I found these old coins looking through some stuff my dad passed down to me.
No idea what they're from or what they're worth it anything.
Anyone here have any ideas?
Old coins
Could be something real user, if they are not fakes, this are real antique silver coins worth a lot. normally you see only trash and trinkets in this threads on Veeky Forums, but this could be the real deal.
is are real?
can you make like better pics, details of every single coin, front and back, in a quality where you can read the the inscriptions?
to early to tell,
a) identify them
b) check if if they got signs of being modern fakes
for that one needs pictures.
P.S., big one could be a Spanish colonial silver cob, if real that alone is several hundred $.
Here are the backs
Phone camera wont give me any better quality
I know the one on the end is Greek (according to a coin website) so i kept these 3 in
You got me wrong mate. make a pic of every single coin as detailed as you can get it. from the front and the back. pics where you cant read the inscriptions don't help. oh and include the "Greek" one.
left is a coin from the age of Crusades, from Tripoli, likely Bohemond VII, late 13th century. also, exact weight and diameter would help with identification.
Fuck file size limit
Cant figure that stuff out, no tools around
very curious about this one
its the largest of the 4
and the back of the last one
Take them to a pawn shop as though you're looking to sell them. They'll tell you if they're silver for free.
You are dumber than a sack of potatoes, being silver is not what makes them valuable. Age, rarity and if they are genuine makes them x times more valuable then the crude silver value. None of those things you'll get from a pawn shop.
This looks like the drachma of Alexander the Great with the Faun horns, issued after his death. These coins seem fake to me desu. I am no expert, but they’re so oddly compressed despite the portraits being very well preserved. These would fetch thousands of dollars each easily.
The point is that if they're cheap tourist souvenir replicas, they probably aren't made of silver.
Ptolemaic coin
I'll bite your cock off. The point of finding out if they're silver or not is to determine if they're fakes, because fakes wouldn't be made out of silver.
OP here
Any way to tell if they are authentic?
These kinda look fake tbqh
they all have thin edges which can form from pressing but dont usually survive in 2k year old coins. Also, the last ones sorta look cast anyway, the way the face comes out of the rest of the metal on the Ptolemaic coin doesn't look right and the texture of the metal on
doesn't look right, looks like a cast sorta texture, also looks like fake patina
I'm inclined to go with this, the Spanish cob looks really supsicious, like too crude to be real. The edges of the other coins look fishy to, that and being rare and valuable and well known specimens cries fake.
Why don't you take them to a numismatic shop and have them checked by an expert?
thing is, a good counterfeiter will use $3 worth of silver to fake a $3000 coin. also, you can buy an acid test for precious metals cheap enough.
>because fakes wouldn't be made out of silver.
Son, I saw fakes made of 22 carat solid gold. No brainer when the collective value is roughly a thousand times higher then precious metal value.
They'll call a buddy in
I'm not your son, and if I was, I would commit suicide.
Not as old as yours OP but
Gifted to me by my serve uncle from Belgrade
Ask around. Auction houses, museums.