Can swimming be a replacement for lifting?

Can swimming be a replacement for lifting?

why'd you post an ape

It can be a replacement for running

I legitimate don't understand how people can be attracted by these "women". They must have different genes or something

I'm not racist but when I look at 10/10body black "women" my dick doesn't move an inch

what about this. do you like this?


At least that's a human face
Black peoples face just look exactly like an ape in the zoo no offence
I won't say this irl because their feelings and it's not right to say. But I really cannot stop thinking of a talking ape when see black face

Stop reading /pol/ weirdo.

Kek so triggered. I said I'm not racist. I hang out with black a lot. But sexually I'm completely not attracted to black "women". Just take 1 second and look at those faces and tell me how you think an ape face is good looking in any way?

It's like putting an animal head onto a human body. Weirdo mermaid stuff. Whoever likes blacks must also like horse or fluffy or any other weird /b/ stuff because you literately want to fuck a stuffed animal

I'm laughing so hard. Kek.

Nah bro, you're good. Nothing wrong with having preferences in your women. As a white dude, I'm okay with everything except latinas.

Same man, same.

Would pick a 7/10 Scandinavian chick over Beyonce or whoever is an example of a "black 10"

I don't like gooks either. They're for betas

I know the feels, i get along with most people just fine, gym owner is really cool black guy and we have a lot of ripped black men in my gym whoredashians would go nuts for but I feel no physical attraction one bit.

Example Look at Nigri or whatever her name is. Her body is 10/10. Move onto her face holy shit. She's only attractive by definition of being black. If she's white/Asian/other races, her eyes and face look deformed and retarded

And she's not even that black looking. Look at most black women irl their skull and face is just a smoother and better version of a gorrila. You can't tell their gender
And of course I never say this irl because people would only response with WAYCIST. I thought the whole world is gone crazy because everyone seems not to realize black look like chimps

Depends how dense the water is.

man this is just reality, we have been conditioned into thinking black girls are attractive word up theyƩ not, it's like lookin at a mildly attractive dog thats realy what its like, like when you see a nice pretty white girl who probably made some bad decisions in school her dad doesnt know shes doing it, she hasnt got that big tits like you know she didnt ever think this would be an option growing up, like you look at her being fucked by a black man and its like watching a dog fuck this girl you know, its beasitality dude no ifs or buts about it, and yeah men are just being conditioned to accept this just accepting that looking at people from another speices is okay and cool yeah you got exotic tastes or some shit nah dude, its all gone wrong, its all gone real bad, since they made the birth control pill it all went bad man, women stopped seeing sex as what you do to make babies and starting seeing sex as a recreation you know and it all went bad from there, real bad, like women could cheat with no conquences because they wouldnt be popping out a little niglet child when thy're on the pil,, man its too far gone, like how are you meant to remove the pill from society? you just cant, its all gone, western women are done dude i just wanna get to 30 then start fucking 18 year olds who call me daddy or some shit. btw jews invented birth control did you know


man this is just reality, we have been conditioned into thinking black girls are attractive word up theyƩ not, it's like lookin at a mildly attractive dog thats realy what its like, like when you see a nice pretty white girl who probably made some bad decisions in school her dad doesnt know shes doing it, she hasnt got that big tits like you know she didnt ever think this would be an option growing up, like you look at her being fucked by a black man and its like watching a dog fuck this girl you know, its beasitality dude no ifs or buts about it, and yeah men are just being conditioned to accept this just accepting that looking at people from another speices is okay and cool yeah you got exotic tastes or some shit nah dude, its all gone wrong, its all gone real bad, since they made the birth control pill it all went bad man, women stopped seeing sex as what you do to make babies and starting seeing sex as a recreation you know and it all went bad from there, real bad, like women could cheat with no conquences because they wouldnt be popping out a little niglet child when thy're on the pil,, man its too far gone, like how are you meant to remove the pill from society? you just cant, its all gone, western women are done dude i just wanna get to 30 then start fucking 18 year olds who call me daddy or some shit. btw jews invented birth control did you know


Sorry to lay on the bad news but you're gay dude, she's fucking gorgeous. Legit 10/10 body, perfect dick sucking lips too



>>They must have different genes or something

That's because they do.

>I'm not racist

Got some news for you, buddy.


Is this pasta?

hehheh yeah guys i also hate me some back people kek lol kek kek kek

All pro swimmers lift. The answer is no.

mad nigger detected