Fucking Japs REEEEEEE
Fucking Japs REEEEEEE
that first panel is physically impossible
This, center of gravity is way off
U guys don't know anime physics
Great job missing the entire point, redditors. Fucking dumbasses.
ATG is the only squat.
Kek, leaning againt a wall.
>this XD
>Bitches don't know about my hover-panties.
Are you actively trying to avoid gains?
It's tilted wrong.
Are you deformed or something?
Not everyone is a weaboo and knows you're supposed to read from right to left, you dip.
>First time at the gym
>Doing starting strength
>It's squatting time fuccbois
>Take up my phone and open my trusty form guide picture from the Japanese
>The grills and bros are staring at me weirdly, they can see the image clearly in the side mirror
>Yell "kyaaaa" while I run home crying
>Because of the accidental cardio I came with more gains than I left with
Get off of this website.
>defends the ignorant
>calls another person a dip
It is with weightlifting shoes
>head is not in a neutral position.
Not reading manga is hardly ignorant.
Assuming everyone is into the same things you are is.
>thinking what moot had in mind in 2003 is in any way relevant to Veeky Forums in 2016
So? Why do people on Veeky Forums in 2016 have to know shit about stuff that someone was expected to know in 2003 before there was a Veeky Forums? Are people on facebook expected to know shit about harvard student life?
>browsing this website and not knowing entry-level basic knowledge about anime or manga
You're probably missing out on a lot of memes, guy.
Do you know what it means when posts get t b h and f a m changed into desu and senpai?
>not getting that muscle confusion by alternating between full and half squats
>making it
Pick one
I don't use f-a-m anyway, I'm not a nigger
Very cool lingo desu senpai
>Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Stop trolling me, you shitheads.
This is not funny, objectively
I posted on fyad
Author clearly wants to kill some horny nips
>kill some horny nips
This is my fetish.
the site encompasses ten thousand other interests than anime nowadays
this is also Veeky Forums, not /a/
Morning kek.
Only the bottom left text panel doesn't trigger me
>Because of the accidental cardio I came with more gains than I left with
>more gains than I left with
You mean less?
What manga is this from