>tfw I'm an annoying Snapchatter apparently
fucking normies reee
Tfw I'm an annoying Snapchatter apparently
snapchat is for the lowest common demonator human beins
P-Please don't tell me you use the same snap for your story and sending to people
wouldn't doubt that desu
I don't know what other people snap if my pics are annoying. Food? Le funny faces? Sitting next on the toilet? Baka desu senpai
wtf do you snap then
>please use proper etiquette on a fucking scum social media application
>not sending snaps to your bros
not sure why this is a big deal
Are you that guy who stares at his phone when hanging out and talking with friends?
Fuck you buddy
>current year
>not using it to get easy nudes
>owns a smartphone
>uses social media at all
>not a normie
just fucking random shit
when people send me shit it's putting their legs up for Harambe or lip-syncing Drake lyrics. Literally same cookie cutter shit
the worst ones are roasties that think they're being sexy lip syncing some slow rap song. look like fucking idiots
Although dick pics are nudes, id rather not get them
But hey, more for you right?
>I use social media
>no one ever replies to your snaps
You're right, I really should stop using it.
>tfw you cant get a real life girl to send you nudes on snapchat
snapchat is great, you take a
I lost my virginity to at 44 y.o. MILF that would send me nudes and masturbate to me without me asking. YMMV
Snapchat nudes? Fuckin pleb. Default texting application or bust. Unless your just under 16. Then you're just a Human lite(tm) by default and I'm not even mad. Enjoy your snapchat nudes you scrawny beta fuck
or stop forcing your shitty life on other people and record it for yourself what makes you feel so entitled that your day is so special you need to show people. how about fuck off
>not sending a daily dildo snapchat
It's like you want to be a social outcast
Do older people really use snapchat? I'm 19 , it's popular in college but I didn't expect people in their mid 20s using it. Seems like a gimmicky thing.
>hook up with chick
>it goes alright
>texting next day
>"what's your snapchat, user?"
>"I don't have one lol"
>"oh. okay."
>convo tapers off
>she ends up ghosting me by the end of the next week
This has happened twice now, is snapchat really necessary nowadays? I have no idea what I would even send people anyway
Do you really want to be around people who think you're not worth talking to if you don't use a certain app?
nice bro you lost your virginity to some nasty old ass lobster prune pussy well done my man
you might not want to be around them but you might still want to fuck them
Eh. Maybe it's just because I'm old, but over the years, the number of people I want to fuck despite not wanting to be around them has steadily decreased
26 here
every single person in my age group has snapchat.
People in their mid/late 20s definitely use it. I'm 23 and have been using it since it came out, same with most of my friends/extended friend group.
I don't have Instagram or Twitter, I like snapchat because it's more spontaneous and short term. It's fun.
27 here. I used it for a little bit, but never a whole lot and eventually deleted it
Used it mostly to trade nudes with sluts from the nearby university and military bases
just snapchat less u fucking autist
its not normies fault your fucking annoying
I'm so glad I live in a second world country and this shit won't become a thing here for the next 5 years or so.
So fucking narcissistic
>I can't adhere to proper snap etiquette like even 12 year olds can
>I'm going to proceed to call it a scum social media application to make it seem like it's the apps fault and not mine for spewing my trash everywhere like an autist
Real talk though: how often are people normally supposed to rely to your snapchats? If I were to send 5 to someone (not chronologically of course), they'd only reply to 1 of them.
>tfw no friends to snap with
>go to Kanye concert (by myself)
>everyone who's phone i could see was taking pictures and videos with snapchat almost the entire time
>or they'd view pictures and videos that their friends were taking of the same concert
how can i become a normie and get friends?
>tfw at work overhear coworkers going out for lunch together
>restaurants i've never heard of, google them and find out they are places which are better with a group
feels bad man
>snap etiquette
Stopped reading there. Explain to me "snap etiquette" and what that entails.
The people I snap aren't even really friends, which is probably why I don't get so many replies.
Those who reply most to me are 1) my brother, 2) a loser just like me who has no other friends, and 3) a bipolar chick craving attention from all possible angles. All others either just ignore me or reply to me intermittently.
>tfw never put up stories unless it's something funny
>people have told me they look forward to my stories because they're never up but when they are they're great
>get dozens of views in the first few minutes errytime
Same boat as you OP. I have a pretty annoying personality IRL too so it probably just manifests on social media as well. But how the fuck can you annoy people on a glorified messaging app? I don't send mass snaps or overload people with snaps. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. But people have mentioned by snaps in real life at least ten times now and they all say the same thing. But then I look at what other adjusted people snap and it's pretty much the same category of shit I post.
Why do I keep seeing this dreck?
What is with the uprising of these photographic tumors?
>tfw im snapchat famous on my freinds snapchat
>tfw everytime he snaps me im blitzed to the bone
>tfw all his freinds think im some kinda an alcohol party monster
>look up "annoying things people do on Snapchat"
>L I T E R A L L Y do not fit into a single one of those categories
>people still dont appreciate my snaps
google images
doggo emoji laughing
ok emoji.
20 here, I only use cuckbuck because its a must for college and life in general.
All these social media things are retarded.
Just avoid them you will have more time to focus on the real world.
Recently I quit facebook.
Would strongly recommend, I have not looked back once.
Why would I use something that I dont miss a bit when I don't use it.
Why wouls you want to spend your life looking at a screen showing you commercials?
how do you be funny?
nothing ever happens to me that's funny
And yet here we are
>Been in college for three years
>only got like 11 people on snapchat
>Rarely get any snaps
i can tell you're a virgin just by the short statement you wrote on a Nepalese trout fishing community image board
>snaps to individuals should be personal,inside jokes, not 'LOOK AT MY LIFE'
>humblebrag snaps go to your story along with anything that isn't awesome
>never send anyone a video of a fucking party, that shit barely belongs on your story
>selfies and testing out new filters are fun, just don't abuse it and piss people off
honestly, do whatever you want because at the end of the day everyone's boundaries are different and i don't know what your friends are like, but these rules are pretty much a given if you're not an autistic fuck, now i look autistic for having typed it out.
This is a social media platform?
Except. I don't do any of that shit, yet I can't even count on both hands how many people do that to me.
Do I complain about it though? Fuck no. I don't take personal offense when people send me their shit of lip-syncing to top-40 hits while testing out a filter.
Now tell me normality isn't socially accepted autism.
Snapchat is just another social media app that makes people so fucking narcissistic nowadays.
First it was facebook, with people posting all their status updates/photos. Not overwhelming, just a nice way to keep people updated with your life.
Then Instagram, where people think everyone wants to see selfies all the time. Annoying.
Then Twitter where people try to post every thing they think up in their life and let everyone know about it. Even worse
Now Snapchat, where you think you literally walking down the street is so important that you need to show everyone what you are seeing and doing at all hours of the day
Christ. it's going to be a really dangerous time in this country in 20-30 years when the fucking narcissists born between the late 80s and mid-2000s are running everthing
it's more of a social networking platform. Like, you post messages to people you know and they post messages back. It's all temporally constrained to that instant and nothing is permanent.
If there was one thing I wish Russian hackers would do, it would be to basically crash all social media apps. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat. Just destroy all of them. See how well the attention whore 16-30 year olds in society today react when they don't think their lives are so awesome and cool that everyone needs to know what they are doing at all times
>you post messages to people you know and they post messages back
Not if your me
i hope it dies out before getting popular,its really stu´pid
been popular since 2013 bro
not in my country bruh
>tfw 24 years old but haven't had friends since I was like 13
>had a facebook, but basically stopped bothering it after graduating high school in like 2010
>went through college using it intermittently when most normal people in college, facebook is essential
>have never participated in or followed snapchat, twitter, instagram to any extent, wouldn't even know how to use IG or snapchat when probably at least 95% of my age group uses them
kill me someone please
This, what a waste of time and energy
Do you not socialize with people regularly?
Leave Veeky Forums
Once you stop getting a majority of your social interactions through an anonymous message board and start socializing with people you actually know and learn how to deal with the consequences of that, both good and bad, you will become a happier and better person
This place definitely encourages a certain attitude and if you take it too seriously it's a real bummer
Siberia is not a country dumbb fuck
outside of some small talk before/after classes, and here I guess, no I dont
I used to post a lot on Snapchat, but feel like I got annoying posting me at parties all the time. Views went from 100 to about 80 for each story.
I stopped posting so much now since I don't want people to think I only party
hope I didn't make you feel bad user...
but yeah use snapchat
My mother is retiring later this year, and she's beyond obsessed with it. I went on an expensive vacation with her recently and she spent most of the time snapchatting about doing things instead of actually doing them.
What cunt?
People don't care about doing things only letting others know what they do
>if you don't use snapchat you don't socialize with people
is everyone on this board 18-20 years old? i mean i know everyone here is fucking girls nonstop but really?
I expected to be shit on you really didn't hurt my feelings lol
So how does it work? I wouldn't have anyone on there except whatever random chick I'm trying to bang, wouldn't that look weird?
It's not about not using it, but about not knowing about wide spread it is