Was just at walmart and saw one, figured "hell why not" and it's fuckin great. Just got a better workout than i've ever gotten with curls, and it doesn't feel like i'm giving myself carpal tunnel. Always kinda wrote them off before because of how goofy they look, but goddamn was i wrong.
How do you guys feel about em? Do you use em? If not, why not?
Couldve took stick or empty barbell and rope and saved money.
I made one myself like that.
Robert Barnes
How you did it ?
Show pics too pliserino
Henry Jackson
they are fucking great.
Oliver White
Really bro? Not him but first go to home depot or walmart...buy rope 2 or 3 feet long...buy closet rod or other dowel...optional..buy hook Cut dowel to 2 feet..then tie one end of rope to dowel...on other end attach hook or tie a small piece of dowel to thread though a weight plate... Now roll wrists to your hearts content
Tyler Thompson
Not that guy but wrist rollers aren't a meme. Your forearms will legit grow after 2-3 workouts.
Jeremiah Roberts
Thanks , I will try it too.
Anthony Wood
Wrist rollers are amazing. If you have the money iron mind rolled are top tier.
Wrist rollers, farmers walk. Top two wrist exercises.
Anthony Long
Hammer curls are better
Grayson Hughes
William Evans
Get some 3 or 4 inch plastic pipe(thick wall, the dark grey ABS stuff works well) chop it at a length that you can grab it with both hands, shoulder width apart. Drill a hole (any size thicker than your role obviously) through the centre of pipe, and feed rope (about a meter long, at least 5mm thick) through it. Tie a knot at one end to stop it from going through the holes. Then just tie a weight plate to the other end and bam, you're done.
Nathan Hughes
The thick diameter pipe also works your grip strength better than thin stuff, as it's harder to hold when your hand doesn't close all the way around the pipe
Jordan Jenkins
Any benefits of stronger wrists/forearms aside from aesthetics? Should I start doing them?
Liam Jackson
do you do a lot of motions largely dependent on the power of your wrists? then obviously.
Charles Long
You can grip heavier shit in day to day life and more strength in your wrists/forearms means less chance or random injury if you don't pick shit up like a complete tard.
But then again, as a male, if you need more of a reason than having thick forearms then I don't know what to tell you
Joshua Jenkins
being able to open plastic bottles
Brayden Harris
How many sets/reps? Please share roller routine
Ian Hughes
>Was just at walmart kys
Jack Hall
>Hates the everyday low prices of Walmart Kys
Easton Hill
for real man. Walmart's the shit. You really start to appreciate it once you have a job/college and shit. It's so fucking convenient. You can do everything there. Make money orders, cash checks.
Eli Taylor
These types of wrist rollers aren't great for pure strength. For that you want 'sleeve' type rollers, which are basically like the end of a barbell that has rotating sleeves and is used in a rack. This means you apply your strength more directly into lifting the weight, rather than supporting the weight at arms length.
The other option is something like the Sidewinder or the Wringer. See here:
I don't really know what I'm doing, but every other day I just do 5 clockwise and 5 counterclockwise, add some weight, do it again, add a little more, do it again. Again, I'm not an expert, but I had noticeably bigger forearms within two weeks of this routine. Got a girl friend who will reliably sperg out if I sort of absentmindedly flex them like I'm don't know she's staring. It works.
Nathan Taylor
i'll give this a shot on my weekend trips.
Juan Thomas
>Any benefits of stronger wrists/forearms aside from aesthetics? It helps a little bit on every lift in my experience. Maybe it's purely psychological but i find myself manipulating the bar and especially dumbbells much easier. Feels like i have much more control over the weight.
And lifting heavy shit pretty much always involves forearm muscles at some point, since nothing comes with easy carrying handles and you have to improvise somehow to grip eg a big piece of ikea furniture
the thing that annoys me about walmart is that they all have those old-ass, loud-ass steel carts and they fucking removed all the hand baskets a couple years ago for probably no good reason. Target still has baskets and the carts are silent, much comfier. More expensive though, so walmart still wins.
Adrian Russell
I had an old hockey stick I tied weights to
Samuel Cooper
double dubs
Dominic James
increasing dat grip strenf so that when some old fudd tries to act tough and do a supergrip when you shake hands you can shatter every bone below his ulna
Isaac Cruz
I'm a wristlet with enough forearm strength to do a few overhand 2.5pl8 deadlights but no more.
Made a wrist roller with cheap bunjee cord and a plastic dumbbell bar and it worked for about a week before it snapped. Can confirm that it works your forearms like nothing else, just need to get decent equipment.
All I have are shitty plastic sand filled weights at home, home much should I start rolling with?