What a match!
Castle King Castle
From here we may have discussion!
Here we shall debate!
What a match!
Castle King Castle
From here we may have discussion!
Here we shall debate!
Other urls found in this thread:
The above maps may be found at the BBC's website (world service).
Catalonia = independence as a facade to cover corruption and bad habits of the catalonian políticians.
Austria = Whats the problem here? Far-right winning the elections?
>Consider the following:
Article 4
1. Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
2. The admission of any such state to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
The hell is this thread about?
Premier League:EU::UN:World Cup
With so many organizations which exist
between states and seek to recognize and
mediate for states does there exist more
than one route to nationhood?
If there exists more than one route to
official and recognized state status
will attentive parties, in future, witness
the existence and simultaneous non-existence
of nation-states?
There does exist a precedence, this side of the Common Era for this kind of logical production:
The American Civil War.
This quote is always good for a Quick laugh:
"Tory MP Sir John Ramsden took the occasion to advise the British public that they were 'now witnessing the bursting of that great Republican bubble which had been so often held up to us as the model on which to recast our own English Constitution.'"
(Oxford Research site, American history, theoretical-citation)
If one pays careful attention to't 'tis funny from beginning to end.
>This will hurt you more than it hurts me!
All we need now is a grapnle!
>in future, witness
>the existence and simultaneous non-existence
>of nation-states?
Try the present, Israel is both recognized and not recognized, as is Russian Crimea, Taiwan, and East Timor.
What the FUCK is this thread about? Either take your meds or use your words, stop with the nonsensical gibberishposting.
>Higher thought, not today!
>4 posters
what the fuck op
>im so smart, thats why noone understand a single thing i say!
No, we don't understand because you fail to make yourself clear. You seem to imagine we will enjoy puzzling out your meaning, as tho you were some wise sage known for his cryptic utterances. Except you're just a dope, and we aren't interested in wasting our time unraveling your nonsense. Go back to /x/.
>Let's see here:
In recent memory:
>The Warsaw Pact
>The United Nations
And before:
>The League of Nations
The great difference maker would be a state recognized as a sovereign entity by a group of sovereign states while at the same time recognized as NOT a sovereign entity by another group of states.
>Is rhetoric taught poorly in most of the developed world (internet use) or.. do people who enjoy this fancy have better things to do?
>The great difference maker would be a state recognized as a sovereign entity by a group of sovereign states while at the same time recognized as NOT a sovereign entity by another group of states.
You mean like Israel, Russian Crimean, Taiwan and East Timor? You realize these states exist today, right?
The question is existence!
Existence may be defined separately.
If you're not interested in communicating clearly then go fuck yourself I guess.
Three players now enter identified by these variables:
>United Nations
>European Union
>South-China Sea Agreement
Of the three above the United Nations is, arguably, the most universally recognized.
Does the South-China Sea Agreement pertain only to US involvement in the region? How long should/will it last?
>Gary Larson
I'm catalan and I have no fucking idea what this thread is about.
What's the story behind the flag? I'd love to know.
What is going on in this thread
This is the Royal Monogram of King Zog I of Albania, the heaviest smoker known in history