So Veeky Forums why haven't you offed yourself yet?
So Veeky Forums why haven't you offed yourself yet?
Hoping shit gets better. have lost 40 pounds , but still a fat fuck.
I made it.
You can too.
Tbqfh, just out of curiosity, to see how things turn out.
You ?
Healing factor too strong
Because I know that if I get my shit together, life could be great
Hoping she'll come back and I can be better off in the end.
just waiting for "that feeling"
Got the xanax ready, would just need to buy lots of booze to wash the bottle down with
>Tbqfh, just out of curiosity, to see how things turn out.
This is what keeps me going.
People have invested in me and I want to pay them back.
I'm giving myself a year.
During the next 11 months I'm going to finish my masters degree in Mec. Engineering, travel to Europe and try to be happy. If I can't find a reason to live by August 2017, I'm going to off myself.
Life was always crappy and I have been a social outcast since kindergarden.
too much of a pussy
lifting is easier
Failed the first time. Life got really good after that. Now things are shitty again. I suppose that even if just for a short while, life will be that fun to live again at some point, if I just keep waiting.
>Tbqfh, just out of curiosity, to see how things turn out.
Pretty much this
This, if it won't get better after some years, are heroin OD the best way out?
Why would I?
It would be pretty selfish of me to do it. I'm not even scared of the afterlife or whatever. I just wouldn't be able to do that to my family
I still have some hope
I'm curious to see who gets elected and what comes of it
i'm planning my sucicide for my birthday on 14th december. there's a wood near where i live and i bought a length of rope from amazon.
because I enjoy life and can't wait to see what future holds for me
before you put your head through that loop, just remember
you're letting everyone that hurt you win
Not the one you replied to.
What is the problem with that? Some people win and some people lose. When you are dead you don't have to worry about anything.
Not feeling anything it's realy peaceful.
im not completely satisfied with all aspects of my life but ive put myself in a position where, as long as i put in the work, things will continue to get better for me as time goes on.
Because my mum would be so fucking sad.
but i am the big winner, because dead = no more suffering, agony etc.
Are you willing to be miserable for the rest of your life in order to make someone happy?
I don't know if you are a good person or a stupid one.
Good question.
Two months ago I was told that I had some cancerous tumors and they were potentialy lethal.
A few tests later, the doctor said that I have nothing to worry about, they represent no danger and he removed both of them.
Being told that I was going to live was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Nobody cares we all die
We all suffer
Except chats
Ducking chads
Because i would rather rage against the world until it takes me than be a bitch and give in
This. She's already really worried about me, and I don't want her to be sad.
Because I actually find life pretty enjoyable. Going outside helps.
because i just got a motorcycle licence and a bike, wanna ride it until snow comes down
before I kill myself I would end up in prison
>So Veeky Forums why haven't you offed yourself and others with you yet?
Never do things have assed
I have to go to the gym Monday
I kid, I'm happy with my life, sorry OP it gets better, just try new things