>weekly manicures
>weekly haircuts
>wear clean clothes
>wear only tailored garments
>weekly microdermabrasions
>weekly facials
>moisturize and use sunscreen
>monthly stem cell treatments
How to look like an executive
Other urls found in this thread:
There's that route then there's this
>oversized cargo shorts
>white Nike dad shoes/flip flops
>old t-shirt
This is the rich boomer uniform for most places in the USA outside of major cities.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>>weekly facials
Michael Burry is autistic though
why would one do that?
so he fits right in here then
nice quints btw
Holy shit I didn't know money skelly was so unbelievably autistic
Also why does he have an American accent
What if you're a guy?
I'd rather throw my money down the toilet than look like some insecure faggot.
hes an autistic number cruncher with a lot of personal wealth so it doesnt matter i guess
It's a Canadian accent.
Tailored, high quality suits make all the difference. Srs
>oversized cargo shorts
>white Nike dad shoes/flip flops
>old t-shirt
Comfy af, dude. Can confirm. Also worn by poor people like myself, though, so you can't necessarily tell by the outfit.
>burning money to impress pussy when you could just make more money to impress pussy
How to look like a faggot*
There, FTFY