Post a picture of you're gym
Post a picture of you're gym
i am gym
love my comfy home gym
could be bigger room tho
Can't even drop weights on that floor.
you're well prepared to hit that anabolic window
>dropping weights
are you fucking retarded?
I am not a gym !
why would I?
I already squat 3.5 plates never had to do it, ust never went above 95% RM
My gym. About to start cutting weight for about 3-4 mo then start a bulk cycle I think. I'm kinda new to the fitness thing tho. I was in really good shape in HS when I was a wrestler and practiced MMA because we worked out so much all the time that I never really learned how to diet properly or about any of the science behind what gets you in shape. So now I'm kinda starting over. Gonna do calisthenics and bag work and spar with a friend who is stupidly good at getting the results they want from heir diet and workout, so hopefully I'll learn how I do that better.
Someone please give this kid the calisthenics infographic I gonna make it brehs?
Explain? I am very new to this so I'm just going based on what seemed to work for me in the past (which was basically non stop wrestling/sparring, push-ups, squats, pull ups, and a whole bunch of running stairs and sprints.
Mein gott
Master home gym race reporting in.
10/10 everything friendo I am very envious. Is that a place in Wisconsin or the upper midwest? i hear property can be quite cheap there
damn that gym is clean.
this kid just wasted trips twice on fucking posting about the calisthenics meme
What's a meme about it? Or am I responding to shitposting? I legitimately want to know what's wrong.
"Death Alley".
>Prowler sled kept indoors.... mostly.
Pic related muh gym
I also have a chin-up/pull-up/dip "Power-Tower" station that's not being shown in this pic (its to the right, near where the Olympic dumbbell is, yes i have 2 of those, just hidden off camera, cant get it all in pic)
Nice looking barbell there, fella....
Do share what its make is, won'tcha, Sailor ?
>blinks eyelashes.....
>looking around trying to see if any of you go to the same gym as I do
Daily cardio, daily sub maximal Chins, hip thrusts and hand release pushups
Bodyweight split squats off a couch or whatever, ab wheeling, hanging leg raises, etc 3-4x a week and you'll get somewhere. Maybe hold heavy things to add weight. See if you can't give handstand push-ups a try, if not, press a computer chair or something.
Load IP buckets with heavy stuff.
Try to get an Olympic barbell if you can. You can do some decent exercises with just a plain oly bar, but work on getting some weights. Floor pressing, rows, BB curls, landmine pressing, landmine lateral raises, barbell French press, deadlifts, hacksquats, and much more.
There's even a way to get under the bar and use it to back squat without a rack.
Iam from Lithuania
come, the land is cheap, the whores are gorgeous and nature is beautiful
u jelly?
just an avg slav gym
>just take the picture, mom
Yes :( I only have smith machines. Not even a real bench press
It's nice n quiet usually
this is essentially what a home gym should look like. floor protection for cleans and deadlift is the onlyt hing missing.
>frog poster
>jealous salt
Yup, this is definitely Veeky Forums.
Take a look around :^)
my're gym forbids photos
Not bad, friend :^) how much you pay for it?
nah, took some photos with tripod since Ive been filming to check my form later
€15 / month
I can only use the room on the left.
The other areas are for those that pay €40 / month
your're are a retard
kek was going to post this
plus fitness? Same colors at least.
I don't have any pic but here are vids of my homegym
erm, I'd say both of you are
that gym is nice as fuck. Does it get packed? Looks like you would expect a ton of people there.
>b..b...but muh hypertrophy!!!
Remember, this is fit. Aesthetics is everything and the only goal is to pick up girls since that's the only reason to lift.
>cameras don't have timers and can't take video
I record my form all the time to review it.
nice home you got there
voted #1 gym in the USA
it's pretty fkn awesome
My gym is /b/ ahahhahahahahhahah
It's fine
looks like a battle between dumbbells and benches is about to begin
Benches bolted to floor
>tfw my gym needs to do that
>tired of dyels leaving benches in toilet stalls
M o d s
This is where I do my cardio :^)
> Bolted benches
I pay about 9 bucks a month, which is worth even less in my country. it's practically free because I'm a student
>get paid to study for free so basically I'm getting paid to make gains
feels good to be an immigrant in the worlds most student friendly country
mirin bench + preacher curl combo
>pic related, where i make gains
did someone try every gym in the usa?
Thanks, edgelord McGee
>doesn't get the meme
>mirror to the right
>bright orange ladder
>yfw user brought a fucking ladder to the gym just so he could take a photo of the room
do you have autism?
Is this Norway or Sweden?
Reason for me asking being that I've yet to see any anons from other countries wearing Better Bodies apparel.
Nah charter fitness
Off their website
Yeah it's a norweigan gym for some college.
You live in an old castle?
I'm jealous senpai. Florida?
nice view desu
post a picture of you are gym?
>>dropping weights
>are you fucking retarded?
DYEL detected
never gonna make it
Some guy on le reddit made an album of it.
I win.
40 Eleiko Powerlifting bars, around 15 Eleiko weightlifting bars, 14 Power Racks from EliteFTS, 11 tons of Eleiko weights.
>0 gfs
Hallo Klaus.
Shit you're retarded
holy shit
It's great
From wisconsin, can confirm that northern property is fairly cheap. You could honestly build a log cabin in the woods and never pay taxes if you wanted.
i would bet that he just grabbed an image off the gym's website you dumbass
Not my gym, but I just wanted to show you guys.
This is a crossshit gym in my town.
damn shame. i would have loved to work out there if it's a normal gym.
24 Hour Fitness master race
Me too, brother.
If I owned the place, I'd rent it out to (classical) musicians as practice or recording room. Hold regular concerts too. Imagine the acoustics...
is doing crossfit in a chapel supposed to be an allegory of Jesus going through pain when he was carrying his cross and got crucified?
if that's the point I'm impressed
The guy says you can confess your sins of sloth and gluttony and train for absolution.
He's just bullshitting though, he just thought the location was nice.
lurk more
>70€ a month
how about no
It's alright.
>get up in the morning
>pay 40€ a month for a until 14:00 membership
>Make gains twice as fast, surrounded by the strongest guys in the country with the best equipment there is
>no commercial gym shitskins
This is where i spent most of my gym time, power rack and glute-ham-raise/reverse hypers. Rest of the gym is 1-60kg dumbells, hammer strength machines, lots of cardio equipment, 10 other racks and plenty of cardio bunnies
it's like $40 a month