I'm on day 2 of MK-677 from a relatively trusted (98% purity) source.
I'm interested to hear about others' experiences on mk677.
Have any of you noticed any physical changes that you woul credit to higher levels of pulsing GH?
Experiences w/ mk677
hows the progress, im interested in it
shrill moar
interested in this, how much did yours cost? ive seen some (from bostin loyd's website) that was much cheaper comapred to everything else.
also you getting numb hands yet?
50 USD a gram my boy.
raws im assuming? you can get a better price than that
I've only taken it for 2 days lol.
20 mins after first dose was a trip. My stomach was pulsating at I felt high as hell. My body was like WTF is this.
Day 2 I upped my dose and didnt feel a damn thing so I suppose my body is responding well to it.
Personally I feel fucking great, excited to see what happens. Supposedly you see results after prolonged periods of taking it, so..
Hence why I asked