>be me
>do jackshit the whole day, decide to go for a jog to not feel as bad
>getting ready
>get a text from oneitis
>can't decide if i want to talk to her (not often) or go running
the gods are giving me true hell
>be me
>do jackshit the whole day, decide to go for a jog to not feel as bad
>getting ready
>get a text from oneitis
>can't decide if i want to talk to her (not often) or go running
the gods are giving me true hell
Other urls found in this thread:
Do both, are you retarded? Or just bragging?
>texting while running
i'm not sure who is retarded here
>new semester
>finally feel like im growing into the person i want to be
>run, swim, lift, ruck, calisthenics, and be jazzcat
>start feeling confident as fuck
>somehow always end up talking to grills who are already in relationships
>theyre merlin and spilling the spaghetti but dont want to be a jodyfag
What do?
I feel like the profession I chose will lead me to be single for the next 10 years if not the rest of my life. I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing. But I had a dream last night where the girl I've got feelings for was cuddling with me, and it made me feel so comfortable and whole, and then I woke up.
>being this cuck
Is your career more important than happiness and being comfortable? Maybe im biased because im one of those free spirit faggots that don't care about money, but really think about it.
People don't really think about what makes them happy anymore, isn't that the most important thing in life that you can achieve?
Well, at this point am past the point of no return. 65k in debt already. I don't really care for money, but had I not gone this route I probably would have forever been in regret. I'm just trying to be the best version of myself that I can be, just never imagined I'd feel this lonely. It'll all be worth it in the end
is that profession medicine? if it is and you're in the USA, get out while you can.
Just stop running and send her a single text message you dingus
Is marriage alone what you measure your happiness by? Legit question, I feel like I would measure my own happiness and success by finding a happy medium between a decent career and a comfortable lifestyle but I'd rather not draw it from who I have a dedicated relationship with.
Not him, but former med fag here. Why do you say that?
GO running, and only afterwards text her
Don't make it seem like you're already always waiting for her texts
>be 25
>weigh 318 at 6'3 ,have lost 40 pounds so far
>just wasted 2,000$ to visit a girl and show off
>be madly in love with her
> shit ends , now fucking some other girl that I really don't give a fuck about...this girl is texting other guys and I don't even give a fuck since she doesn't matter to me , just wasting money with this girl doing bs so I don't feel alone.
>still depressed over the other girl , unsure on what to do....
>saved up 6-7 grand , now have like 800 to my name.
> I feel lost and no motivation to better myself at the moment besides working out , literally getting stupider n stupider by the day.
>the best I got going for me is a union job that pays 19.44 an hour, I still feel like a piece of shit... In a year hopefully make 34 an hour.
>post workout stil stimmed up
>play LoL
>22/1 jungle push 8 towers myself
Wtf am i supposed to do more
>spend money on girls
because it's a cuck profession. studying and working 60-80 hrs a week for the entirety of your 20s just so you can save ungrateful people and make upper middle class money. i bought into the meme but dropped out after 1 semester of med school because i quickly realized how fucking lame it was.
Lol I'm usually a Jew , which is how I saved up the money And the money on first one the 2g's wasn't Exactly wasted on her , for my gas , hotels and my food. I was out there for a week in hotels that were about 200 a night. Maybe I am a cuck....
>gf won't stop talking about marriage and how everyone is getting married
>tell me that a proposal in Paris would be amazing/romantic
>we fight cause I say it won't happen right now (going to Paris in december)
>relationship will probably end because of this
>fucked really bad my shoulder yesterday while benching
How's your shoulder hurt? Strained muscle? Inflamed ligament?
>get date
>"oh user I didn't forgot I'm seeing my family sunday but we can do this later in the week"
My autism just got kicked up a notch
>best muscle I have is my ass
>one of my friend's gf always comments on how good it is
>no gf to share it with
>tfw no gf
>be at work
>older woman jokingly pinches my butt everytime and says "OOOOOOH" loudly
That's one way of looking at it but there's certainly worse professions to pursue; hours are certainly a negative but if you genuinely enjoy the field it'll be worth it.
Also at the very worst you'll be at the upper end of 'upper middle class;' plenty of medical specialties bring home upper class money.
Not a med student btw, currently in my 3rd year of law school.
Cliche as fuck but focus on bettering yourself rather than cucking yourself throwing money at grills and they'll actually be interested in you.
What profession?
Why wouldn't you want to talk to her if she's your Oneitis?
>Hey I'm just about to go for a run, I'll text you after!
you guys overcomplicate too much stuff mang
Yes, I am a 1st year medical student in the US
Not really sure how it feels. When I lift my arm kinda hurts on my delt, other times near my rear delt or shoulder blade. And when I'mais just standing it feels it's being pulled down. It'se messing with my brain
Cause of the farm bro.
I've got the same prob 17/1/13 as Lee jungle A+
Rito is retarded they expect jungle to have the same amount of farm than solo laners
>have to decide between going for a run or texting with this girl
>decide to make a thread on a turkish spoon appreciation forum
Become a nurse practitioner, dude. Less hours, less school, less financial debt. No residency or internship period so as soon as you're done you're ready to work. No bullshit and you can do basically everything a doctor can.
True you'll make less, but it's still a 6 figure job and you'll be getting offers years before graduation because it's so in demand. Plus, programs are easy as piss to get into.
It's what I'm doing and love it.
Does anyone else feel that the more they improve themselves, the harder it is to find a woman you'd be happy with?
Before I changed my ways, my standards were pretty low, but now they're just plain unrealistic. The majority of women just aren't willing to put in the work I put into school, diet, exercise, work, and hobbies
Don't jack other dudes chicks.
1)girls who leave boyfriend A when a perceived better boyfriend B comes around are not trustworthy.
2)Karma will bite you in the ass
3)Single time will allow you for continuing personal growth
4)Kindness and Healthy attitudes towards relationship beget the same, and if you truly believe in positive relationships you will inevitably find someone who feels the same and is drawn to you because of it.
Confirmed neckbeard beta
Sexual harassment charges on that bitch!
>"Sorry can't talk goin for a run"
>Demonstrate value and Neglect emotionally in one move
>2/6 way done with DENNIS system
I was wondering why OP wouldn't do both but I realized he isn't mentally capable to do 2 things.
>"do jackshit the whole day"
You see? He is so retarded he didn't do anything all day because he had to focus on breathing.
I got that reference
Im try become an RN but i keep procrastinating
drop out while you can. i dropped out at the end of my first semester of med school in the US. it's not worth it.
i decided i dont want to do healthcare. im beginning a masters in accounting program next week. public accountants make good money. the hours are long but not nearly as long as medicine.
>have a Congress with other universities
>goes fine and was awesome, made friends
>can't go to the night party because I don't have a dress to wear and it was dress only
Sucks that I forgot to buy a dress and now feel like a social reject while everyone is having fun.
>Tfw they will remember me as the boring one and I really wanted to go
>i-i didn't s-spend it o-on her, i d-did it for m-me
neither of us are convinced. you really did cuck yourself out of 2g's friendo.
>25, 5'10, 84kg
>Have masters degree with nearly straight A's
>Good stable job and very successful at that.
>Have new car and my own place both in good shape.
>Working out for 7 years, currently oly/CF. Not roid big, but I look like I lift, get comments etc,
>Dress well, business casual, fitted shirts etc. while trying to "keep it young".
>Above average face, balding but idc, buzzcut fits fine with my 6mm full beard and its really easy to maintain
>My doctors think my "depression" is a joke, why the fuck would I be depressed, I have everything going for me seemingly.
>I'm fairly well adjusted, likened in the office and I have a couple of very close friends. (I don't have many "friends"-friends though, the upkeep drains me)
>But I just can't get past 1. dates, and hardly get that far.
I just want to fucking kill myself, I have a very good life, but what use is that if I can't find someone to come home to..
Worst part is, I can kind of conclude by now, with most other variables ruled out, that what's wrong is "me".
Thus: kissless virgin reporting in.. Not even desperate about the whole "sex" part anymore. I just want someone to love in my life, you know?
Not gonna make it, it seems...
you'll find her man
>last night
>get call from depressed friend
>offer to walk over to his house and go for a walk from him
>he's stoned as shit and smells like a bar
>go for walk anyway
>see teenagers doing their own thing
>friend thinks it's a good idea to yell at them to shut the fuck up
>words exchanged
>6 more roll up out of nowhere
>my face hurts
>oneitis wont text me back
>tfw no gf to play wow with
If you didnt tell her you were too busy to talk you fucked up.
this sounds like me in 4 years. might end it before then though.
Veeky Forums has done so much for me and yet it's destroyed me mentally
I'm finally aesthetic, strong, and confident, but the constant cheating and cuck threads everywhere have made me persistently paranoid about my wife and even though she's head over heels for me I find it impossible to ever really trust
I find your lack of a comma disconcerting
Fuck off m8.
Jazz masterace.
>implying youve ever been to a jazz club
>implying youve ever scored in a jazz club (easy as fu*ck if youre playing hat night)
Stay jelly bro
>people don't care anymore if they're happy
Except that is all they ever do now. Fuck trying to be happy, just achieve something, be productive and happiness will come on its own. Trying to be happy just to be happy is retarded
Thanks bro, this is exactly how i feel. I hold integrity to the highest. If a girl is going to leave their current relationship than it's only a mattet of time before im next.
>tfw no one to play WoW with
I'm not a grill but I'll play with you brah. Keep trying to get my friends to come back but they won't
Everybody finds it hard to trust
your wife is probably acting up her feelings towards you to make sure you don't cheat or leave her
Not saying that's it's bad or good but it's normal
>be 350lb loser at 19 years old
>no friends all throughout high school
>no friends in school
>eventually just kind of stop caring
>lose weight
>get down to 200lbs
>still fat as fuck
>entire body fucked up from literally never being this thin
>fucked up posture
>hips constantly fucked up
>horrible, horrible, horrible loose skin
>like, real bad
>joined the military to get away from a toxic family, currently in training
>everyone else is friends with each other
>they go out to eat after class
>I don't go because I gotta count calories
>they go out drinking or going to the movies
>I don't go because drinking is a gainz goblin
>they have social lives and do shit
>I stay in my room playing wow and shitposting on Veeky Forums
>recently talking to cousins, who were my only friends when I was still back home
>they're going out to concerts
>they're being social
>my 270lb cousin is pulling women, he's had 3 girlfriends at this point
>I'm a kissless virgin
What the fuck is wrong with me.
I thought it was going to get better.
But the more time goes on, the more I'm starting to think that I'm just going to be stuck as a jaded loner forever.
But hey. At least I can lift more weight than I could a month ago, right?
Hahaha. Sometimes I wish I would've just been man enough to fucking end my failure of a life back when I was pushing 400lbs.
I want to fucking die.
Im sorry to hear that dude...I know things can seem hard and I know this is cliche but try just taking baby steps to socializing.
Like start saying hi to people, and ask to go out to lunch, etc. It'll be hard at first, but it gets easier. You just have to do it everyday.
I watch this whenever Im feeling down: youtube.com
I see it like a cycle
Work on yourself - try to get qt3.14's. If no go, then go back to step one.
Work on youe physical, mental, and career aspects before, after, and during your pursuit of a nice qtpatootie.
>mfw imagining Veeky Forumsizen in a dress.
>I just want to fucking kill myself, I have a very good life, but what use is that if I can't find someone to come home to..
Are you me?
Socialize more bro, meet new people. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
>have lost similar amounts of weight
>spent so long being undesirable, just assume girls showing interest are 'being nice' or 'just drunk'
My problem isn't socializing. I'm not your standard Veeky Forums autist who can't have a conversation.
My problem is that I just plain don't like socializing. I hate people. I'm a jaded misanthrope who is so used to being an outcast, that it's become core to who I am. I can sit and dick around with people at work, I can make small talk with people if they start talking to me (which happens more often the thinner I get).
But at the end of the day, when I get out of work, I could give a fuck less about people. I've never fit in anywhere, so why bother. I'll go back to my room and play video games like I always have.
Embrace it. Find people with the same views.
go running then talk? tard
>be me
>do jackshit the whole day, decide to go hit a trail I've been wanting to hit with muh bike to not feel as bad
>getting ready
>oneitis doesnt text
>she never does
>she probably never thinks of me
i'm constantly swinging between uncontrollable happiness and soul crushing desperation.
will just probably put my neck on dem there train tracks soon tbqhwyfamalam
Go running and pray you get run over.
cuck them
just think about what you want, you and then go for it
stop overthinking
>talking to several qt girls, busy most weekends, good med school entrance score
>no longer talking to any girls
>weekends consist of going out one night, realising how much i hate it then staying in the next night
>got email saying my med application has been rejected
ffs would thoroughly like something to go my way, it's looking like it's the worst year on record and fuck me have i had some shitty years
thats just it. this shit seems to happen randomly. i literally cannot tell what makes me happy. the thing that makes me feel excited right now will make me contemplate suicide an hour later.
I just feel so sad and egoistic about it. So many have it worse, yet I dare complain just because I don't have a girl.
Its just such a central part of life. Never having had a real emotional connection to someone outside your family, it just eats on your soul.
As other anons often points out, its a prison. You can never pull the trigger as you know your surroundings will be left with a whole in their heart, wondering if they could spotted you being sad and helped.
If I off myself right now, I don't think anybody would understand if I don't leave a note.
>decide to finally give myself a day off with old friends after spending half a year studying and working
>get drunk, visit some festival, watch fireworks
>do not feel like I am having actuall fun, but it was not bad either
>go to friends home later
>get something to eat, talk about older times
>all this time there is this feeling like everything changed and I do not belong here anymore
>struggle to find some connection to the others, when it was so easy back then
>think whether it is me who changed so much, lost part of his humanity somewhere along the way
>walk home together with some girl I did not know yet
>a real qt3.14, really enjoyed her company
>lazily talked about several things, while roaming the streets at 5a.m.
>completely ban the thought of getting closer to a female, so I just talk about whatever without thinking much
>we part ways and I go on alone
>now feel kinda sad because I did not even ask for her name, just gave her a hug
>doubt whether the whole thing tonight was a good idea
>suddenly angry at myself for getting drunk again when I wanted to quit completely
>feel like I have enough anger in me now to fuel another few months of working my ass off
It is a never ending cycle by now. I fucking hate getting drunk with people who seem to misunderstand me at every point and watching them have fun, fucking each other, while knowing that I can never have that. But it is also the only thing that really fires me up to continue learning, training and working.
What really concerns me by now is whether it is a healthy, or atleast non-harmful approach to life. I feel like some masochist and ask myself whether this shit will break me at some point. I already notice that it is wearing me down, but what else can I do?
Sounds like you're a manic depressive, big highs followed by crashing lows.
Speak to your GP, you need medication or therapy to start making progress with it.
holy fuck the feels im feelin from this im so sorry for u user
>be me
>do jackshit the whole day, decide to go for a jog to not feel as bad
>getting ready
>actually go out to the nearby lake and start the jog
>see someone familiar in the distance coming my way
>I sperg out and just make a hard right to avoid the person behind some trees
>he walks by, try to calm down and continue jog
>after a few minutes again see someone I vaguely know coming towards me
>immediately jump into some lake cafe that's right next to me, go to the bathroom and wait a bit in the stalls telling myself "I needed to go to the bathroom anyway" while my heart pounds like crazy
>get out of the stalls, try to calm down again
>basically run back home through paths and alleyways where no one can see me
>get home and find comfort in front of my computer, trying to totally dismiss what happened in my mind
This process repeats every 3 or 4 months. I live in denial
she's cheating on you
companionship is a lie the truth behind everyone who you encounter on a day to day basis will fuck you over given the chance that they will gain from it honestly the only people you can trust is your family and sometimes even that's iffy
>be me yesterday
>playing vidya alone to purely kill time after a small workout
>ragequit the vidya and go for a nightwalk to some fresh air
>it's 11pm
>during my one (1) hour stroll came across only to a person on a bicycle and one couple
>that couple seemed so happy walking around and holding
>take a quick glance at them right before passing them
>they take a quick glance at me
>usually I get upset seeing happy couples as khv
>but seeing this couple I just ignore them
>glance up in the starry nightsky and get struck by a melancholic feel of loneliness
>sigh deeply out exhaling a visible cloud of water vapour in early autumn night
>walk the half a kilometer to home a lot slower than normally to think deeply about my current situation
I didn't ask for these feels during my walk.
I didn't ask for these feels reading this.
That is certainly true, but I did not try to trick myself into believing in friendship for a very long time now. All I wanted were some people I could share interessting moments with, something meaningful. But it is all really shallow and stupid. I would even be thankful if someone actually did fuck me over, if it was for a good reason, because that would be a meaningful interaction.
Right now it just feels like grinding in some MMO, it is an absolutely soul-draining, monotonous experience. But you can not live without it as a social animal.
Personally I believe that this phenomenon stems from the fact that there is no greater thing tying us together during those interaction. The interaction itself is as shallow as the motivation behind it. But we can not expect much more in a society where most people do not lack anything critical and being poor, stupid, weak is mostly relative.
Going through Med school applications too, in America. We don't hba e a limit of how many schools, so I applied 30+. We usually don't hear back until after labor day as well (this Monday).
Keep strong user, refine your application. Work on you score, volunteer more community and clinical hours and shadow a doctor.
you sound like a huge pussy
I also hate meeting people I know on the street, but if you can block out the fact that you have seen them, you can also block out the little encounter you might have.
Just nod, smile and run on. What can they do? Tackle you to the ground and force you to have a conversation?
Not that user, but I said "Sorry I'm in a hurry" when stopped so many times that it now became a running joke amongst my acquintances
we have a limit of 6. we have two entrance exams a year, one time a year to apply and only one preference can be given as an interview or placement. i literally have to wait an entire year to pay to apply again. all i can really do is increase my score but fuck me it's so fucking shit, my score was fucking good but not amazing.
just want one thing to go my way. good luck to you though.
I wasn't blessed
>Tfw 5'5''
>Tfw half ginger
>Tfw the whitest skin from anyone I know
>Tfw skin only burns, can never tan
>Tfw glasses
Atleast I can use contacts to get rid of glasses and can fix my curly hair with products. I don't really mind being 5'5'' either, I kinda like it desu.
The only thing that really bothers me is that I'll never look aesthetic because of how white I am and no matter how good my body looks, I will never be able to go outside shirtless because after like one hour in the sun I'll end up looking like a lobster.
>meet girl at uni event party
>everything goes well
>meet her again next day
>everything goes well again
>leave party with her (bus)
>she gets down at her stop (mine was a few stops later)
> didn't make a single move because im a massive autist
You using that word just says everything about you. You deserve what you get. Life is not a romantic comedy and you will never have her.
>second week of school
>already behind in some of my classes
>should be done with school by now, but Im so behind in my credits
>don't even like my major (accounting)
>working at a shit job (server)
>having financial problems
>all my friends are moving on with their lives and I'm here alone
>no gf ever
>still a virgin
>always falling in love with any girl that shows me attention
Just fucking kill me, senpai
I'm in a long distance relationship with a girl from Russia.
>be me
>love girl for over a year
>break up
>sad and depressed the whole time
>running dnp and cutting
>too depressed to workout
>finished dnp cycle and water weight drops
>new confidence
>go out and meet new girl
>get her number, etc
>find out she's a cam model
>ask her to be my new girlfriend anyway
>contemplating if I fucked up
>get gf
>she's 25 lbs overweight
>disgusting fucking slob that lives in squalor
>poor family
>doesnt have a car
>makes minimum wage
>dropped out of college but wants to go back
>too lazy to work more hours to afford car/college
why am i even with her? what did i do to deserve this?