Are you admiring, brother?
Are you admiring, brother?
where the fk is your tricep LOL
In my shirt my insertion is pretty high
Inb4 no triceps I ohp 2 plate strict
No triceps in this pose dyel boy
Bruh we can see the shirt is pretty much skin tight and I ain't seeing much tricep, oh mang u better go the gym and work them
Skintight? I dont wear that shit man this shirt is size L regular fit lmao
Being this new
Sure it is you pansy, in my country that's a medium
Looks like you've got quite a chubby face there mate. You should try cutting before you try to look good.
How do I get forarms like this senpai?
Are you wearing a fucking tard helmet?
I think my face is ok lol was just putting head and neck back in that pic to see my phonescreen good
No thats my motor helm
That's the gayest looking helmet I've ever seen
The leather club is two blocks down, faggot
Thanks bro
>leather helmet and goggles
Does it match your moped?
I like it, what brand is it?
Ye bro 210 cc 2stroke u like it?
0-100 kmh (0-60MPH) in 4,5 sec
Its a BEON w/ included facemask+goggle
Oly lifts and static holds
Also occasional manual chores
For fucks sake this has to be a copypasta
No what makes u think that
I bet ure into 1100cc kawasaki ninjas or 1500cc harleys
What's the point of this thread, OP?
I was wondering if you were admiring my current physical state
you only showed an arm. Biceps and tris are average, thick wrist is pretty good. what do u do for forearms
Judging on your feet's toes and one bicep?
Would love to be pushed down and abused/10, liking the veins
Im an oly lifter so do deads and cleans everyday pretty much
Snatch diddy also
I sincerely hope youre a girl
Nah, but we can pretend that I am
Why would a person want to be pushed down and abused on purpose I can not comprehend senpai
Because I want to feel raw power pushing down my weak fragile body, obviously. It's hot.
But there is a possibility that I might hurt you in the proces doing so that is not of my intention friend :-^)
But I want you to dumbass :^)
>using your thigh to accentuate the forearm
kek that's one ugly ass femboi hunni
Fite me boy-o
I wouldnt want to damage a transgender they are damaged enough alreaddy
Not transgender though, HRT are for degenerates :^)
I don't have to, femboi death will, soon enough.
Can I ask u something
what makes a man go gay? Why would you choose to dress or act like a women when our ancestor fighted to death like warrior to protect whatever land youre living in
Someone needs to take care of the needs of the warriors, ya' know?
Yes, a woman does
A man is not a woman
Sometimes I wonder if injecting 500mg test-e into a homo for a year or 2 will change his behaviour and turn him straight
What makes a man go straight?
How does history affect your sexual orientation?
Do you think about the Balkan Wars or the Napoleonic Wars before choosing which vajew to bang for the night?
I'm curious, please respond.
You don't think about the Napoleonic Wars before sticking your dick in a hole?
>what makes a man go straight
The law of nature and also the law of only the strong survive
I was talking about our ancestors because that was a prime example.. They were fighting for our freedom like true men and homos this age dress up and act like queers like its normal
Nah, that wouldn't work under any circumstances m8
Why not? You should try im sure it will cure you
>appeal to nature
Homosexuality observed in over 500 species.
Try again.
>the law of only the strong survive
Faggots still exist after all these hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.
>They were fighting for our freedom like true men
We are your doctors, your engineers, your soldiers, your teachers.
Just because you CHOOSE to only notice the ones that like wearing pink g-strings in Miami doesn't mean that's the only type of faggot that exists.
>true men
I could argue that manlet fuccbois like OP aren't true men either, but i won't.
Don't go on test. Stay a sissy bitch like you were born to be. Ild ravage you if that's you.
>>appeal to nature
>Homosexuality observed in over 500 species.
>Try again.
holy shit is this irony? did you just use appeal to nature to combat appeal to nature? are you fucking retarded?
I don't wanna be cured
Bitch better know that I won't stop being a sissy little whore, and it's indeed me
Admiring? No. Feeling pity for a DYEL faggot? Yes.
I'm not trying to argue homosexuality is normal because it's observed in nature though.
>Why would you choose to dress or act like a women when our ancestor fighted to death like warrior to protect whatever land youre living in
being gay != wanting to be a woman
lol, the homos on Veeky Forums hate femininity
Really don't have that much more
There's not much of a point pointing out the differences between sexual orientation and gender identity when someone unironically believes his cock's whims are dictated by his ancestors' fights.
They expect one of us in the plane
>gets BTFO on every front
>clings onto something he vaguely knows how to retort on and does so
>gets BTFO yet again
This is now a cringe thread