>Kids can be given hormones to change gender
>I can't legally get test and tren to be a sick kunt
What a fucking joke
>Kids can be given hormones to change gender
>I can't legally get test and tren to be a sick kunt
What a fucking joke
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Is there a problem bigot?
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Claim you're a MtM trans.
When I was four I used to tuck my penis between my thighs and pretend to be a girl because kids are fucking dumb and don't know any better. That kid's retarded parents are everything that is wrong with the world today.
That's sickening. The kids parents should be locked up. There's a huge difference between being understanding and forcing a lifestyle on a kid that doesn't know how to rear properly.
Read *
This. Claim to be a FtM trans stuck in a male's body.
Imagine the issues that kid's gonna have when he grows up.
wtf is the world going to be like in 20 years
I would have fucking loved strong male role models growing up telling me how I should dress, what I should like, how I should act, etc. Pretty much all my problems in life stem from not having this growing up so I became super insecure and introverted and it just completely snowballed from there and ruined a lot of my life.
So now we're actively indoctrinating kids into this weird ill-defined amorphous childhood with permanent adult consequences due to the hormone replacement therapy.
I seriously wouldn't blame these kids if they grew up to be serial killers.
jesus christ
>still uses 'he'
?????????????? I want to kill these parents
Same here. Growing up with a single mother and two sisters fucked me up good.
>Kid picks up a doll.
>Better chop his dick off.
I'm sure he understands and identifies and transgender at such a young age and it isn't an agenda being forced on him.
Yeah, I was raised by a single mother, with a sister and grandmother.
It did not end well.
>Kid likes doll in pic
>Ultra liberal parents are 100% sure this means their son is transgender
>Kid doesn't do anything else girly
>Parents spin it as him being genderfluid
I mean I don't really care about people being trannies but doing this to kids is child cruelty.
Call me a late bloomer, but when I was 10 I thought kisses were disgusting and now kids that age are getting fucking sex changes. What the fuck!
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
Transitioning doesn't mean surgery (which is illegal until they are 18 in Australia), it just means they get to be classified and treated as a different gender to their birth one.
I had a baby doll, sometimes played with barbies and carried around a sparkly little handbag at home when I was kindergarten age, and I turned out just fine as a male.
Fuck this nu-gender bullshit. These anomalies are gonna kill themselves when their bodies start falling apart at 40 because of being ruined with hormones just because their parents wanted likes on social media. If they don't off themselves before that because the snowflake gender they got assigned by their parents doesn't correlate with what they feel like as well
Yes we all understood the concept of gender when we were four years old. Maybe he'd just have grown up to be a fag. Now he's likely to grow up incredibly unstable and kill himself.
>There's literally nothing wrong with this.
This is what's wrong with the West
>little kid does something dumb because lol kid
>cool barbie (them titties tho)
>parents flip shit and decide he's a girl
>immediately put him on estrogen
>paint his nails and tell everybody at school he's a girl
>he still identifies himself as a he
>parents keep telling him he's a girl
white people
this is why liberals must be genocided
How does a 4 year old know the gender they're gonna identify as for the rest of their life? Liking dolls and wearing dresses does not make you a woman and liking cars does not make you a man. The only fucking thing a kid knows about their gender is their genitals, and what their parents have told them about their gender.
This entire scenario of kids changing sex is obviously the result of parents pushing their own agenda by nitpicking the smallest fucking behavioural patterns and identifying as special snowflake syndrome for their personal little queer.
fuckin crackers
thinking there is something wrong with qt traps is what is wrong with you
>The only fucking thing a kid knows about their gender is their genitals, and what their parents have told them about their gender.
no kid is retarded enough not to know what gender they are
>the rest of their life
what is gender fluidity
>boy puts on his sisters dress because lol cool
>sternly express disapproval, tell him to take it off, and explain that boys shouldn't wear girl's clothing
>"okay, can we play catch now!"
>boy puts on his sisters dress because lol cool
>paint his nails, put on lipstick, and gleefully express how pretty and girly he is while standing with him in the mirror
>explain that even those he has a penis like daddy he's actually a girl like mommy
Why are you guys hating? This little transgay heterofag cislemon will grow up to make beautiful works of art like pic related
ah yes except the issue becomes that kids exposed to hormones of the other sex prior to puberty makes their transition look more legit. that's the issue. how far will we let this go before we have to intervene and say no. that's my problem with all of this.
whats the joke. wtf is this even talking about
>read that as overhead press
>makes their transition look more legit
how is that bad?
kids are stupid and will believe that a omniscient fat man drives flying reindeer to their house every year to drop off presents
if you tell them, or EVEN if you suggest approvingly, that they're a fucking faggot, they'll do whatever you say to make you happy because they want approval and validation from adults
shit like OP is a crime against humanity
The creator of this comic is from California, moved to Ontario and has lived there for two years and claims because he is depressed that he cannot work a real full time job and it complaining that being an artist is a full time job. He's applying for socialized healthcare and thinks its bullshit that he isn't getting it.
because they'll be allowed to fuck their bodies up completely before they're allowed to drink or vote at the whim of their parents who are probably key players in perpetuating it.
i don't care if someone wants to transition. they should not be allowed to do it prior to 18 unless they sign a waiver that any medical, physical or psychological damage incurred by fucking themselves up with such a decision is not at all covered by any sort of governmental medicare programme.
>no kid is retarded enough not to know what gender they are
Are you stupid? Imagine a kid growing up with nobody ever mentioning anything about gender to them, would they know the difference between them and the opposite gender except for their genitals?
>what is gender fluidity
Even though I personally think gender fluidity is bullshit, if we were to treat it as a real thing, a kid is not old enough to know if they are truly gender fluid or not.
Read OHIP as OHP and thought it was one of those Orwellian-gym memes that keep getting posted
let's not forget:
I’ve mentioned my pudge a couple times in this comic, and I’ve only continued to slowly but steadily gain weight since then. It’s of course brought to my attention all of the fatphobia that had been seeded in me since forever, but it’s also brought tiny joys as well! I have entertained myself lots of times just poking and jiggling all around in the mirror, and I highly recommend it! - Ronnie Ritchie
fuggin special snowflakes
>they should not be allowed to do it prior to 18 unless they sign a waiver that any medical, physical or psychological damage incurred by fucking themselves up with such a decision is not at all covered by any sort of governmental medicare programme.
Lets be realistic user. After they sign the waiver hey would take the surgery/hormones and all the therapy and whatnot as much as then could then turn around and endlessly complain that they are entitled to further healthcare because they were under 18 when they signed. Then there would be massive rallies and politicians would use it as campaign bait. Eventually they would sue the state for benefits and win anyway without having to pay lawyer fees.
Consequence free society where the buck is always passed to the hard workers is where we're at these days.
>boy puts on his sisters dress because lol cool
>let him wear his sisters dress if he wants to, paint his nails and put on lipstick if he wants to, and play catch with him if he wants to
>let him decide his sexual identity by himself when he is old enough to make his own decisions
Cumskins really are disgusting. Genocide when?
Someone please explain to me what does wearing dresses and painting nails have to do with taking estrogen pills and mutilating one's dick.
Apparently the author was born a woman.
Really let their self go
>woman is literally coddled and covered in luxury since birth because of her gender
>for some retarded reason decides to become a man
>is actually treated like a man now
usually the former is used as parental justification for the latter
When you see people draw themselves with this particular style you can just tell that they look absolutely horrendous in real life.
Kid needs it for medical reasons, you want it for petty ones. Makes sense
The correlation is that kids have always done shit like crossdressing and playing with toys meant for the opposite gender but that now when being proactive and tolerant is 'in' parents nitpick this shit and decide their kids gender for them which possibly leads to them taking estrogen pills and chopping their dick up later when they wouldn't have wanted to otherwise
This shit gets me livid and sad at the same time.
Kid is going to kill himself and maybe take some other people with him.
There is no fucking way a four year old even understands the concept of transgenderism.
>tfw OHP license gets suspended because you used a squat barbell
>what is gender fluidity
Goes out the fucking window once you've fucked up the developmental biology of the kid by introducing hormones so soon.
>b-but they can still be male if they choose to
They always were male by chromosomal make-up. You've just fucked up the physical organism for a longer period of time after fucking up the mental state.
Getting BIG isn't a petty reason, come on.
The good news is that it's happening.
How is this catch 22? Can't he (I mean, hypothetically) become a resident and get a job? (I admit I have no idea how does immigration to Canada work)
When you talk to Veeky Forums it is. Most only want to get big for chicks. It's false advertising for sex which is petty
Same, yet I ended up a well adjusted man with a happy family and successful career. Stop blaming everyone else for your failures.
Veeky Forums is /pol/ now
Also, how can a four year old make a choice like that?
I have an IQ greater than 130 as of the last time I was tested (it wasn't an online test, it was a legitimate test)
When I was 5 or so my parents got me a train for Christmas. When they told me to stop playing with it I got angry and threw it down the basement stairs. They never bought me another train. I don't even fucking like trains anymore, but that was the only thing I would talk about when I was in preschool.
Children are not only stupid, the things they like when they're little might not even cross their mind when they're an adult. If a kid told you he wanted to be a jeep when he grew up, would you consider that a valid career choice? Because I remember when my brother was in kindergarten one of his dumb friends claimed he was going to be a jeep when he grew up.
>man wants to live his youth to the fullest so he has no regrets when he's 89
>and he wants to get fit so his body has the fortitude to carry on to 89
>this is petty
No, you're just fucking stupid
Did you know you were a boy when you were 4? We'll the boy in question is mentally Ill and thinks he's a girl. So he gets treatment for his broken brain.
>4chen is pol
aut right pls
I'm going to be a Jeep when I grow up! beep beep
The reason why being raised by a single mother fucks so many people up is because single mothers tend to be fat sheboons, rednecks and mexicans all living on welfare while their husband/baby daddy is in prison or skipping town to avoid paying child support
Women are shittier parents on average but their shittiness is inflated by shitty people in general being parents
>using roids in early-mid 20's
>making it to 89
I sexually identify as a blue Jeep Grand Cherokee and you are literally raping me right now. Take your hateful mansplaining somewhere else, cis scum.
Children have no conception of gender as adults or even teenagers understand it, the most they know is that boys and girls are different types of people who are in a rivalry (boys against girls) and that you shouldn't hit girls and occasionally boys might tease girls and girls might bashfully give a boy a peck on the cheek or the boy might give a girl a flower he picked because they're just imitating things they've seen on TV, in books or that their parents have done
The idea of sex being an act where you instead the thing you use to piss into the thing a girl uses to piss seems like a bad joke or a fairy tale to children, they have no way to understand why anyone would want to do that
Hence why helping a 4 year old transition is child abuse, because they have no conception of gender
>well jewed
Okay he won't make it to 89, but he'll get all the sex he could ever want and live a fulfilled life anyway
>men using roids will die
I assume this means women using roids to "transition" will always die
Nobody knows because they usually kill themselves first
Fuck man, I love crossdressing. As a kid I was sometimes jealous of girls having nice clothes, like leotards for gymnastics class. Sometimes I even fantasize about being a girl. But that's just what it is: fantasy. Being a tranny would fucking suck. I'd much rather be a fully functional male with a weird fetish.
You just gave some information that children have in regards to gender/ gender roles while stating that children are totally ignorant of gender/gender roles
I remember fantasizing about being a girl too
But as an adult I realize most of those fantasies were about being stripped naked, so it was more of a proto-sex thing
>Children have no conception of gender as adults or even teenagers understand it
Not that guy, but lrn2readingcomprehension, man
>gender roles is the same thing as chopping your cock off
>haha I just totally showed you!
Please kill yourself, or at least stop baiting
>Say you're a woman trapped in a mans body and need test to transition your mind woman into a man
Don't worry anons, Veeky Forums is your family now.
I'm a male to mutant transgender, please give free scoops and roids.
>implying you wont just get radiation pumped into your ass for several years
you learn to read, faggot. not OP, but the sentence makes sense.
>women can get oestrogen supplements over the counter and take as many as they want and no one gives a fuck (the pill aka combined oral contraceptive pill)
>i cant get testosterone supplements
hmm not like there's a war on masculinity or anything nahh
>needing supplements for test in the first place
ayy you already lost senpai
>oestrogens in our food
>oestrogens in our water
>oestrogens in all our plastics and petroleum based products
>oestrogens in our shampoos and soaps
yeah i wonder why one might want to be able to freely supplement their test.
> I have an IQ greater than 130
Stopped reading there
You're gonna get a lot of shit BREH, the cucks are here among us
Libs make fun of traditional conservatives for being obsessed with gender roles so why are they so fucking obsessed with them?
It's absurd, like they want gender-freedom but they also spend time painstakingly classifying every gender imaginable instead of just being themselves and leaving it to that.
Can someone tell me how this is actually legal?
Is this just a troll picture or something? I don't believe its real
by transition they mean he wears a bow and a skirt. HRT won't be happening for a long while yet.
the only issue xe will be having is with biggots like you.
I'm very liberal but holy shit, this is a kid. Wait until he is atleast 16 so he can whatever the fuck he/she wants with thier body
>This guy cuts right to the heart of tumblrs bullshit "eff ur beuty stanurds" hypocrisy
user pls.
trans hate thread?
>desperately search her eyes
>still uses the pronoun he
This is why Trump is a thing.
>Growing up with a single mother and two sisters who fucked me good.
btw I sincerely hope all trannies get genocided, disgusting
obvious bait thread
>white people
Every race has bad parenting but why is this gendershit always white people
Bad parenting should be making your son a gangbanger, or your daughter a druggie not this shit