Is there any part of it that isn't pure wank Veeky Forums?
Is there any part of it that isn't pure wank Veeky Forums?
I think that the stuff outside of Europe is fucked (especially Asia) but the in-Europe stuff seems mostly plausible, even Commie Britain, in the right circumstances
the second american civil war makes zero sense
Yeah. Realistically, the worst that'd happen is a shit ton of civil unrest and maybe impeachment. The only scenario where I could imagine an actual civil war happening is if MacArthur enacts his coup on Long once Long's minutemen start attacking strikers. Even then, it'd be less like the threeway civil war bullshit in the game and more like governors refusing to acknowledge MacArthur as president
No, but is fun as fuck and so are the memes revolving around it
I think the ACW and the whole clusterfuck that is south america are there to make up for the fact that there are 2 giant continents doing absolutely nothing in the base game.
No and its not supposed to be anything but wank.
fun > realism
the only plausible scenerio that makes sense is reed getting elected then macarthur overthrowing him starting the war
memes aside i dont think long really belongs in the game
Ironically, you might this is a Germanwank but it's actually the opposite. Germany is piss poor and always gets steamrolled by the syndicalists. It's a commie wank that uses fake names to avoid looking like a commie wank.
Just look at America if you want evidence of this. The options in the Civil War are
>Dumb racist pseudo-fascist hick southerners with no navy, industry, etc. led by a corrupt retard that lose 99 times out of 100
>Super duper amazing Combined Syndicates led by a humble journalist that controls all the industrial areas of the country and all the most populous areas and all the major rail hubs and starts within throwing distance of Washington
>The actual US government which inexplicably collapses overnight and controls almost fucking nothing except a little strip which is easy food for the CSA as well as the Rockies which are basically just barren wasteland, oh and did I mention half the time it abandons democracy for a military junta led by McArthur?
>Meme Pacific state led by literally who that only exists so the territory isn't part of the original US government so they're guaranteed to lose (usually doesn't even join the war)
Half the time Austria-Hungary goes socialist, Britain and France are hard locked to be socialist, Spain usually ends up socialist thanks to volunteers. Even fucking Japan can turn socialist, I shit you not. The only major country that reliably doesn't is Russia, probably because they wanted to avoid the USSR appearing since that's OTL. That's another problem with this timeline, they deliberately avoid ANYTHING that's historical for the sake of novelty instead of acknowledging that sometimes making certain things semi-historical just makes more sense.
its not the developers fault you suck at playing Germany.
Can't you avoid the American civil war though? I thought going either Reed or Long lead to the civil war?
Dude, what are you talking about? Germany and the Austrian Crownlands plus Russia and maybe the Ottomans can win easy.
Yeah I'm fine with the Russian Empire existing over the Soviets because it's all alternate timeline stuff but why is all there shit in Central Asia and the Caucasus free, wouldn't they just conquer that shit again like the USSR did when it wriggled free. Maybe I just didn't read a lore event and it is explained but I thought that was weird.
I didn't mean as a player, I meant AI. Any player can beat any AI with any country in HoI4.
the Russian monarchy still had a lot of instability from various forces even though they were kept in power, only in game can they start to get their shit together or get overthrown by the Bolsheviks for real this time.
Well there's your problem
fucking retard. try playing an actually good game like DH
Only the Garner path avoids the civil war
Not Garner; Curtis compromises between Reed and the government while assasinating Long, preventing Long from sperging out and causing a civil war.
>only way to avert the civil war is to give in to the socialists
But the Carlists get the most volunteers
>give in
found the Hueyposter
The continental situation of Mitteleuropea is one that has been comprised in the name of gameplay.
It is nonsensical that Imperial Germany would march its military all of the way to Moscow to intervene in a socialist revolution there, yet would not immediately march on Paris after it fell to socialism.
Realistically Imperial Germany would be the undisputed master of all of continental Europe.
Had the UoB been able to retain pretty much all of the royal navy, then it is believable that they would have been able to limp into the late 30s; But even then, the UoB would be history as soon as the Kaiserliche Marine over took the UoB navy in both modernity and simple tonnage.
A more realistic version of Kaiserreich would not see Imperial Germany gearing up to crush the French socialists in another weltkrieg.
But instead would involve the Kaiserreich dealing with a number of smaller political, economic, military and even religious spot-fires that combined threaten its position as effective world hegemon (ala post-WW2 America).
They feared the Syndicalist Warrior but not the Bolsheviks obviously
Whaddya mean I'm not the second incarnation of Genghis Khan?
Weren't the Germans bound by a truce though?
It's alternative history, any sort of possibilities could have happened if Germany won the first world war
>implying a treaty has ever stopped the eternal Kraut
It exists to prevent the US from being too powerful (and to add flair), I agree it's not very realistic
I was just about to ask which version of KR are you playing but it all makes sense now.
Commies are at best 50/50 in Europe in DH (France loses if war drags on for more than a year because of a huge manpower issues) unless Soviet union happens. A-H collapses all the time but never goes socialist (i'm not even sure that's the path), Japan never goes socialist.
Feds almost always win ACW.
Yeah, 4 is completely different. Feds have zero chance to win ACW2, it's pretty much railroaded because their little strip of land always gets eaten and the American west is trash land. CSA gets volunteers from syndies, Union gets volunteers from Germany, and the Feds get volunteers from... Uh, Egypt, maybe? Lol.
A-H regularly goes "democratic socialist" and forms the faction "2 1/2 Internationale" (i'm serious), but rarely you'll see them go liberal or conservative. They have a chance of collapsing but it's actually not very common.
>what is the Allied intervention in the Russian civil war
As soon as gommies are involved all bets are off
An intervention on the side of white forces to keep commies from peacing out of WW1.
Post-WW1 there's no strong motivation like that.
The modders tried making it more historical, and its fanbase went nuts because they liked it being unhistorical wankfest
They might as well add in the option to have cyborg Stalin at this point desu.
Its a fucking cancer and travesty that it's popular.
Germany usually won in DH, only in HoIIV does it ever lose 90% of the time. NIce showing which version you played :^)
Also it has more wank then just that, triad opium lords taking control of China, and p much every bizarre scenario thing you can do are all just some dumb way to stroke your cock.
>They might as well add in the option to have cyborg Stalin at this point desu.
That would honestly be better than some of the stuff we have in the game right now
The real question is why can't you compromise with Long and kill Reed?
I played as the Feds in DH and got volunteers from Canada and Russia.
Though what saved my ass the most was the Pacific States letting me annex them for some reason after we signed a truce and all their divisions going under my control.
Tbh the devs have a weird fetish for three way civil wars
>Spanish civil war
>Russia if the Soviets and Siberia break off
>South Africa
I wonder if it's connected to their sexual preferences somehow
HoIIV makes me want to fucking kill myself, that UI is just fucked
Consider the following: it's a mod for a video game.
>Russia having second civil war with bolsheviks after winning first civil war with bolsheviks 15 years ago...
>White Army wouldn't just purge entire bolshevik party, it's sympathizers and purge all communists...
I absolutely understand Russian Hitler to rise up and even having a civil war over it.
But it seems like Kaiserreich team has too much communist/syndicalist fetish.
In general it has too much of simultaneous stuff happening in 1936, with UK, France, US, Russia, Spain and Austria having major internal congresses/whatever, but of course that's to make early game choices possible.
>The Great War lasting to 1920's.
>Britain falling to communism
>Exiled Britain and France remaining relevant after losing their mainland and still continuing to manage their colonies without it falling into ethnic revolutions
I would have understood if Britain remained unified and managed to support exiled France, but both at the same time just on Canada and Australia????
>French and British Government in exile hold on their colonies and surviving to 1930's
Argentina conquering paraguay and uruguay is ultra wankery.
>>Exiled Britain and France remaining relevant
They aren't though. Entente is a joke.
It's just Canada with dated British fleet. India is a shitfest, NatFrance got nothing and Australia barely even aligns itself with it.
>Britain falling to communism
I mean, it's not too far off. The UK had a pretty big wave of worker/communism movements before and after WW1 in reality.
They had a truce with the legitimate French government, not the syndicalist one.
Beyond a setting contrivance, there is no reason for why Germany would not immediately intervene and crush the revolution.
Realistically, a victorious Imperial Germany would not allow the land beyond its western border to be the heartland of revolutionary socialism; Even if a truce did exist, it would be ignored.
In the latest release of the DH version, the syndicalists win ~80% of the time.
While Germany did typically win in most of the older versions, that has since been tweaked to ensure that the socialists have the advantage.
Kaiserreich is basically XIX century part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Yep. Thats why i modded the game and put USA as leader of the Entente.
And making Carlist Spain to took their lost empire.
> ywn see HoI and Vic games merged together as a single game in your life
Hold on for Victoria III, dude :)
Its good actually, the way the countries fought during XIX century and XX century are realy diffrent, the way countries were handled in peace thrieaties was diffrent, while DH focus on war and strategies, Vic2 is about politics economies and colonization(or defending against colonization), and beeing supplied to actually go to war.
They are completly diffrent games in mechanics that realy couldnt be merged into one.
Now converters from Vic2 to Dh on the other hand...
There's some justification for this. In our timeline, World War I marked the end of the major European monarchies and paved the way for fascism and communism, both of which eventually gave way to liberalism. With a German/Austrian victory in World War I, old-school autocracy lasts somewhat longer.
It is first and foremost a mod for a game, it was designed for multiplayer games so the various factions are artificially balanced in various ways, and are given event chains allowing them to more or less choose which of the three alliances to side with, this of course leads to many implausible scenarios. Aside from these issues of balance, and the inherent implausibility of all alt-hist, the mod is extremely well researched and uses real world data for things like officers, research teams, politicians etc etc, and the deviations from history are discussed at length to make them as plausible as possible, given the pre-determined desired outcome.
Germany getting everybody else's colonial posessions + a huge chunk of China makes no sense at all
I think the getting everyone else's possessions makes sense, it's very easy to march in and snatch up a port or two if the home country is having a revolution, but I think the China was explained in lore.
No, but what do you expect? Alt-history is always wank
They've taken steps to make the Chinese situation more plausible
They don't though. Most of the french and half of the anglo colonies stay with the entene.Germany takes the colonies in two stages- some french in 1919 and the anglo ones in africa and indochina when the home island collapses in 1926.
As for China, the don't own the AOG, it's officially Qing territory under corporate jurisdiction.
>Victoria III
It'll probably be an android game if the casualization continues.