>found out today dads got bowel cancer
fuck brehs, i don't know if i'll be able to lift this feel away
>found out today dads got bowel cancer
fuck brehs, i don't know if i'll be able to lift this feel away
Do deadlifts
Today we all lift for Dado
I hope you're dad dies. Bring this garbage to /r9k/ loser
should have ate his broccoli
dont cut yourself on all that edge
You don't hear about bowel cancer a lot, which makes me think it's curable
wow you're fucking pathetic
It's treatable. You never really hear of fatalities from it, but the danger is that it metastasizes.
it depends on what stage it is.
Stage 1 or 2 have ok outcomes but 3 and 4 usually go pretty poorly
It actually helps to lift the feels away. My mom died due to her alcoholism 2 weeks ago and lifting has been the best way to get my mind off of it.
"sir you have bowel cancer"
Soft pussies. You all will never make it. Stay crying in bed while Chad is in the gym lifting and fucking the women you will never have
>Soft pussies. You all will never make it. Stay crying in bed while Chad is in the gym lifting and fucking the women you will never have
yeah stay on your crappy pc shitposting online while we lift the feels away, fuckboy
i hope your mom dies and you dont get any of your neetbux
My father passed away too a few months ago. You will pull through, I promise. I know I did.
nobody fucking cares.
This board is for fitness discussion only, take your personal life and plaster it over Facebook you fucking cunt, this isn't your personal blog.
I bet when he dies you'll cry like the faggot you are.
GOD I fucking HATE this forum
I feel for you bro. Dont listen to the other guys they are just edgy 14 year olds who don't have to work on friday
Is it late stage or a high mortality rate cancer? My dad got prostate cancer a couple years ago but they managed to catch it early and now he's cancer free.
Don't give up hope mang. Stay strong for your dad.
Do it for him user, a proud dad always aspires for his son to be more than he ever was.
Cancer is very curable if detected early, like really fucking curable m8. The medical jews really stepped their game up with cancer the last decade.
Also don't listen to the trolls, they are just edgy children
>be me
>suck in english
>thinks that bowel means knee
>nervous as fuck cause i have knee problem fucking genu varum shit
>google trad bowel
>oh lala cela veut seulement dire intestin
>what a relief
Hey OP, my dad had cancer 2 years ago, bowel too. He got surgery twice and did 2 chemo treatments. He's fine now and being watched.
I hope your dad is as fortunate. Keep going strong, don't stop lifting.
Buddy you're absolutely retarded.
>omg my dad got bowel cancer :(
I hope you die