Getting in Navy SEAL shape

I'm 18, 6'7, 265 pounds. My whole life I've been skinny-fat and not particularly active or in shape (not sedentary though). Now that I'm in college I want to change that. I'm not trying to become a Navy SEAL, but I've r made up my mind that I want to get into that kind of shape. Here are my goals:
-Get down to 210-220 pounds
-100 pushups nonstop
-100 situps nonstop
-20 pullups
-20 reps bodyweight bench press, deadlift, squat
-4 mile run in under 30 min.
-14 mile run, completion

I have the time and the energy to do this, I just need to figure out a workout and diet plan. In an ideal world I would lift in the morning and run/cardio in the afternoon. Does anyone who's reached those numbers have any advice?

Also, I only have access to a regular gym, so no crossfit.

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Most SEALs I met were either powerlifter tier-chubbybuilt giants or physique comp-tier manlets,no doubt some of then cycled on deployment.

Looking at pictures of BUD/S candidates you can find a variety of body types.

As long as you can complete what you are going for and give it 110% till the end,you can make it.

SEALs aren't magical fairy eugenics-tier supermen (tho seal officers mite b),if you are in the correct shape and have the determination you can do it.

You just have to want it.

Do you have any advice on what kind of plan to follow to hit those numbers?

you realize that the reason they train the way they do is because it's easy to do with large groups and very little equipment, right?

just graduate in the top of your class

Just do it,don't shoot for minimum ever.

When you get past the minimum amount that's when you keep going until you absolutely positively cannot

OP here, do any of you guys know how I could train and eat to hit those numbers? Should I do a marathon training plan in the morning and lift in the afternoon? What kind of lifting/calisthenics plan? I know there are people on here who can do the above.

There were several books published in the late 90s that tried to cash in on the FUCKING ALPHA SEAL shit. IIRC the one I had was by a guy called Stewart Smith and it was OK. I'm sure there are newer ones.

Here it is. You're required to buy those weird upsetting short shorts from the 1940s btw.
this helped a lot

seriously what you get out of it? If you want to live dangerous life than you better become mafia soldier and at least you fuck tons of woman and earn shitloads of money. Soldiers have to free time and earn joke money.

Awesome I'll check it out. What kind of results did you get?

>20 pull ups

Pick one. I'm 6'6 and that shit's hard AF son.

I've met many of the Norwegian elite soldiers, and most of them looked fairly dyel. What it all comes down to is willpower, that's what makes them special. Honestly, based on your past I'd say it's likely you won't get near the results you want, but I really hope you prove me wrong

This op, why the fuck throw your life away for a country that doesn't give a shit about you when you can make a name for yourself.

You dont even need to be a criminal, try going to law school or becoming an accountant.

>I'm not trying to become a Navy SEAL, but I've r made up my mind that I want to get into that kind of shape.

As everyone proceeds to berate him for wanting to be a Navy SEAL. Lrn2read faggots.

>""""skinny fat""""

>no navy seal pasta has been posted


Good luck you gigantic bastard, remember to duck if they ever deploy you.

this guy knows, realistically the only way you can do army ops efficiently is going to be with you slimming down to dyelmode

user I've recently decided I wanted to join the Army Reserves here in Aus and do a Triathalon at the end of the year. Army Reserves ain't Navy seals but here is my training program.

to go into a bit more detail.

I'm doing Strong lfits 5x5. My plan is to get to an intermediate strength level based on
That website is also good because it generates 5x5 for you.

When i get to the intermediate level im going to focus on increasing pushups, situps and heaves to as high as possible.

With my Runs i do 2.5km as a warm up medium pace. Then for the next 2.5km i try and finish as quick as possible with goal of 11 minutes. Then another 2.5km at a medium pace. eventually aiming for 5km at 22 minutes.

Cardio is especially hard after doing weights. my recommendation would be doing it before/ in the mornings.

Diet wise you need to work out your TDEE and start cutting. Don't start running until you lose 20kgs though, at your weight your asking for injury plus damaging joints and shit long term.

With my swimming ive just been trying to swim for as long as possible without stopping.

diet wise read the sticky and lurk more. good luck.

You can do it user.

What one man can do, another can do.

I'm not a SEAL but I have spent a lot of time in AFSOC and in my experience you're going to have a hard time getting in that kind of shape at that size. I've met some SOF giants before and as a manlet I have no idea how their bodies can take the miles of abuse.

I'd suggest a serious swimming regiment though.

Went to some Seal camp for wrestling/conditioning at the Naval Academy. As Freshmen-Juniors we were doing sets of 100 pushups in a row every day (100 each session for 4 sessions a day). You should aim for 200+ in a row. Also aim for 100 pullups in 4 or fewer sets as we were supposed to do 100 pullups every session as well.

The Seals I talked to told us about their training and you should up goals by 200%-ish if you want to be in Navy Seal shape lol. One story one of em told us was how he got caught assembling his friends *dive apparatus?* and had to do some ridiculous number (700 is what I remember but idk if it was the guys estimation or exaggeration) of up-downs/burpees in a wet suit filled with sand for a few hours. He said he had pretty much no skin left when it was over.

>imagining being chest to back with the best friends you will ever make,in 40 degree weather all wet and sandy,waves crashing over you all,using your mutual willpower working to accomplish your goal and be #1

It's getting hot in here

good luck op