Why did American work hours stop declining circa 1940? Furthermore why haven’t work hours declined even more? Why aren’t we working 15 hr weeks? This isn’t 1840 anymore.
Why did American work hours stop declining circa 1940? Furthermore why haven’t work hours declined even more...
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Because Inflation keeps going up but wages are stagnated. Thank Reagan and other supply side dipshits for that. We are slowly headed back to the 1890s as far as the wealth divide and the fact workers are treated more and more like shit.
The collapse of unions, combined with the rising cost of medical care
Military industrial complex
I told you in the other thread already. It is because people prefer to work 40 hours and reap the benefits of doing so, than work less hours and having to settle with owning less.
So what changed after 1940? People suddenly became more materialistic?
Collapse of unions like said, but also loosening of immigration laws made it so American workers had a lot less power than they otherwise would have had.
The US never moved off the 40 hour week and is far stingier with paid leave and other general types of off-days.
For example, a French father is guaranteed 6 days of paternity leave, with the option to take 6 more months of leave or reduced work time. A father in the US is not mandated to have paternity leave.
No, they decided that no longer they preferred reducing their working hours over earning more wages. Apparently the balance between the two is around 40 or so hours a week for the majority of the population.
And everyone told you that was wrong. Unless you're already upper class, you *can't* get by with less than a 40 hour week. Hell, for much of the working class, even a 40 hour week would be a luxury.
But they did not earn more wages either.
Neither could people get by with less than 40 hours in 1930. The difference is that now you can get by with 40 hours a week AND own a smartphone, car, color TV etc.
Go live a life with the standards of living they had in 1930 and you will see that you can get by with less than 40 hours a week.
Right away I have two problems with your source. a) The source only refers to its own website for sources.
b) Their wording seems highly biased, making highly presumptuous claims such as "The income, wages, and wealth generated over the last four decades have failed to “trickle down” to the vast majority largely because policy choices made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power have exacerbated inequality. " without any proof or source for such a claim.
They cite the bureau of labour statistics as the data source.
Their political stance is debatable but their stats are not biased.
Because it keeps you from having fun and having kids
T. Population controller who worked with Rockefeller and Soros
Mutt land should be abolished
(((they))) are taking the gainz from you
combination of poor national budgeting, wage stagnation, decreasing union influence, and increasing coporation influence in government.
>The difference is that now you can get by with 40 hours a week AND own a smartphone, car, color TV etc.
Not really. You actually need to work more to be able to generate savings and emergency funds on top of paying for that shit which is pretty expensive.
then why did people have more kids in the past
They didn't work in the office/factory but in their own homes aka they were homesteaders. Their work consisted of chores around their property
kikes should be gassed.
Two big names in the field of population control
2 major players in the game of genocide
Moving the goalposts much? How many working class people in 1930 had savings and emergency funds you reckon?
>not blaming the o.g. keynesians for perpetual inflation
Have you read all four volumes of Capital?
If not, fucking do it cunt.
Kiss my ass donkey fucker
I let Thomas sowell do that for me thanks.
>but muh smartphone
what a good goy, you totally miss the point, are you aware how expensive icebox's, radios, cars, shoes, clothing, etc was in 1930, when inflation is accounted for? Yet rents in many urban centers have only gone up, while public transportation in much of the US is shit-tier, meaning a car and the expenses that come with a car are almost a necessity, add to that education inflation which has skyrocketed as manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation and outsourcing and you've got yet one more expense that needs to be paid... Yet the jobs that are available are low skill service industry jobs that don't pay enough to cover the expenses needed to climb up the ladder.
furthermore why do people in Belgium and the Netherlands get to work shorter hours than most Americans?
Germans are addicted to work I understand that, but they're also slightly autistic in terms of cultural tendencies.
>33 hour work week.
Feels good to be Dutch
We have a culture of short intense work days, with little breaks and where screwing around is highly frowned upob by both employers and colleagues. On the plus side you are done earlier with your shift.
>Be Croat
>work 58 hours per week
>undocumented worker
>factory job
>earn 3 000 HRK (471 USD/397EUR)
>rent is 1 500 HRK, bus pass is 600
>Americans and western europeans bitch and moan constantly about doing nothing for high wages and all legal and medical privileges
That sucks Brat, at least your country is not a spiritual corpse undergoing a massive demographic change and destruction of people and culture.
Why don't you go work in Germany?
I can get a nicer wife if I can buy better things than the next guy though.
Come to germany and take care of handicapped people for 1700 euro/ month (before taxes). My dedo even has an appartment he like to rent out to domacis in your situation.
>Why did American work hours stop declining after entering the second world war
Common user.
A waste of time. Capital I and III are gold for fighting the boss. Capital II is undiscovered platinum.
Do you honestly believe that smartphones, cars, and colour tvs form a significant expense in comparison to rent and food?
He was right all along. Value comes from labor. Profit is ultimately derived from the value in appropriated surplus labor. Therefore capital owning elites have no incentive to cut down on work hours no matter how many technological improvements come along, since doing so would harm their own profits.
Who makes the prices?
The market does but I don't see your point.
How can anyone believe value is an objective unit is beyond me.
>Why did American work hours stop declining circa 1940? Furthermore why haven’t work hours declined even more? Why aren’t we working 15 hr weeks? This isn’t 1840 anymore.
Hours have declined. Your chart specifically refers to *full time* *production workers*. Production workers are a specific subcategory of workers and full time workers are defined by law. The law defining what constitutes a full time worker hasn't changed much since 1940.
Further, in 1840, the average weekly hours worked in the manufacturing sector was 67.1 according to the Weeks report and 68.4 according to the Aldrich report. We're basically half of that right now.
Look at a production line. Assume you have an idea of how many bundles of product is good to produce for successful sale. So then you look at costs of materials, labor, and time it takes to manufacture X amount of product in 1 day.
Something like an objective value is the basic amount of average time and cost it would take to produce 5 tons of rebar in a day. I don't understand why people act like this is a foreign concept. Any business worth a damn should be able to estimate on expected average costs of manufacture and orient their business plan accordingly. What are they estimating on? Objective values. Like average labor time to produced finished product.
>production line
What about the rest?
If an artist at Disney makes a great drawing in 20 minutes, is it worth 20 minutes, or you take in account the 20 years of experience?
Just because it costs x to make something, that doesn't mean that anyone is willing to pay exactly x for that product.
>working at all
Stupid wagie
>If an artist at Disney makes a great drawing in 20 minutes,
You mean like an animator? They surely have an expected number of cells you should be making in an hour based on the average capability of the average animator. If you make more than the average good for you, but there are totally ways to estimate what the average should be.
>or you take in account the 20 years of experience?
No. It would be based on the average trained animator of average skill. Just the same as if you bought a modern printing machine you wouldn't try to factor in the centuries of development it took to invent and improve upon the the printing press.
The labor is just another machine part in the greater machine of producing a commodity. It either works or it doesn't and there's no point in buying labor that isn't up to par. Just the same as a computer, or printing press, or other mechanical machine has objective measurable factors so does the "machine" or average labor.
Did something happen around 1940 that would cause people to work longer? I can't think...
I don't know man, I value a certain comic book more than I value my own family but for most other people it's about as valuable as toilet paper. You're the kind of person who would sell books by the weight it looks like.
>you wouldn't try to factor in the centuries of development it took to invent and improve upon the the printing press.
That is a false equivalence, this is not even apples and oranges, what if it was for a commission, the drawing came out great but it took less than an hour.
>They surely have an expected number of cells you should be making in an hour based on the average capability of the average animator.
That's only the japanese way.
You cant evaluate things on on a intrinsic (in the sense of inner) value, that would make money worthless, there is hardly an objective measure for value, Marx was a prick because he never specified the way to measure it.
They needed money to see Pinocchio
Rockefellerian population control
That's wrong.
Some people might, and they out-compete the ones who don't want to raising that bar of what's expected and forcing everyone else to work 40 hour weeks along with them or be seen as lazy.
>Yfw you realize muttland is the Soviet Union all a
Land of the flea home of the mutt
You are so naive
Lessee, Commiefornia... Television, smart phone, internet, on the cheap, altogether come maybe $200/month.
Meanwhile my rent is $2200 month. Food ~$300/week. Electricity another $200/month (cuz even in the 30's, ya had that). Luckily I get gas and water for free with that rent. (I'll lie and say I still live in Frisco and thus don't want nor need a car, but that'd only add another ~$400 anyways.)
So, if I sacrifice all my "modern luxuries", I save less than 5% of my, monthly expenses.
Come back after you've moved out, and/or don't live in the boonies.
Remember being dirt poor in San Francisco in the 90's. Rent was ~$1000 (350ft micro-studio, shared bath), internet was AOL trial dialup CD's, smartphones were sci-fi. Electricity and heat provided with the rent. Food, sticking mostly to ramen and rice was about $400/month. No car (yes, not that you need it there). Two people in that closet, working 20 hours a week each (plus constant overtime). Still somehow managed to fail to make the rent on time, repeatedly (to the degree where we woulda been kicked out had the landlord not taken a liking to the gf and I).
Albeit, there were a lot of incidentals - but there's always a lot of incidentals.
>good goy
I'm very strongly inclined to disregard your opinion right there and then, but I'll bite.
>are you aware how expensive icebox's, radios, cars, shoes, clothing, etc was in 1930, when inflation is accounted for?
I'm aware that by their very nature of being less technologically sophisticated they require less productivity to be produced.
The rest of your post is very incoherent. You seem to argue the same as I do when talking about cars. Then you talk about unemployment but how does an unemployed person's wage stagnate?
>furthermore why do people in Belgium and the Netherlands get to work shorter hours than most Americans?
Apparantly Dutch and Belgians value extra free time slightly higher relative to extra wages from hours worked than Americans do. Hence their balance between free time and having the benefits of working more hours results in a slightly lower hours worked per week. Note that this is an averaging effect over the population as a whole. Anecdotes about small groups of people wanting to work less hours are not relevant here.
Food expenses have also gone up significantly. Do you honestly believe that the variety and quality of your food is even remotely comparable to that of a lower class worker in 1930?
Rent expenses also cover a much higher quality product than they did in 1930. You don't live in a 1930's apartment with 1930's amenities. Your landlord would probably be breaking the law if he tried that.
>Food for one person
>$300 a week
What the fuck are you doing, holy shit. Do you eat out for every meal or some shit? That's fucking obscene, even in California terms. Learn to cook m8.
Food is cheaper relative to income in the US than it's ever been before, almost by an order of magnitude. Indeed, again, relative to income, the US has some of the lowest food prices in the world. Working class schmucks used to regularly spend more than half their income on food (more, during the depression).
Are you saying people want to work less than 40 hours but instead work 40 hours only because otherwise people would call them lazy?
Great argument, well thought out post, and good sources too. I am proud of you.
Modern luxury. In the 1930's you had nowhere near the variety and quality of food you enjoy now.
Are you seriously trying to say a 1930's household used as much electricity as you do now? And you use this electrical device called a PC to make that point?
You even say it yourself in the very same post, you get gas and water "for free" (you never heard about a free lunch before?). There are other things included in that rent as well that weren't in 1930. Ranging from safety regulations to the quality of the windows.
All "modern luxuries". Think for longer than 5 seconds before you post something.
Not really relevant when more productivity is required to provide that food.
>Modern luxury. In the 1930's you had nowhere near the variety and quality of food you enjoy now.
...and it was more expensive.
>Are you seriously trying to say a 1930's household used as much electricity as you do now? And you use this electrical device called a PC to make that point?
and it was a LOT more expensive. Electricity was often more than rent. Folks got shut off all the time.
>You even say it yourself in the very same post, you get gas and water "for free" (you never heard about a free lunch before?). There are other things included in that rent as well that weren't in 1930. Ranging from safety regulations to the quality of the windows.
Free gas wasn't uncommon - and these are pretty standard fare windows. I guess I get free trash and sewage, but that wasn't uncommon either. Can't think of anything unusual I am getting for this rent, beyond that.
Suffice to say, if I were to reduce myself to 1930's living, I wouldn't be saving more than a tiny fraction of my income - and a lot of what yer on about, I have no choice but to pay for.
>...and it was more expensive.
We are talking about productivity here mate. Get with the program. If you don't understand the fundamental nature of the discussion, gtfo.
You just keep listing more and more things that are included in that rent. Your "standard fare windows" were unlikely to be double glass in 1930. Literally everything is better now. Quality of the materials, safety regulations, even fucking location considerations.
>Suffice to say
No it isn't suffice to say you fucking retard. Go live on fucking beans and bread in shitty 1930's laborer's shack without a TV or anything and you'll save 90% of your fucking income you god damn retard.
>You just keep listing more and more things that are included in that rent. Your "standard fare windows" were unlikely to be double glass in 1930. Literally everything is better now. Quality of the materials, safety regulations, even fucking location considerations.
I've lived in places built in 1917 - with the original windows. Rent was worse, cuz it was freaking Boston.
>No it isn't suffice to say you fucking retard. Go live on fucking beans and bread in shitty 1930's laborer's shack without a TV or anything and you'll save 90% of your fucking income you god damn retard.
I could live on ramen, have no internet, TV, or smartphone, and save maybe 15% of my current expenses. The smallest cheapest place available within 50 miles would only half my rent, though it'd also make my food and, potentially, medical expenses, skyrocket.
>Are you saying people want to work less than 40 hours but instead work 40 hours only because otherwise people would call them lazy?
More like economic coercion.
>Work for x hours a week( which tends to be 40) we want you to or I'll fire you for being a lazy faggot and hire someone who is willing to ( there are a lot )
You have dumbass old fucks who refuse to retire, what is so hard to believe there are also wagecucks who want to work as many hours as they can?
>Thank Reagan and other supply side dipshits for that.
Yeah, just ignore the central bank whose explicit goal for DECADES has been to maintain a stable rate of inflation..
How do they get away with it
>Their political stance is debatable but their stats are not biased
No, but their analysis is. They make a claim that the current situation is purely a result of oligarchical and unfair laws passed by the government to suppress the people.
>You have dumbass old fucks who refuse to retire,
This is a big problem with a lot of jobs like trades nowadays. Old people don't retire as "normal" so that means all the people coming in are filling up the lower level entry spots. Also people conspiring to reduce the number of people at their workplace so they get more hours/pay which happens a lot in healthcare.
Thhats's how fucked labour is in the Anglophone world among other places
They’re not wrong though?
It’s not like we took a vote and decided on 40 hrs
>hey work 40 hours or starve to death
women were at home
>Yet rents in many urban centers have only gone up
Yes because population keeps going up and there's only room for so many assholes in a practically sized city. Stop inviting the entire third world into your cities and rent will go down.
>while public transportation in much of the US is shit-tier,
Public transportation is a fiscal blackhole that's unsustainable in the long term.
Capitalism can't function without scarcity and areas to expand into. The price system no longer has a proper feed back loop and leads to extreme instability and irrational shit like people working longer hours for less pay while production is off the charts.
>ctrl + F "women"
>only one post
For shame, Veeky Forums
What the fuck. My mortgage is less than a grand a month and I live in the Portland area, which is already fairly expensive. Also, do you mean 300 a month? Cause food for my wife and I is less than 80 a week.
Not him, but nigga, I'm a poor ass skinny Cali wigger, I buy all my food at the 99 cent store, and it costs me at least $150 a week.
Can't even fill a grocery cart more than a quarter for $200 at Ralphs. Shit's expensive out here.
>Public transportation is a fiscal blackhole that's unsustainable in the long term.
Lol no. It's sustainable and good for cities if you actually invest in it to make it work.
What? People are working fewer hours.
You are mixing up so many concepts that aren't related to the issue at hand.
>fiscal black hole
t. automotive shill