It's always a hassle, packing clothes, having a padlock and keys, using flipflops in the shower to avoid touching the floor (which is bacterial lava), getting undressed in front of straight old men and so on.
I live 3m away from the gym by car, so I always just leave sweatstained, awkwardly wave at the girl in the front desk, and then drive home to shower and get ready for work.
But winter is coming, and I'm afraid I'll catch a cold if I do that. I also don't want to bring a hoodie with me and carry it everywhere in the gym. And if I put on a hoodie over my sweaty t-shirt I'll have to clean it every other day.
How do you guys handle it? Don't tell me you all go through the hassle of gym showers
Ryan Hughes
Just grow the fuck up and shower. Nobody is interested in your dick and most will stare down the floor just like you will do.
Cooper Collins
my gym doesn't even have showers Tbh
Austin Perez
don't be autistic
Josiah Morgan
If I lived further away I would but I literally live 5 minutes away from my local gym so just jog home and get a shower in my own privacy. Saves me having to bring my own towel and shower stuff and have to wash everything in my gym bag instead of just going home in my sweaty gym clothes.
I showered all the time at my local swimming pool, but that's different because somehow it's acceptable to wear trunks when you're showering and just wipe up when you get back into your locker stall.
Robert Stewart
Wtf man
Brayden Mitchell
lol are you German?
Parker Brown
I don't mind showing my private parts to other men, it's the hassle that bothers me
Padlocks, keys, packing clothes, bringing towels and shampoo with you and all the other bothersome things
At home it's much faster and easier
Jackson Price
It's a small 24/7 gym
Used to train at a PL club before I moved and we didn't have showers there either (it was in a rec center) and none of the other PL clubs I've been to had showers either.
More common than you think.
Christian Taylor
just shower at home and for winter use an old throwaway coat explicitly for that purpose, that's what i did
John Garcia
So how do I hookup with gym dudes in the locker room tho?
Lucas Hall
>getting undressed in front of straight old men
So you don't mind undressing in front of gay young men?
Jaxon Wood
How do you still not understand that being cold doesn't cause a cold.. And if you're 3 minutes away, that's fucking no time being cold.
Also, if you're gym is respectable at all, they'd bleach the shower every night.
Jaxson Bailey
Just change your shirt, put a hoodie on and shower at home
Cameron Collins
>How do you still not understand that being cold doesn't cause a cold. My mom and dad cannot be this wrong
Sweat evaporates into the cold so you catch a cold it's not rocket science
Lincoln Phillips
wew, is this the boss of the gym?
Robert Evans
why do you need padlocks and keys
who is stealing you towel and underpants?
Justin Garcia
Actually the viruses that cause a cold already live in your nasal sinuses.
Lowering your temperature helps them proliferate and thus you get an infection.
So, yes, being cold does give you a cold.
Colton Fisher
Carter Clark
It's not about avoiding theft it's about peace of mind
If I left my stuff unlocked I'd have my mind on it the whole time
Jace Rivera
Nice ass as OP Pic but just change. It's not like they're going to rape you.
Julian Russell
Lol this is utter bullshit, that is not how it works. Where did you even hear that? How can you be so stupid?
Benjamin Hughes
Who is this semen demon, OP? Do you think he knows he makes my dick diamonds?
Ian Martin
>Loweback tattoo
That's such a stupid place to put a tattoo
Asher Perez
Cold viruses can't survive for long (or reproduce) without already being inside cells.
So, no, being cold does not give you a cold.
Fuck off with your momscience.
Cooper Jenkins
Don't call other men "semen demons", always use a condom!
Blake Myers
>packing clothes, having a padlock and keys
WOW so hard
>using flipflops in the shower to avoid touching the floor
why is that difficult? put flipflops in your gym bag.
>getting undressed in front of straight old men and so on.
oh no someone will see my dick!
Jaxson Allen
How about sperm wyrm, senpai?
Jaxson James
That is not backed up by scientific evidence, in fact in uni I encountered a study from 2007 showing that there's no correlation between body temperature and developing a common cold, which completely refutes that claim. If you're healthy and don't have a compromised immune system, you shouldn't get a cold no matter the temperature or weather - hell, I used to play basketball in the freezing cold and in the rain, wearing shorts, with friends plenty of times, none of us ever got cold; but spend a day in a closed office with 3 sick people and 2 days later you have a running nose and a fever.
You are literally retarded.
Jack Stewart
Put a coat on?
Mason Collins
It's there to signify you're a hoe.
Nolan Bailey
I live literally across the road
I'm not shitting you it's 30 seconds door to door
Aaron Edwards
Andrew Sanchez
Dude just take a shower. What's your deal? You shouldn't need to make a thread and have a huge internal conflict on the topic of showering after a workout.
Adrian Anderson
That's not how it works, if you plan to do something 4-5 days a week you should do it as efficiently as possible otherwise you'll be wasting an immense amount of time and effort in total
It's like taking a detour to work every day, just 1km extra every day ends up being more than 45km a month.
Jacob Hall
>not taking a wonderful cool shower after spending 20 relaxing minutes in the sauna after a successful and strenuous workout Actually never mind that, it means I have to hang up my wet towel when I get home and I don't have time for that
Owen Lee
>Sweat evaporates into the cold so you catch a cold it's not rocket science
is this bait or are you retarded
Evan Reyes
Just use an old hoodie specifically for that purpose and only wash it every few weeks, that's what I do.
Elijah Cook
>Only goes to work 45 days a month
Jayden Watson
My gym is pretty cool in that it has about 6 single occupant washrooms that also have a shower in them. I never use it personally, but if I ever felt like it, I'd do so in peace.
Levi Watson
Usually you go to work 22-23 days a month tho, and you have to come back as well
Xavier Taylor
That seems really fucking weird But really convenient
Jackson Gonzalez
Now you're catching on
Alexander Turner
>catching a cold because its cold meme
Nicholas Rivera
It's common knowledge
Jose Bailey
It's science brah
Jacob Scott
so how come Im out frequently biking/walking, wearing very little on windy, rainy, cold days and feel just fine?
Easton Howard
It just increases the likelihood. The colder weather is a breeding ground for germs and stuff while lowering your immune system. Trust me on this brah
Asher Taylor
>viruses >live lol
Mason Collins
Ok I know you're joking but people actually believe this. So they stay at home and turn up all the heating and watch TV with their ill family and WONDER WHY THEY ALSO GET ILL
Henry Bailey
How are you going to catch a cold in your car?
You get them from other people, not from being cold.
Luis Wood
Your body working to keep warm takes energy away from your immune system.
Being in the car three minutes is not going to lower your body temperature.
Jace Cooper
What temperatures do you guys shower? I do cold showers post-workout, then hot showers the morning before work.
Cameron Gutierrez
Upper respiratory illnesses are not caused by lower atmospheric temperatures. Colds increase in the winter months because windows are shut and people are in closer proximity indoors. You're a cunt spreading misinformation and should be euthanized.
Xavier Evans
Cool showers in summer most of the time, in winter I'll have a cool shower after working out but really hot showers before work as it gets cold af.
Note I said cool showers, I'm too pussy for actual cold showers even on the hottest of days
Lincoln Nelson
For cold showers I have to stand below the faucet, yell something dumb like "TAKE THE SHOT" or "DO ITTTTTTTTT" (from Watchmenâ„¢), then turn on the water at full blast. Otherwise I pussy out if I try and walk into the water the slow way.
Xavier Foster
Hahah I have done that once when the heating broke so had no choice, it was actually amazing how quickly the body adjusts to it, after like 30secs-1min (of utter HELL) it was completely fine and when I got out I felt incredible. But it's that first minute or so where it's so cold you can't even breathe that I can't bring myself to do very often.
John Edwards
>ou're a cunt spreading misinformation and should be euthanized.
Benjamin Lopez
if being cold doesn't make you ill then how come almost every time i have a freezing cold shower (usually once every few months) I become ill for the next few days??
Lincoln Bailey
Mfw my gym has individual shower rooms
Jace King
ok great why do you even need to shower at the gym?
i would rather go home and sing in the shower at my leisure
only time i've ever showered at the gym was when my hot water wasn't working at home
Jeremiah Sanchez
People also not as active in the winter
Anthony Hughes
You're weak
Michael Flores
>don't want to leave sweaty cuz I'll get too cold >better completely cover myself with water instead
Bring a hoody you giant idiot
Kayden Wood
>getting undressed in front of straight old men and so on. >straight I see what you did there.
Nicholas King
i dont get showering at the gym, i just go home and shower
Connor Walker
use a combo lock ya dingus. Also stop your bitching altogether you sound like a fucking pussy.
Luke Long
No gyms in my town have showers, but everyone lives like 5-10 minutes away so whatevs.
Luis White
It's pretty easy IMO. Especially if you go when it's not busy. Just look for guys on the gym floor and make eye contact. It will be easier to tell who is DTF and who is not. I at least get a bj once a week at the gym.
Noah Torres
But you said an extra km a day, not an extra km per one-way trip