do femals have this logic??
Why do femals have this logic??
>doesnt want muscles
>wants to stay tiny
>wants a flatter stomach
>crunches her neck
she didnt even say anything wrong, bad, or doesnt make sense?
The only muscle she needs is on her ass.
Just tell her to do stomach vacuums and cut. Based on her goals, that's all she needs.
I told her to lift weights and she said she didnt want muscles
And? She's clearly stating she doesn't want an overly-muscular figure.
who cares what she does? If a bug crawls up your neighbours arse you won't be the one getting a stomach ache mate.
>implying all weight lifting will give you huge muscles
Whats the point of lifting if you don't want to grow?
to keep bf down and maintain mass
Then just eat enough and get enough protein + some bodyweight exercises and cardio.
I still think girls should lift.
That's just a pathetic human. Cool ass girls do exist.
Staying healthy. You don't have to lift so much that you gain muscles in order to stay healthy. Too much lifting is actually unhealthy
>crunches make my neck hurt so bad
This is what she and most of society is taught. Why don't you try to educate her instead of racing to post about dumb females on a kantonese dog grooming forum.
Yeah, she might curl a dumbell and accidentally become the next arnie.
I takes a while to become niticably defined in any way, it cannot be done by accident. Besides, when it happens it still looks good and if it didnt all you have to do is stop lifting.
That's wrong though, a girl who gets buff and then loses muscle will have loose skin similar to a fat girl who loses weight
It's unattractive and most people with assume she used to be a whale
Women have a different ideal form to strive for than men, because women aren't men. That must be shocking for a board full of closeted homosexuals, I know.
>implying the ideal female form shies from weakness
if we're not being serious though it's p. easy to play the mind games, just flip from what you said to go on about how women aren't strong enough to conduct regular strenuous activity
>girl who gets buff and then loses muscle will have loose skin
no she won't. Girls don't get that much muscles working out to stretch their skin a lot. If anything she'll look thick solid and tight till her 50s at least.
why do girls think they all have "godly" genetics that if they pick up weights they'll transform to giga nigga
she can do stomach vacuums, why don't women know about these?
Very few can think for themselves and not just go along with the popular opinions of the time. Any girl that reads this will think "silly boy i'm one of the different ones ;)" when she really isn't. They have entitlement issues and no morals.
Men literally have 7 times as much testosterone as women, and even they don't get buff "by accident", but you somehow believe women can?
Are you fucking retarded?
Girls cannot naturally get anywhere near enough muscle that this becomes true
>a girl who gets buff and then loses muscle will have loose skin similar to a fat girl who loses weight
In the same way that some men lift for physique rather than for strength, many women lift for physique rather than strength.
Socially, if you're a woman there's no need for you to be strong since then men in your life will use their strength for you.
Additionally, it's "not attractive" to have that type of body as a female to most guys.
imagine if you spend months at the gym and you can out with an "unattractive" body.
>if a girl doesn't like and do the same exact hobbies as me she is illogical and a dumb roastie lol!!!!!
this is how you sound
no, that particular incorrect and shallow reasoning when it comes to lifting weights is common particularly with women
Learn to biology nigger
Females who lift often look like shit and have this weird 'old' and leathery look to them for some reason. Women should just stick to cardio and light bodyweight workouts.
>crunches make my neck hurt so bad
Lmao what a fucking tard. I can only imagine how atrocious your form has to be for that to be a relevant statement.
That old and leathery look is because of tanning or roids bruh
This. The girls on the coed club sport team I was on in college were hot as fuck and lifted with us guys all the time.
same reason guys have the same logic that they can turn their fat into muscle, that they can do a curlbro routine and turn into arnold, etc etc etc. Long post short: people are retarded.
They don't realize that they have the mass building "capability" of 11 year old boys
>If a bug crawls up your neighbours arse you won't be the one getting a stomach ache mate
Holy shit.