Just about the comfiest hold of all time
>where Ethereum goes, Chainlink goes
>room for 100x growth
>legit Ripple killer
Thank you Veeky Forums, this is going to be my first moon shot
Just about the comfiest hold of all time
>where Ethereum goes, Chainlink goes
>room for 100x growth
>legit Ripple killer
Thank you Veeky Forums, this is going to be my first moon shot
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So much FUD today and most of it goes like:
>lol it doesn't do anything useless shitcoin
Fudders have lost every single argument they had so they just post random garbage at this point.
What a time to be alive.
this one still exists strong..
>LINK dropping
>think it's time to sell and then buy back in at $0.40
>the moment I sell it skyrockets up again
cant wait bunch of faggots on here talking shit lol stay broke
good lord man pull your shit together. just hold 2 more days for sibos. how to basic 101
cant expect 100% gains every day
Impatience like this has cost me the ETH and Neo rocketrides. I will hold Link with hands of diamond. You should too.
My grip has been severely weakened by the constant bouncing of the price and subsequent realization that had I traded LINK back and forth this week I'd have more than doubled my bags by now. As long as it goes under 0.45 again before SIBOS it's all good.
I think it will. It has a hard time to break its current ceiling without any news. However, once even a bit of information comes out from the team or SWIFT ... you better be sitting in that rocket.
If ETH goes to $400 on Tuesday the ratio would be .0011 if link stays around 45 cents
I'm holding 500 links, is that enough for a lambo in 2018?
I sure hope so, if it goes under $0.40 over the weekend I'm definitely buying more. Hopefully I'm not the only one that wants to get one last big buy in before SIBOS and we'll see whales driving down the price, maybe the normies get scared of it crumbling so close to SIBOS and further drive down the price by dumping their bags.
I hope it will reach ETH price levels.
I wouldn't expect a huge dump. I believe we will see a mini-moon right before SIBOS (maybe +30%), then a short dump by "sell the news" retards that might take it -50%, but not for very long. Shortly after SIBOS announcements are going to be made and we will break 1$ in the following two weeks. I am not daytrading this anyway, so take my predictions with a grain of salt. I will hodl at least until Q1 2018, maybe even longer before I sell 30% of my stack.
>realization that had I traded LINK back and forth this week I'd have more than doubled my bags by now
That's all well and good until you inevitably fuck up your timing and wipe out all your would-be gains. If you're some kind of time-traveling trader with perfect foreknowledge of price movements, you could win big trading Dogecoin swings, or stock market futures. What makes LINK distinctly valuable in this market is its massive potential for value creation as a long term hold.
>1 billion Links
>reach ETH prices
not possible. How many ETH are there?
Lol there like more eth than link retard.
maybe a used civic
1 billion Links *$300= $300 billion market cap.
Why isn't this possible?
Also there are only 350.000.000 Links in circulation
ETH is almost 100.000.000. BUT ETH doesn't have a limit to the number that can be mined. Meaning in the long term there will be more ETH than Link.
fake news
be patient at whatever you do.
Sergey is giving away free Link tokens now, did you get yours?
>spent half my eth on link when it hit $330
>eth keeps climbing
Man crypto is stressful. Even when you win you feel like you lose.
I dumped half of my savings in the chainlink presale and I still fud on here, it's just fun.
>Even when you win you feel like you lose.
Exactly this
Lets get this to bitfinex, they just added a shitcoin there, LINK could easily take over bitfinex
you fucking idiot
i hope so, i fucking hate binance wiht a burning passion
even ed is better than binance
What's so bad about binance?
Its chinese
Is 30% based on any particular investing strategy? I was thinking roughly the same number. Enough to get my initial investment back but let the rest ride.
r u better off than yesterday?
only question that matters
when you down against BTC, look at your USD value
when you down against USD, look at your BTC value
not gonna lie, former link bagholder here. its fun to watch sergey crash and burn. no but in all seriousness we cant let biz get the chainlink nodes.
and when you down against BTC and USD, look at LINK
What if Veeky Forums collectively runs an entire genre of nodes and relays fake information?
LINK is gaining traction guys. Read this shit
Best article I've read regarding the way it explains the use of LINK and decentralized oracles; all others would've dazed normie brains
Any info on how to run the nodes? Do I have to actively provide data or will my machine just be used as a way to transport or verify other peoples data?
>wall street being fed info from Veeky Forums nodes
>billions flow into KidsCoin
Could there possibly be a better timeline?
binance its not chinese senpai
Isn't it a Hongkong company?
Remember, SERGEY OWNS THE PATENTS He can shut down any chink whose trying to copycat him. So you will never see a NEO-Link. You will never see any competitor. Buy in cheap bois.
he doesnt own shit retard